Car Talk with Martok. Only one more re-run to go!

Season 2 / Episode 5

Looking for a list of other episodes? Check out this megathread!

Original Source: DominionMediaTV

  • kellyaster
    207 months ago

    Stamets, thank you for posting these and maintaining the megathread archive. They’re too good to miss. Is there another “sponsored” bumper in the can, or was that a one-shot kinda thing?

    • StametsOPM
      117 months ago

      I made those for Season 1 back in the day. I’m considering making some more but unsure about it. I did enjoy recording them.

      • kellyaster
        7 months ago

        Reality check, cuz I think you need to hear it: you wrote, recorded, and edited the entire ad. The latter is something that can be learned with relative ease, the first two not so much. Funny is fuckin hard to write and just as difficult to perform, and you are able to do both. If you enjoy making them, I hope you continue, even if they are things you create and save just for yourself.

        Ok, enough unsolicited feedback from me, I’m gonna go get a coffee refill and continue refreshing Ten Forward repeatedly.

        I just went back to the megathread to listen again. Oh shit lol you did two of these?

        • StametsOPM
          7 months ago

          Well the image I didn’t have anything to do with but the rest of it, yeah. I’m just not good with compliments lol

          And yeah I made two. One of them has multiple recordings on it demonstrating the different attempts with radically different mics throughout. Starting with horrific quality and zero editing and ending with some editing, noise suppression, etc and a pretty decent microphone. I like doing voices. There’s a reason I love playing DnD, whether it’s DMing or playing.

          Thank you though… seriously <3

          • kellyaster
            37 months ago


            I know just a tiny bit about the audio hardware side of things, having roomed with musicians and audio engineers back in the day. It blew my mind that there’s a wide range of mics for different purposes (like long range or with a wide capture radius, just to cite crude examples). I thought they were all the same lol


            Yeah, I can see the voice coming in handy as DM!

  • RBG
    107 months ago

    Heavy? Is something wrong with DS9’s gravitational pull?

    • partial_accumen
      107 months ago

      Kira: “Chief, can you send out a team to check on the grav plating in the Habitat Ring?”

      O’Brien: “Did you put in a ticket yet?”

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        DS9’s ticketing system must be a mess. O’Brien gets a report of temperature sensors being down in a section of the old mining part of the station, so he files it away as unimportant. When he finally gets around to checking it out, it turns out reality has been dissolving in that section for like a week, and now some of the people Kira remembers from the occupation never existed, so suddenly it’s a top priority. That’s going to ruin his whole day

        • partial_accumen
          27 months ago

          Techs today complain about using Remedy or ServiceNow, but nobody has to deal with working on systems written in Cardassian.

          Also, being at the edge of Federation space means getting parts or materials you can’t replicate takes a long time. You might be better off trading that recovered case of Ketracel-white with a Jem’Hadar patrol ship on the other side of the worm hole than trying to get a part shipped in from Utopia Planitia.

    • hope
      17 months ago

      The fix is simple: change the gravitational constant of the universe.