• @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
      118 months ago

      They’re endlessly amusing aren’t they? I’m never not amazed by what they come up with.

  • @andrewth09
    368 months ago

    Yeah, it’s called foreign aid.

  • @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    I’m not convinced that most of those aren’t just trolls/satire.

    Edit: To be clear, I know there are real people who believe this stuff. I’m saying there are a lot of people who infiltrate these groups for the lolz. It makes it hard to differentiate.

    • @carl_dungeon
      478 months ago

      At one time I would have agreed with you, but 400 YouTube videos of sovcits getting slammed into concrete, yanked out of cars, and dragged away in cuffs has made me realize that the algorithms used to promote content on social media puts these people in an echo chamber so complete that they think they’re really onto something and have become completely detached from anyone and anything that isn’t another sovcit shill.

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
      38 months ago

      The groups have thousands of members. I am sure some are just there for the laughs like me, but most are pretty serious.

    • @TexasDrunk
      28 months ago

      Many years ago and many miles away I held the same belief. I even engaged because it was funny and thought anyone who didn’t get that we were just messing around was dumb.

      I was proven wrong time and time again.

      I’m not saying this to get you to believe. You’ll either find out in your own time or these particular whackos will be replaced by a different set that a lot of us will think are just satire.

    • @BassTurd
      88 months ago

      Unless they qualify because they refuse to work because sovciv. If they are working and still qualify, then yea.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        Unless they qualify because they refuse to work

        No, not wanting a job is very understandable and anyway you can’t qualify unless you’re living on your own supporting yourself somehow.

        • @FutileRecipe
          8 months ago

          Unless they qualify because they refuse to work…No, not wanting a job is very understandable.

          Yes, it is understandable. Not many people actually want a job. As long as they don’t act on that and are actively working (or trying to work), regardless of if they want a job or not, and don’t expect a handout from those who do work, simply because they understandably don’t want a job. Otherwise, that’s called being a leech and a drain on society and those who do work.

          Edit: or do you think everyone should quit their job they don’t want and get free handouts? How do you expect society to function if no one works, because no one wants a job? For that matter, who’s going to give you that handout if the person filing and validating it quits as well? Hmm…

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      You forget that America* (an assumption on my part of this sovcit’s location) is a meritocracy and everyone deserves to be in the exact economic state they are in.

      Not like those conmie hell holes with social welfare.

      *It’s not just the USA, my country spends half its time punching down on the less fortunate too.

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        Yeah like the kids sent to the mines, they got what they deserved, and hopefully theyll stay there on their own merits.

    • BuckFigotstheThird
      8 months ago

      There are 21 states where you can work full time and still qualify for 100% SNAP benefits. Every state has able-bodied work requirements in order to receive assistance beyond 3 months, within a 3 year time frame. Get off your uninformed high-horse I’m a moron