Ancient technology, but not so different from modern capsule hotels 😅

  • @spittingimage
    409 months ago

    Warmth and privacy don’t seem like strange reasons to me.

      • @SuckMyWang
        39 months ago

        Cheap rent, getting to die and a free coffin. Where do I sign up?

    • @spittingimage
      89 months ago

      I wonder how bad it got if dinner included cabbage.

      • @[email protected]
        59 months ago

        During the Little Ice Age, cabbage and kale were among the plants that kept farming from collapse (they don’t fail like the ordinary crops when snow arrives in summer)…

        …so dinner almost certainly did include something of the sort. :)

  • @[email protected]
    59 months ago

    Yeah I mean canopy beds do the same thing but fancy and expensive. Turns out shit gets cold if you live in the arse end of the world in a drafty room.

    Fun fact, many medieval people, particularly early on and in northern Europe/British isles etc, had their animals sleep in the same building. Body heat, plus who can be fucked building a barn.

    Imagine waking up in the night choking on a cow fart in your little box! Many things to like about the medieval period and people but I’ll skip that one!

    • @Madison420
      29 months ago

      Byre homes, but the fire is in the bottom room and you live on top. They don’t smell great but with a fire going the draft sucks more than you’d think up and out the stack.

      • @[email protected]
        29 months ago

        I was thinking of early middle ages British ones which were one story generally iirc. Looks like improvements were made elsewhere in the world.

        Still wouldn’t be keen, don’t get me wrong I used to do farm work and volunteer at an animal sanctuary when health allows. I don’t mind shovelling shit or what not but a big part of it being tolerable is the shower and clean room at the end! A wash in my basin in my musty house would be a nope. I’ll bunk with the dogs if we have to share, they’re a bit cleaner generally.