• Ephera
    568 months ago

    Yeah, I’ve given up trying to know all the libraries in my projects. I feel like the added development speed and code quality is just so good that not taking the risk of a supply chain attack is basically not an option.

    I do try to primarily use libraries from the Rust team or from more widely known devs (and hope that they also do that), but most projects worth doing will need one or two specialty libraries where all bets and bus factors are off…

    • @[email protected]
      -188 months ago

      You think your code is higher quality with more dependencies? All you’re doing is offloading complexity to a separate project.

      If you make a program that does “something worth doing”, but you need some specialty library to actually do it (which you didn’t implement yourself), than sorry, but it wasn’t you who did it.

      • Ephera
        228 months ago

        Yes, offloading complexity to a separate project which has already invested more time into code quality than I could possibly justify.

        As for your second point, I don’t care who solved the problem. If you care, I hope you’re smelting your own sand to build your own CPU and assembly language. But I’m obviously also not solving the exact same problem as the library already solved.

        Why are you looking for conflict?

        • @[email protected]
          78 months ago

          If you want to build something from scratch, you first have to invent the universe :) (paraphrased from Carl Sagan)

        • @[email protected]
          58 months ago

          My problem was with the first line of your comment:

          Yeah, I’ve given up trying to know all the libraries in my projects.

          This leads me to assume that you don’t actually know that those dependencies are as well maintained as you claim.

          Obviously dependencies are important and make sense to use in many cases, but using trivial dependencies to speed up development isn’t good.

          As for your second point, I don’t care who solved the problem. If you care, I hope you’re smelting your own sand to build your own CPU and assembly language. But I’m obviously also not solving the exact same problem as the library already solved.

          I was just saying it isn’t you who solved the problem in that case, really, as the hard work was done for you. Honestly though, it was pointless and rude so I apologise.

          • Ephera
            38 months ago

            Apology taken.

            This leads me to assume that you don’t actually know that those dependencies are as well maintained as you claim.

            Well, I can’t guarantee that none of them are buggy, unmaintained etc… But that’s why I prefixed that sentence with “I feel”.
            On average, it seems to me like the code quality is a good bit higher than I’m able to produce under money/time constraints.

            In particular, even the worst libraries tend to be not as bad as they may be in many other languages, because Rust’s strict type system + compiler enforces quite a bit of correctness on its own.
            Well, and the good libraries are just obsessed with correctness and performance, so they drag code quality upwards, even if they introduce a mild risk of a transitive dependency being a dud…

      • @[email protected]
        78 months ago

        This assumes that I could implement something as well as the maintainers of the library I use. I agree that something trivially should be implemented on your own, but if there is special knowledge required (the obvious example is cryptography, but also something like HTTP requests) I rather rely on a widely used library than my own code that I now have to maintain and check for security issues instead of just updating the dependency version whenever a CVE is published.

        Also if there is. A client by an API provider for my language, why shouldn’t I use it instead of rolling my own?

        Another example is a framework like React or Angular or Svelte, which brings along a whole lot of dependencies. Sure, I could not use something like that and write everything from scratch.

        But where is the value of all that code to customers? If I want to roll my own HTTP server up from the sockets, I can do that as a play project. But not using libraries for a real world project to solve business needs is a bit of an odd take.

        Anyways, that’s enough of a rant. Have fun in the replies. 😎

        • @[email protected]
          58 months ago

          Oh, I forgot one thing:

          sorry, but it wasn’t you who did it.

          This sounds like you want to prove something. That you can do it better than the maintainers of the library. That you can solve hard problems on your own instead of relying on other people.

          That’s all great and sometimes it’s good to do hard things on your own and make sure you could do it just in case. But it’s not always necessary to do everything yourself and learn every lesson yourself. It’s a valid way to build on knowledge and work of others to achieve your goals.

          • folkrav
            18 months ago

            Holy shit this. I’ve observed a lot of competent devs go through that phase, trying to be clever and come up with what inevitably ends up being pale imitations of existing established solutions. Yes, we do avoid pulling in dependencies when we can avoid it, but this reeks of “Real Programmers Don’t Use Pascal”, without the tongue in cheek tone lol

  • DacoTaco
    8 months ago

    Welcome to modern framework development!

    • C# has nuget
    • any nodejs based framework ( react, vue, angular, … ) (npm)
    • python …

    All of the above are chuckful of dependecies upon dependencies, and webdev stacks are the worst of them. They make it VERY hard to make software that requires any security related certification because of the dependency hell…
    I swear to god, all those frameworks are designed so badly when looking at dependency hell …

    … Yet i will write c and c# code everyday haha

    • CarrotsHaveEars
      68 months ago

      Who can we blame though? If we need something simple as sed, yes, go ahead and have a great security scan report. Web development has a complexity to make a dog puke so naturally you can’t practically write every line of code by yourself. The choices are either trust those package maintainers will maintain their software regularly, or build no web application.

      • DacoTaco
        18 months ago

        I mean, to some degree i believe you are right. I myself manage a .net library to parse barcodes. However, webdev has layers upon layers upon layers of dependencies. The advantage is that even my cat could make a website. The downside is it will be horribly inefficient because of those layers of dependencies. 90% of what they bring is stuff you dont need and are in the way. Or you use, but because youre going through all those layers, its fucking slow.

        This applies to desktop dev too, but less hard than webdev. Most of the webdev development i just question why something was created and most of the time i can only conclude its because of some hack job and something missing. So they take a huge library and use only part of it for something. Its just… Eug

        I am i developer/lead that likes to make things as small and efficient as possible and that just makes me die a little inside every time :p

  • @rockSlayer
    358 months ago

    Ez, feature bloat the project so all those dependancies are actively used

  • @RustyNova
    358 months ago

    At least there’s tree shaking. Not everything is getting in the final build

  • @[email protected]
    258 months ago

    Fuck that. It’s awesome! I want to have lazy initialized globals. It’s that package. I want code to shorten my builder pattern I import that. I need a typed concurrent work steel queue. No problem.

    I look at a c project. Everywhere custom macros to do the most basic shit. I want to parse an xml in c? Better use a sax Parser and put all the data into globals. Cryptography? Better implement that ourselves… Using a library would be too much of a hassle.

    • @platypus_plumba
      8 months ago

      I mean, it’s awesome until it isn’t.

      NPM is already on the “isn’t” side of it. Specially with all the malware going around. Who has time to read the code of the dependencies of the dependencies of their dependencies? For every single version. It’s just not possible…

      I guess the main concern with this is security. You’re literally running code you don’t even know about on your machine, probably next to personal files or your company’s code base.

      A simple http call to publish all your private code wouldn’t be hard to sneak in a 6th level dependency.

      • So, to expound on this a little…

        There’s a password manager I use, but the CLI tooling sucks. Thankfully, there’s a third party CLI tool in a language I know fairly well, and because I’m a little paranoid, I reviewed the code. Then I reviewed the code of the libraries it imported. And then the code of the libraries of the libraries it imported. Thankfully, that was as far as it went, and I was mainly looking for any code that made network calls… it was manageable, just barely.

        And I made some improvements and submitted PRs, only some of which were accepted, but I used them so I maintained a fork. Which was lucky, because a few months later upstream changed their parseargs library to a framework, and the dependencies exploded. 6 layers deep, and dozens of new dependencies - utterly unauditable without massive effort. I caught it only because of the rebase from upstream. I abandoned the rebase and now maintain a hard fork, of which I’m the only user AFAIK.

        The moral of the story is that introducing dependencies under the guise of “reuse” is a poisoned fruit, a Trojan Horse. It sounds good, but isn’t worth it in the long run. The Go team got it right with their proverb: a little copying is better than a little dependancy.

        • @platypus_plumba
          28 months ago

          Honestly, I don’t like the Go way. If they are going to have that philosophy, at least they should have provided a strong core with high level functions and generics. From the start. Not 5 years later.

  • @[email protected]
    198 months ago

    I’ve never used Rust, but this definitely reminds me of my days running Slackware on my computers.

    Oh, hey, I’d like to run this new package. Great. I’ll need this dependency…and that one…and the one over there…

    I know it now has dependency management, but I just couldn’t do it any more. I was tired of worrying about what was going to break. I started with Slackware in the 3.x days, too.

    I switched my server to Debian, and I feel like I never have to worry about it any more. Laptop and desktop are both Kubuntu, but they’re going to go to Debian at some point in the near future.

  • @SpaceNoodle
    78 months ago

    My only dependency is libstdc++

    Fight me

  • @TootSweet
    58 months ago

    Dependencies. Not even once.

  • @[email protected]
    38 months ago

    I often find myself wishing Cargo had a feature that would warn me if different dependencies I used tried to pull in both openssl and rustls. Happened way too many times.