• gregorum
    8 months ago

    They could always, you know, just fucking leave.

    • @febra
      38 months ago

      Now tell Putin that.

  • Chainweasel
    478 months ago

    400,000 people that could have taken up arms against their dictator but they chose not to.
    If being sent to the western front is a death sentence anyway, why not choose to die trying to live?
    I’d gladly take a bullet in the back of the head rather than starving and suffering frostbite for months THEN taking a bullet in the gut or bleeding out after having my legs blown off by a mine.

    Don’t get me wrong, there’s honor in defending your country and your freedom, but these men aren’t dieing for either of those things.

    • @MirthfulAlembic
      318 months ago

      Consequences for their families/friends. It’s not a choice I’d ever want to have to make.

    • @Wappen
      298 months ago

      Never put the blame on the people. Imagine you are a being forcefully recruited to fight in war. You have family at home. You have hope. And therefore you stay passive. There are 8 billion people on earth, including you, who could try and take action. After all, why try if you can at least try to survive?

      My words are a bit scattered, sorry for that, but I cannot stay calm when I see someone blame the people instead of the system. A revolution does not rise just because it seems fit. A revolution rises because oppression wasn’t fully successful somewhere. That’s my opinion at least. And if you look at history you will probably see the same patterns.

      Also being sent to the western front isn’t automatically a death sentence. You could be wounded and be taken to hospital, you could be captured and be put in prison, you could also simply try and survive.

    • Ech
      238 months ago

      I’m not going to pretend there aren’t people that deserved their death there, but I’m positive there were also plenty of people that were just part of the machine and saw no way out.

      Any country’s biggest military asset is the poor populace that is promised a better life and then ground down into the tool or sacrifice that the leaders decide they need. Call it brainwashed or just “stupid”, plenty of the deaths even on Russia’s side were just normal people caught in a terrible conflict.

      And to be clear, I’m in no way suggesting Ukraine shouldn’t have defended itself, I just put the blame in Putin’s hands, not on the peons he throws into the grinder for his own vanity project.

    • @avater
      128 months ago

      I think the people who are truly against this war or putin are a minority in russia. Most of the people their are in line with Putins course and have been so for decades.

  • @avater
    8 months ago

    that may sound gruesome but the only way to peace for the people of ukraine is to kill as much russians as possible there. Only when we cross the threshold of human losses that Putin or the Russian people are prepared to accept, we will see true negotiations.

    • @Buffalox
      8 months ago

      How is it gruesome to say a defending force against an invader must kill the invaders?
      The gruesome part lies solely on the invaders trying to oppress, invade and take over a peaceful neighboring country by force.

    • @grue
      148 months ago

      To be fair, other ways for Ukraine to win might include things like assassinating Putin or taking territory.

      • @khannie
        38 months ago

        Fingers crossed for the former 🤞

    • @CitizenKong
      68 months ago

      Unfortunately, Russian has a lot more people to throw into the meat grinder. Sure, their society is probably going to collapse completey due to this in a few decades, but that’s something Putin couldn’t care less about about. He really seems to think he can will remembered as a great conqueror instead of a pathetic failed Stalin wannabe.

      • @ghostdoggtv
        58 months ago

        Putin is going down as the guy who could have un-fucked Russia and chose not to. Idiot just killed his best potential successor. The collapse is baked in and the consequences won’t really hit Moscow for another 30 years or so, just long enough for another generation of Russians to grow up and get sent to die in another imperial Russian fever dream.

        • @CitizenKong
          18 months ago

          At least he follows the tradition of Russian rulers who seem hellbent to make things worse instead of better. He only one I can think of who at least tried to make things better was Gorbatschow, but thanks to the propaganda of his successors he is hated in Russia.

    • @AliasAKA
      8 months ago

      This is somewhat misleading. According to that Wikipedia page, just using the US estimates, Ukraine has had 70k deaths and Russia has had 120k+. While these are similar in that they both round to 100k perhaps, Russia has almost double the Ukrainian military personnel losses.

      War is miserable, but I don’t think Ukraine is losing military personnel by nearly the same clip that Russia is.

      • @[email protected]
        128 months ago

        While that’s true, I would argue the total human cost is similar. Your estimates do not count stolen and killed Ukrainian civilians. Adding those would make the numbers far closer, especially since no Russian civilians are caught in this conflict so far.

        Not saying any of this is OK. Just unfortunately the numbers are very similar. War is miserable.

        *And yes, the fact that Ukraine is suffering more losses due to the fact that it’s Russia invading absolutely makes Russia the bad guy here. I’m just pointing out that the losses are unfortunately very close.

      • @nevemsenki
        88 months ago

        The population ratio ia roughly 3:1 though, so even 120:70 is far from sustainable or winnable sadly. I’d imagine those numbers would be way better if the military aid was not drip fed…

    • @phoneymouse
      8 months ago

      Hollywood presents fighting war in this heroic way. After seeing enough videos of soldiers getting blown to bits by randomly passing drones, I think it’s more bleak than that. You likely are going to get killed in the least heroic way… lying in the dirt.

      Based on these casualty numbers there is just about a 99% chance you will be killed or severely maimed. Unless you have a legitimate higher purpose for fighting, which I believe the Ukrainians do, it would be best to avoid it all together.

  • SteefLem
    28 months ago


  • @Telodzrum
    18 months ago

    They’re always in the last place you look, Vlad.

    • @KillerTofu
      08 months ago

      Of course they are, why would you keep looking once you found them?

  • @Psythik
    -178 months ago

    That’s it? And here I thought Russia was running out of men six months into this. I honestly thought the death toll was in the dozens of millions…

    • Skua
      208 months ago

      The pressure on Russia’s manpower is not the plain old number of humans in the country, it’s the amount that they can commit to this war without having so much of a domestic impact that public opinion turns against the government too much. Ukraine has a quarter of the population but has the domestic support to be able to call up everyone that can fight. Russia doesn’t want to do this, so it uses the likes of Wagner and prison conscripts that won’t be missed by much of the general populace.

        • Skua
          38 months ago

          They’re back on the front lines in Ukraine under the command of a former colonel of the Russian army appointed by Putin and Prigozhin’s son

    • @fireweed
      8 months ago

      Where did you get that idea? The Soviet Union didn’t even lose one dozen-million in all of WWII. Ya know, the war famously won with “British intelligence, American steel, and Russian blood.” The Ukraine war has been devastating, but it’s nowhere near the scope of the largest war of the twentieth century.

      Edit: to be crystal clear because for some reason my fact-based post (see: Wikipedia’s WWII fatality records) is getting down voted, Russia bad, slava Ukraini.

      • PugJesus
        48 months ago

        Yeah, anyone who thinks that the war is gonna end by one side or the other literally running out of warm bodies doesn’t understand modern war. The tipping point is when the warm bodies no longer tolerate being sent to the front under the current conditions.