• @corroded
    868 months ago

    This person’s understanding of the law seems to be roughly at the same level as their understanding of how to use the English language.

  • @edgemaster72
    708 months ago

    “No record of these proceedings at all.”

    “I recorded the hearing just in case!”


  • SuperDuper
    8 months ago

    This is satire, right? The graduation caps juxtaposed with the poster’s tenous grasp of the English language, plus the whole “there’s no record of the hearing, I recorded the hearing” bit are just a little too blatantly idiotic for me to accept at face value.

    • @rtxn
      8 months ago

      Watch some videos of sovereign citizens interacting with police or the court system, then you’ll realize that this is positively mild behaviour. They always think they understand the law better than every single lawyer. They’re always wrong.

      • @[email protected]
        98 months ago

        They are as nutty as flat earthers. But the consequences are sometimes more entertaining to watch.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        Edit: At least have the guts to also respond rather then just downvoting a confession.

        Confession Bear: i have long fantasized about becoming a sovereign citizen, and Edit: here is my story i guess.

        I honestly would love to hear someone input on this. Mind thou i dont plan on ever actually doing this, i have a family i wont risk their livelihood even if i dont care about my own.

        In my everyday life i am a law abiding citizen automatically. I dont need a hunderd year old writting to tell me hurting and endangering others is bad. I do believe most laws are written in good spirit and if layed out one by one i would largely agree in “this makes sense” and “duh” kind of way.

        But when i try to look deeper. I cant help to notice huge issues, bias, outdated science, historical corruptions.

        I consider that maybe i am to autistic to see the logic behind some parts but i am not insane, i am capable of logic and i often really cant see it. Then i witness how those parts are held high as absolute truths.

        I often compare the metaphorical lawbook with the bible. Some good ideas mixed with old human stupidity, something we should study academically and explore philosophically, fundamentally flawed as a guide in context of the reality we live in.

        Apparently one if the first things in the lawbook where live is that every citizens are presumed to know the entire body of laws by hearth.

        I am like (this is long format, written as inner dialogue in a funny voice speaking to a metaphorical judge): Mate, i didnt know this was a thing before i was already adult. Do you mean to say if i say a page number yall are capable to tell me recite it in perfectly? I fully admit i have no idea whats in it, i dont see how I could contain so many words in my memmory and school definitely didnt tell me i was supposed to read sections every night.

        With no ill will on my part i am automatically at odds with the damn documents.

        The section i have read are written often use such uncommon sentences and vocabulary it can be Understood multidude of different ways and as fad as I understand perspective, letter and intend of law all have their own effect on how it gets applied.

        My perspective is that a document so chaotic, unmanageable and confusing can not reasonably be uphold as having any consistent meaning or truth at all if you come from a place of pure logical reasoning.

        I definitely dont hold the answer but i know i cause no harm to anyone and have no habit of reckless Behavior. I have a official occupation that i like doing, i presumably pay taxes, thank god those are automatic here.

        I feel like i have a basic right to shelter, food and healthcare and love. And I observe that i do have shelter, food, healthcare and love.

        But i also feel thosd rights are threatened, especially how much things depend on employment, i am Fortunate to enjoy it and be capable but i am also under significant stress and have been most of my life. On a “completely unrelated sidenote” Cannabis is still not a legal aid for autism where i live.

        I would rather be proven wrong, then take a plea deal. To be able make a difference here is bigger then my whole life.

        • Xepher
          128 months ago

          My dude. The people who enforce the laws you’re talking about don’t give a good god damn if you understand them or not.

          And just because something is law doesn’t make it moral. You can agree with it or disagree with it on any point you want, but as long as it is a law, it applies to everyone. Doesn’t matter if they agree with it, understand it, or accept it. None of those things are required to enforce a law.

          • @[email protected]
            8 months ago

            Thats fully in line with my expectation. Its just not something i can begin to consider. I am unable not to resist when facing pointless harm. Not for a second do i believe there is something i could win or gain but thats not something i care about. My stance in a court would be written down on an official paper and archived for the future, thats plenty.

            Like i said i really would rather be proven fully wrong than to get off easy. Where i live its common for people with no criminal record to get a not so bad punishment deal. But accepting would be admitting wrong doing where there wasn’t any and i was raised not to tell lies. (Note: if i do make a Real mistake and understand it then i fully accept consequences)

            The law, at least where i live locally still acts like the intended goal is re-integration and learning from mistakes.

            I am willing to sacrifice my own freedom just to challenge that idea. I’d be very upfront that i am incapable of performing behaviours i cant logicaly understand. And yes that is purely because of autism but that does not invalidate my perfectly peaceful, productive and socially-helpfull lifestyle.

            Of course like i said i wont risk my family, it would also take an act of wrong place/wrong time to end up in this situation as my natural independent behavior has yet to cause police to stop me. Therefor all of this will hopefully remain hypothetical. I am stuck to my moral backbond but i don’t have a saviors complex. I am not gonna take extra risks and wont try to doge taxes like i assume most sovereign citizens are about.

            I know i sound naive, for a large part am naive but not so much that i am not fully aware of my own naivity. It doesnt matter because to me the status qo was never an acceptable option.

            The law is specific about where and how corpse can be burrier but i will die on my own hill and ask my family to burry me on it regardless.

  • @Tenthrow
    388 months ago

    And then everybody clapped.

  • All of the posts in insanepeoplefacebook are from the Friends in Law group. Not that I’m complainig; they’re all hillarious. But anyone doubting the veracity of the posts: that entire group consists of mentally and educationally challenged people. Too much sniffing glue as children.

  • Lemminary
    118 months ago

    No record of these proceedings

    Sure, Jan lol

  • @son_named_bort
    28 months ago

    I’m surprised he didn’t mention anything about a gold fringe flag.