Pretty clear attempt to intimidate those who support any kind of reproductive health services being permitted

    • Match!!
      307 months ago

      That’s weird, it’s not a Planned Parenthood

  • @Sanctus
    687 months ago

    Religious extremism needs to be addresses in this country. Your right to what is God’s image may extend no further than your two brain cells. The revolutionaries who started this country shot the people who forced God into government. Now we’ve got idle “peace keepers” encouraging shit like this in their free time. The country is lost if leftists don’t save it now.

    • @[email protected]
      437 months ago

      This is obvious teligious terrorism and i want organisation’s sanctioned for coperating with them, just like they would for Isis

  • @ShittyBeatlesFCPres
    537 months ago

    It seems like jumping to conclusions to assume this was an anti-abortion terrorist when nearly everyone probably has a reason to loathe the Alabama AG. His own wife and kids probably hate him.

    Remember when Rand Paul got attacked and people assumed it was political? Then we found out he just took an ass whooping from an old man mad about lawn care.

    • @[email protected]OP
      257 months ago

      Its definitely not 100% certain, but reasonably likely given which groups have a recent history of using bombs and the fact that his recent stance is the kind of thing which gets their attention.

    • @ChapulinColorado
      117 months ago

      It doesn’t matter to me whether it is the right or left, explosives should not be the way to handle the dispute. If it lands someone in jail that I would otherwise agree with I would say it’s fair based on the poor judgment exercised by the culprits.

  • Silverseren
    7 months ago

    This is why conservatives should stop stoking rage politics. Because it puts them in a position where they can’t immediately tell which side is trying to kill them. Because it could be anyone for a plethora of potential reasons.

  • @TK420
    87 months ago

    Sounds like Alabama is giving Mississippi a run for its money in the stupid department and those stupid constituents are being typical southerners: stupid fucking idiots.

    Lock these assholes up and prosecute!

  • @Chee_Koala
    87 months ago

    Well gosh, the AG did not INTEND to prosecute me for murder even though they could in an instant and it would be legally correct. That’s such a relief. /S

  • @halcyoncmdr
    37 months ago

    I’m not a conspiracy theorist, however… No one hurt, no buildings damaged? Don’t want to say false flag… but it’s really not hard to put a bomb in a place to at least cause damage. This sounds like what would happen if someone on his staff did it to create a fake narrative. No one actually in danger and you can blame it on whoever you want, left or right in this case, depending on how the wind is blowing.