LOS ANGELES — Legendary metal musician, and noted septuagenarian, Ozzy Osbourne broke new ground when he became the first old white man to complain about a rap song and actually be on the right side of history.
“This is the first time we’ve ever seen a person of Ozzy’s age, wealth status, and complexion complain about a rap song or artist and actually be correct. Especially when they say it in an all-caps Tweet,” said music scholar Aiden Lawrence
Contrast this with his reaction to T-Pain’s cover of War Pigs
Edit: link to T-Pain’s live cover
Edit2: Alt Link
It really is an awesome cover.
Amusingly enough the Onion article mentions this.
It’s The Hard Times. They put out good stuff too 😉
Holy fuck, every member of that band truly understood the assignment. That guitarist and drummer though… that was amazing. Thank you for posting this, my day is better for having watched it.
35-years ago, I never thought I would see a popular rapper and his band belt out such a faithful rendition. And a crowd of black people rolling with it! Wild times!
Hey you just cost me an hour
Worth. Every. Second.
His cover of Tennessee Whiskey is worth the price of admission. The rest is just gravy
…damn. That was great.
That was sick, thanks.
Saw T-pain live once unexpectedly, absolutely awesome dude and performer.
Nice, thanks for sharing the cover itself! It really is a delight
Holy shit that blew me away. Thanks for sharing!
@j_roby thanks that whole thing is great.
My favorite solo is always the “aight I’m just gonna leave you to it, bye” solo lmao
You got an alt link?
What the fuck did you just call The Prince of Darkness? What the fuck? Fuck you!
“My husband was recording gold records while you were still wanking it to the cover of sports illustrated magazine.”
–Sharon Osbourne.
But this is true haha
Exactly, this should be on /c/[email protected], or one of the other Not The Onions.
The Hard Times is satire, literally the same thing as The Onion but another publication. This is the place for it.
The story is true though, it’s not satire.
Lots of satire is based on true events, that doesn’t make the article itself true. There is no music scholar “Aiden Lawrence”, the quotes from that person are made up.
Metalhead Tony Garcia is also made up to illustrate the joke. The true part is that Ozzy Osbourne tweeted with a good take. The reactions to it are fake to illustrate the authors joke, which is that an old rock legend having a good take on a rap artist is rare.
Yeah it has a funny headline but is 100% accurate. T-Pain’s cover is awesome and he shared the tweet:
Legendary rapper T-Pain had a completely different experience with Osbourne on X (formerly Twitter) earlier this year.
“I sang on a cover of ‘War Pigs’ at The Sun Rose and Ozzy tweeted at me saying it was the best cover he had ever seen and wishes we had called him. Hell, I wish I had his phone number. I would have loved to share the stage with him,” said T-Pain. “But I’ll admit when I first saw he had tweeted at me I full expected a racist rant, but it couldn’t have been further from the truth. Ozzy is a real one.”
I don’t think either of you understand the point of the article. The subject being satirized in this article are people who use hip hop/rap criticism as a racist dog whistle. Not Ozzy Osbourne. They’re using an accurate headline based on a real news item about him in order to satirize racism because his reason for denying use of his song subverts the trope of the “old guy who hates rap for racist reasons.” So no, it doesn’t belong in c/nottheonion. It’s 100% satire and was posted exactly where it belongs.
“At press time, Osbourne was contacted by phone for further comment but we couldn’t understand a word he said.”
deleted by creator
The subject being satirized in this article is hip hop/rap “criticism” that’s just thinly veiled racism/racist dog whistling. Not Ozzy Osbourne. They’re using a real news item about him in order to satirize racism because his reason for denying use of his song subverts the trope of the “old guy who hates rap for racist reasons.” Ozzy is not the butt of the joke here, but please, don’t let that get in the way of your righteous indignation and pearl clutching on behalf of Ozzy.
Ozzy doesn’t hate rap he hates fascists
Wrong community, this community is for satire, not true stories that sound like satire.
No, this community is for The Onion articles. The Onion doesn’t post satire, you only think it is at first.
I mean most what they post is satire, but sometimes the humor comes from pointing at a real situation and saying “wait this is actually true”
That’s literally what satire is
Well I mean rap is hot trash.
I’m a 60yo white guy, and this comment hurts me. I used to be in your camp until the radio stations I typically listened to (rock, country, classical) in GTA San Andreas got old and I flipped on the hip-hop station just to get something different.
I don’t know hip-hop like I know rock or country, but there is a lot of that music that gets five stars on my music server.
I’m 40 and I grew up listening to rap mostly and metal. I grew up in an era where, at least where I lived, there was this “I listen to everything but rap and country” attitude. There is really great music everywhere you look. It took me a while to look at country to realize what I was missing, though, so I guess I was a part of the problem.
Let’s get down to brass tacks: I probably couldn’t stand what you pass off as “music” either, but you don’t see me showing up at the circus, telling you what notes to play on the organ.
Go ahead, show the world how ignorant you are.