They really can’t read the room on this one.
It’s more about preventing Democrats from having a win than any actual reason
Then if it somehow got pushed through despite Republican opposition, every Republican that tried to kill it would campaign on being a part of passing it if it was popular in their districts.
And because the average GOP voter is incapable of critical thinking or any form of independent research they eat it up every time. They just blindly drink from the Fox “News” fire-hose.
Hey, they do a LOT of independent research!! Just . . . very poorly. Using . . batshit violent chatterboxes instead of actual authorities on any subject.
But y’know. It’s . . . a kind of “research”? Well, they think it is.
“pro life”
Republicans only want the people who can’t afford children to give birth, preferably against their will, makes better desperate wage slaves with no other choice in the world save suicide. It’s no fun to let these IVF people conceive when they actually want the kid!
Where’s the cruelty and schadenfreude in that?
If someone has the financial means to assert themselves or their rights, then they are obstacles to the oligarchies goal of enshrining their wealth and having the government, that we pay for - they don’t pay taxes, protect their wealth for them, from us. Why else usurp regulatory control?
We pay for our own oppression then. This is, no hyperbole, the face of Slavery, Inc. and the 100% guarenteed, as immoral as inevitable, end of corporatocracy (late stage capitalism). Correcting course won’t be easy, how to won’t be shared thru media, and the doing so absolutely will not be legal. But what choice are we left with? Live on your knees or die on your feet?
“It’s idiotic for us to take the bait,” said Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), who clarified he was referring not to Duckworth’s bill on its face but to Democrats’ attempts to use the proposal as an IVF messaging tool. Vance said he’s not yet reviewed the actual bill.
It sure is. Also the bait is being against this perfectly reasonable protection, dude. Good job stepping on that rake.
It’s all “states rights” when something would prevent them from running their little christofascist serfdoms their way, but when the public disagrees with them trample by the Constitution they have no problem exerting federal power.