• Optional
    927 months ago

    First of all, Trump has never been “silent” in his life. Have you ever seen him for ten seconds where he wasn’t flapping his tiny accordion hands trying to con people out of something? No. So fuck you article headline writer, that’s absolute normalizing garbage and you know it.

    Secondly, how many people think he even knows who the fuck Nalvany is? The article writer sure seems to think he does - HE DOES NOT. He was told about Nalvany thirty seconds before he gave his quote and then he talked about magnets and ketchup for four hours. So fuck you article writer for assuming he knows a fucking thing because you know very well he’s literally demented and incapable of complex thought.

    Thirdly - what is the deal with his makeup this time around? For fuck’s sake it looks like Nickolodeon Orange Slime. Jesus man, get a hair dryer on your face or something.

    • @spamfajitas
      207 months ago

      With respect to the third point, he kinda looks like he’s about to shout at you about merchandising

    • @blattrules
      47 months ago

      I think his makeup keeps getting darker; in two years he’s just gonna be doing full-on blackface.

    • The Pantser
      17 months ago

      He looks jaundice, liver failure?

      • Vanon
        27 months ago

        Don’t give me hope. (Who am I kidding, his burial won’t end this cult.)

  • @eran_morad
    847 months ago

    lol, like’s he’s gonna blame the boss.

    • GodlessCommie
      -1077 months ago

      How can Putin be the boss when Putin endorsed Biden?

      • donuts
        627 months ago

        If you believe anything that Putin says then I have a pair of $400 golden sneakers to sell you.

      • Syo
        387 months ago

        Please say you forgot the /s, I wanted the fediverse to be at least above average.

        • GodlessCommie
          -527 months ago

          Liberals still buying red scare propaganda after 70 years are the dense ones.

            • GodlessCommie
              -257 months ago

              I said the same thing when McCain, Kerry, and Nuland were in Ukraine orchestrating a regime change and installing a US puppet

              • @[email protected]
                107 months ago

                LOL ok keep on shilling dude. I suppose if you have no morals you can just do anything for money.

            • GodlessCommie
              -197 months ago

              Ad hominem is always the last resort of those with no argument

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        Yes, the number one thing we know about propagandists is that they always tell the truth with no ulterior motives.

  • @resetbypeer
    257 months ago

    At this point, is it even worth writing about it? We all (that do critical thinking) know who feed comrade Trump. We can’t be shocked anymore about this.

  • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)
    177 months ago

    Remember that he also launders lots of Russian money as a motivator not to “know” anything, aside from his desire to also be a dictator like Putin.

    The Trump Organization

    Trump’s eldest son, Donald Jr., was quoted as saying at a 2008 New York real estate conference, “In terms of high-end product influx into the US, Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets … We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

  • Keith
    157 months ago

    In other news, the sun showed up again in the sky.

    • Fudoshin ️🏳️‍🌈
      67 months ago

      About 18mths ago I had meth-induced psychotic-break and believed I could change the seasons (precursor to my ascension to godhood). I also believed that when I wasn’t looking outside my window the world stopped. The sun stopped rising and the time was frozen. When I looked outside the seasons were whatever my mood decided it was.

      So in a way - if I was still psychotic I could tell you I’d stop the sun from rising tomorrow. Which would happen instantly. Oh did I forget to mention I could also move time back and forward?

      Yeah, I was pretty powerful for a few days. :)

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    One has to wonder how underage was the girl (or perhaps boy, doesn’t he seem like a guy that enjoys that? I’m just asking questions) that Putin has video of Donnie-boy raping?

  • @3volver
    77 months ago

    Trump is owned by Russia.

  • @RapidcreekOP
    47 months ago

    I’m amazed at how often he manages to nail himself to a cross

    • @fidodo
      27 months ago

      I’m more amazed by how the fuck he gets away with it

  • @SuckMyWang
    37 months ago

    For a strongman in control of everything, Putin doesn’t seem to do much

  • GodlessCommie
    -567 months ago

    Liberals praising a white nationalist that equated Arabs with cockroaches and flies that need to be exterminated is insane.

    • Overzeetop
      7 months ago

      For a second there I though you were referring to Netanyahu.

      I should clarify: the article makes no mention whatever about any politicians - not even Trump - thinks of Nevalny or his platform. Your comment is out in left field.

      • @FlowVoid
        17 months ago

        deleted by creator

      • GodlessCommie
        -107 months ago

        It would be easier to admit you can’t comprehend what you are reading

        • @FlowVoid
          17 months ago

          We recognize in Judaism, therefore, a general anti-social element of the present time, an element which through historical development – to which in this harmful respect the Jews have zealously contributed – has been brought to its present high level, at which it must necessarily begin to disintegrate. In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism.

          Don’t try to gaslight me, I know what Marx meant

    • @kava
      -147 months ago

      yeah the last few days have been an excellent example of manufactured consent. we pretend like our free press is trying to get the truth on the ground… yet nearly every single article I’ve read about the death of Navalny only mentions that he was a “democratic dissident” and critic of Putin. That he is a “symbol of hope” for Russians who don’t support the Putin regime

      Paints him as some sort of martyr revolutionary, a Russian MLK Jr

      When in reality this guy founded an ethnic nationalist organization and there are pictures and videos of him marching next to swastikas

      this whole ordeal shows how heavily manipulated our media is. it’s sick

      • @rdyoung
        87 months ago

        Could you please provide some sources for this? This is the first time I am reading about this side of Nalvany.

        • Overzeetop
          67 months ago

          Make sure you read to the end of that article. Nevalny himself (NPR interview, maybe?) admitted that he has courted the far right as well as the left in his bid to expose corruption within the Russian system and gain enough support to attempt to topple the Putin regime. He is unapologetic about it as he feels his intent (to clean up Russia and push for democracy) justifies his acceptance of all Russians as fellow countrymen. Like most people seeking power, his path is not pure and his antagonists will use that to poison any positive message he presents.

          • @kava
            -27 months ago

            that’s putting it lightly. calling all muslims “cockroaches” and calling for the deportation of all immigrants it’s exactly “courting the far right” he got kicked out of his party for being too far-right extremist and founded a nationalist organization right after. we can call that “courting the far right” or we can call that “being an instrumental leader of the far right”

              • @kava
                -47 months ago

                i’m pretty sure this sub is heavily manipulated by some sort of astroturfing bot net. mostly because it seems like a word for word echo of /r/politics and we know that sub is heavily manipulated

                so i just hope some real people see this and re-evaluate their positions. one guy at least seemed genuinely curious and wasn’t aware. so that’s something, at least.

                • @jordanlundM
                  17 months ago

                  LOL - Nope. If there were a bot manipulating it all it would sure as hell make MY life easier… ;)

        • @kava
          7 months ago

          ok. for one, read the wikipedia page but i suggest reading one that was edited before he died just because after he died there’s been a lot of changes


          some bits to back up what i said

          He was behind the 2006 Russian Nationalist march

          In late 2006, Navalny appealed to the Moscow City Hall, asking it to grant permission to conduct the nationalist 2006 Russian march.

          This was essentially a giant protest against immigrants. There were many neo-nazis including people holding swastikas. if you look around long enough, you’ll find a find of navalny there with some swastikas behind him. i can’t find the video right now but i found some images of the russian march which should be enough to show there were neo-nazis there

          please see following images i’ve placed into an imgur album: https://imgur.com/a/m5JQxIH

          he founded this organization: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Russian_Liberation_Movement

          National Russian Liberation Movement, which made anti-immigrant its main policy. During this period of time he would make certain statements like

          “muslims are cockroaches that need to be exterminated” “immigrants are like cavities, you need to pull them out” etc

          “Everything in our way should be carefully but decisively removed through deportation,” Navalny said in a video dressed as a dentist, comparing immigrants to dental cavities.

          here’s an article that goes more in depth: https://jacobin.com/2021/01/alexei-navalny-russia-protests-putin

          while it’s true that the Russian regime has illegally restrained him - they arrested him, tried to poison him, and ultimately killed him - but he was still a neonazi

      • GodlessCommie
        -97 months ago

        Many have this delusion that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

        • @FlowVoid
          7 months ago

          Tell that to all the new friends of the Houthi.