• @MermaidsGarden
    1 year ago

    Joe Rogan is the living embodiment of being so open minded that your brains fall out.

    • @ArbiterXero
      911 year ago

      I mean that’s beautifully put……

      But unfortunately it’s simpler than that. It’s the story of a reasonable man that achieved beyond his dreams and then flipped sides because of money and status.

      “Suddenly I have an opinion on the capital gains tax.” Type of stuff.

      • Flying Squid
        141 year ago

        Was he a ‘reasonable man’ before or after he decided the moon landings were fake?

        • @ArbiterXero
          -71 year ago

          Many reasonable people believe all sorts of nutty shit.

          Until it becomes actively harmful, I don’t care much.

          • Flying Squid
            151 year ago

            I’m not seeing how you can be both reasonable and believe there is a vast government and scientific conspiracy to cover up multiple fake moon landings. Sort of seems like a one or the other thing to me.

            • @ArbiterXero
              -41 year ago

              Maybe you need to get out more 😝

              I don’t personally believe in it, but I also don’t care if you do.

              • Flying Squid
                81 year ago

                It’s not about what you personally care about, it’s about what you are defining as a reasonable person. It does explain why so many people think Trump is a very stable genius though.

                • @[email protected]
                  91 year ago

                  I suspect he means reasonable as in “a normal decent person you could be good neighbors or colleagues with” not a reasonable person as in “a person endowed with the faculty of reason”.

      • Liz
        101 year ago

        I, too, have an opinion on the capital gains tax. It should be taxed at the same rate as income. We can let them keep the exception on the first half million in profit because I’m feeling nice today.

        • @ArbiterXero
          111 year ago

          It’s actually higher in many scenarios.

          What needs to be taxed like income is loans against the stocks

          • Flying Squid
            61 year ago

            Or a simple .01 cent financial transaction tax. Absolutely no effect on the average person, a huge way to raise revenue from bankers and stock traders.

            • @ArbiterXero
              11 year ago

              Agreed, or just a minimum amount of time that stocks can be owned to kill the high-frequency traders.

          • Liz
            11 year ago

            Oh yeah that’s right. I forgot about Buy, Borrow, Die.

            I agree, though I’d have to do something thinking about the exact right way to implement a tax on that kind of behavior.

          • @Illuminostro
            -21 year ago

            Tax idle stock while you’re at it. 1% per share, per current price, per quarter.

      • @LemmyIsFantastic
        -61 year ago

        You guys invent the most imaginative stories. You could even be a guest on Rogan it is so interesting!

        • @ArbiterXero
          61 year ago

          Ok, I’ll bite, you don’t believe he’s changed?

          Or you think he’s still very reasonable?

          Make your case

          • @LemmyIsFantastic
            1 year ago

            He’s become more defiant at people screaming for him to change for sure. And he’s hardened his stance on progressives trying to live out others lives. But not in the sense that I’m reading from you and others. He’s not becoming new gop cheerleader or corporate mascot (outside the actual ads of course) or flipped as you call it. Fuck he was never on your side before COVID and everyone flipped their shit. He had on all sorts of people.

            As for question 2, no he was never reasonable, he’s a fucking moron.

            He’s just an idiot, he doesn’t like to be told what to do, and he’s now going to let the Internet screaming at him change what he does. It’s not done plot. He’s just an idiot and progressives have gone full crazy on him.

            • @ArbiterXero
              61 year ago

              My side? lol you’re assuming a lot, you don’t know my side, you just know the I think rogan is an asshat.

              He’s got a big platform and he’s allowing the promotion of some fairly harmful content…… that in itself seems like a problem, no?

              I definitely believe that he just “doesn’t like to be told what to do”, that’s entirely his vibe.

              I’m curious what you mean by “progressives trying to live out other peoples lives”

      • RuBisCO
        31 year ago

        This is a 9 minute beat poem about a conversation with a podcaster.

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          In an airy studio, mics standing proud and tall,A host with a voice smooth as a vinyl’s call. Across the table, there sits a guest, Eyes bright, ready to contest.

          The host begins, “Welcome, listeners, to our weekly dive, Where thoughts and ideas vividly come alive. Today’s guest, someone quite unique, Brings perspectives some might seek.”

          And there she was, her aura all aglow, Storm, not her name, but what she seemed to sow. With every word, a challenge, a fight, Against the conventional, the known, the right…

  • Jo Miran
    1481 year ago

    I’m fifty. Joe Rogan is fifty six. Even though I was young in the eighties, by 1992 I had already lost six people I knew to AIDS. Joe, being six years older than I, would have witnessed peak AIDS apocalypse as an older teen. He was even from New Jersey, not some suburb in the midwest. He would have seen some shit. All he has to do is remember, but he chooses willful ignorance.

    • @Ensign_Crab
      651 year ago

      We all just lived through covid. It’s not that hard to imagine someone denying the existence of a global plague that effects people they know.

      • @[email protected]
        201 year ago

        We are all living through global climate change, and the collapse of late stage capitalism, etc. These and their I’ll are selling copium to the masses of folks who can’t face reality and choose to live in fantasy.

    • Flying Squid
      311 year ago

      Even those of us in the Midwest knew enough about AIDS by the 90s to understand this is just utter bullshit. I’m from Indiana, which is where Ryan White was born and died.


      And if AIDS was caused by poppers, then Ryan White would not have died.

    • @[email protected]
      191 year ago

      He has repeatedly talked about how frightening it was to live thru the AIDS epidemic and seeing people drop left and right

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Maybe not individually, but if you care about the subjects that he talks about at all, it’s good to at least keep an eye on what he’s telling his millions of listeners.

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      Oh, he remembers, it’s just he doesn’t give a fuck. All he wants is attention, because that’s how he makes cash.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      Maybe he was lucky, I’m 46 and lost almost only old people through more or less old age. I feel really lucky about it. And I know people who lost people right and left, suicide, accidents, plane crashes…

  • @TropicalDingdong
    1171 year ago

    Joe Rogan: What dumb people think smart people are like.

    Aka, The Big Bang theory for bros.

  • Flying Squid
    771 year ago

    Rogan is such a shit. I can’t wait for his endorsement of Trump. You know that asshole’s endorsement is coming. And he’ll do it while talking about how old Biden is and ignoring the fact that Trump is only four years younger. Because he’s a fucking idiot.

    • @Skullgrid
      401 year ago

      he was around during trump, he endorses the same things as trump, the same candidates as trump, with a few exceptions in both, and says “nah bro, I’m just thinking for myself and outside the mainstream”

    • @cbarrick
      231 year ago

      I fully expect Rogan to endorse RFK Jr.

    • @jo3jo3
      -311 year ago

      He is Bernie Sanders guy, there’s no Trump endorsement coming. If anyone, it would be Kennedy he would endorse I think, but I don’t remember him ever endorsing anyone at all. Not sure why you’re so pissed at the guy when you kinda seem to have no idea the type of candidates the guy is into. Ya he has some fucking way out there views and ideas for a guy with such a huge platform, but if you’re paying attention at all he is way more on the Sanders end of the scale. He brings people like Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, and Kennedy on. And I’m pretty certain he’s said he’d never host Biden or Trump on the show, I think he like a lot of us, fuck both these two guys, give us someone worth voting for…

        • @jo3jo3
          -271 year ago

          Ya… Where’s the trump endorsement in your link? There’s not one. There’s nothing in that that contradicts what I said.

          • Flying Squid
            231 year ago

            Nowhere? Because he hasn’t endorsed him yet? Hence what I said and you replied to?

            Explain to me how someone who is in favor of less regulations and who praises Trump would be a “Bernie Sanders guy?” Because he said he would vote for Bernie Sanders in 2015? Big fucking deal.

            He praised Trump.

            He wants less regulations.

            He also moved to Texas so he could pay fewer taxes.

            He’s a Republican. Clearly.

            By the way, did you even read the article?

            When the episode’s guest Patrick Bet-David asked Rogan whether Trump would get his vote, Rogan replied, “He’d get my vote before Biden.”

            • @[email protected]
              -71 year ago

              he has also praised bernie sanders. had him on the podcast actually its one of his more famous episodes i believe

              • Flying Squid
                51 year ago

                Which came last, when he praised Bernie Sanders in 2015 or when he praised Trump in 2023?

                Because I’m pretty sure the order in which those two things happen might give an indication on who he’s going to vote for in 2024 and tell people about as well.

                That and the quote I pasted where he literally says he’d vote for Trump and praised Trump getting rid of regulations.

                Getting rid of regulations- sounds totally like something Bernie Sanders, the democratic socialist, would be in favor of. Right?

                Is it that you guys (and Rogan) don’t actually know what Bernie believes in?

            • @jo3jo3
              -271 year ago

              There’s still no endorsement in that. Ya I did read the article. Have you ever watched any of the interviews with any of the people I mentioned? Probably not. And your quote misses the nuance of course… It’s possible he votes third party. 🤷🏻‍♂️ But whatever. Who cares. Rogan, Trump, Sanders, Biden, none of this matters. Rogan is a podcast, it’s entertainment, he’s not what’s causing this world to be shit. He isn’t what causes us to have terrible choices for president. Guy is just talking to people. Just move on if you don’t like what he says, lots of people to listen to. I have actually listened to his show, I’m not just parroting what someone wrote in yahoo knows who might not have actually watched much of him, who might also have a negative bias towards him, but whatever. Nuance. There’s none.

              • Flying Squid
                201 year ago

                Again- I know there is no endorsement in the article because, again, he hasn’t endorsed him yet.

                I mean did you even know what you were replying to when you replied to me or do you not understand the differences between past, present or future?

              • @ArbiterXero
                71 year ago

                I would vote for x over y is an endorsement.

    • @cumcum69
      71 year ago

      With all the red meat he eats it’s probably coming

  • dharwin
    411 year ago

    Someone should tell those babies born with AIDS to stop taking poppers.

    • @SupraMario
      1 year ago

      What are you talking about, the mother takes the poppers and then the baby reaches into her gut and eats a few. Bam AIDS! We need fetus D.A.R.E programs now.

  • @Tolstoshev
    291 year ago

    They don’t care if what they are spouting is true or not. They just want a platform to make money off the gullible. It’s all about having a platform and making $$$.

  • sepi
    261 year ago

    If he can’t eat it, fuck it or shoot it, he can’t understand it

  • Drusas
    261 year ago

    I’m torn between “free speech!” and “this should be illegal”.

      • @theangryseal
        51 year ago

        People can’t stop and say, “Well, I wonder if there actually is fire in the theater? I will calmly head over to the person who shouted that and ask him for evidence that the fire is in fact in this theater. When he has explained his view about the fire, I will thoroughly research the topic and come to my own conclusions on the matter and make my own decision about how to respond to the issue of fire in the theater.”

        The real bummer is that a convincing enough argument could make people do some really stupid things. That’s always been true though. Never more true than now, when so many people are being argued at all the time about crazy things.

        I think it should be illegal to knowingly spread false information about things that could cause harm (especially for those who do it for money), but the bit that worries me is figuring out who decides and enforces the rules in such a case.

        I mean, we all seen the insurrection with our own eyes, and somehow people in positions of power who experienced it fucking say it didn’t happen, or that it was antifa.

        Well, my head is going back in the sand for a bit. Gonna go laugh at a meme or three.

  • @[email protected]
    211 year ago

    Oh Bret. Having taken some of his classes in 2012, and having known his family and kids… I instantly recognize him in grift mode. He will always take refuge in plausible deniability and hyperfocus on a concrete detail (like 80s drug culture being unhealthy for people’s immune systems) and handwave the significance of other factors.

    He then leaves the conclusions to people like Rogan and won’t necessarily refute ridiculous takes.

    It was a technique for guiding academic seminars he used. It helped cut through people getting stuck in the weeds, but it also often just led to him allowing the seminar to derail and go into the weeds.

  • Gazumi
    141 year ago

    Free speech vs causing catastrophic harms. From the perspective of deaths caused, why is this different to firing shots into a crowd?

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      The American conception of freedom of speech is all about personal rights, with no thought to personal responsibility. The reason freedom of speech is important is precisely because it’s consequential. The idea of using free speech (a precious right) responsibly, if it ever existed, is gone now .

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        The reason and justification for free speech is also about preventing tyranny and holding people accountable and allowing unusual dissenting voices to be heard.

        But a few now own all the means of communication, control and shape the speech and have practically become the government. There is no freedom of speech if so much of it is controlled and so much noise is blasted. Speech has become a commodity and if it’s free it’s worthless.

    • @[email protected]
      141 year ago

      I can decide to turn off nonsense podcasts. I can’t decide not to get shot if someone is shooting at me.

      A better metaphor might be screaming “that guy’s got a gun” in a crowded theatre. I might be able to ignore it, but lots of people are going to believe it and act accordingly, and their reaction is probably not going to be good for anyone.