Valve will never have this issue.
Can’t play all of them except the first two if there’s only two
fallout 1, and fallout 2 are amazing games. yes it helps to use the new community engines for modern computers, but its hard to find that level of narrative engagement in any modern games. (fallout new vegas is also excellent)
I maintain that Witcher 1 and 2 are better story rpgs than 3.
Witcher 3 is a beautiful game with lots of strengths, but balance and pacing are completely lost to the open world dynamic.
Balance and pacing? I found that Witcher 1 had no pacing
The Witcher 1 is incredibly painful to play, though. I played through it, but it felt incredibly unbalanced at times and just wasn’t as well designed as the sequels.
I do get that. I played through them in order a few years ago but I’m also an older guy who doesn’t mind old janky games as much.
I actually had to take a couple of months off between 2 and 3 because it was such a jarring transition.
Yeah. 2 had the window dressing of open world, but was very much not. I did kinda miss the way traps worked in 2. I would have very much like them to be in 3, but the bombs do work better for the faster kind of combat they developed in 3. TW2 combat felt more technical, like fencing, and TW3 feels like Royal Rumble but with swords.
Yeah I was going to post the same. The games themselves were awesome stories, and half the fun was replaying the game and trying to get overpowered as quick as possible, or do a dumb character run or a charismatic pacifist run or whatever.
But yeah, the engine is so janky that I can understand modern gamers being put off.
What is TSE? The Scrolls Elder?
Ah yes, my favorite Besethda games series.
That sounds like a relaxing game about an elderly medieval librarian and I want to play it so badly.
People who do not play FarCry 2 are missing out
Their loss
Thank you. It’s crazy to see how much detail was lost when the franchise turned into Ubisoup
I dono how you can start at 2… not playing FC, the original is a travesty.
To be fair the original might as well be a diffrent game. More simialr to crisis than today far cry whereas far cry 2 is basicaly the modern far cry with one incredibly stupid decision ruining the game thats probably fixed by some mods.
Which is the stupid decision. The malaria or the guns falling apart every fifth bullet they fire? I like the idea of both, but they’re far too fast with too few ways to deal with them.
Thats fair, i like the crysis style better, which makes sense sine the original was a crtek game.
I remembered I gave it a quick try on PS3 but as my brain was very rotten with COD games at the time it never grabbed too much of my attention… But I still have it in my backlog.
The PC port of FC2 is a disaster though. I remember sitting through that long intro cutscene so many times, it just kept crashing before the first save point…
People complain about PC ports now (and rightfully so) but man there was a constant stream of garbage ports in the late ‘00s that were never fixed.
I have both the disc and the Steam version and I’ve never had a problem getting either to run. Especially that first cut scene never once crashed on me, and I must have started about a dozen playthroughs over the past 15 years, on vastly different hardware configurations.
FC2 was totally fine for me when I played it on PC, both close to release and later, I guess it just had issues on certain hardware…
Fallout 1 and 2 are some of my all time favorite games. Absolutely would recommend playing them.
Fallout 1 & 2 are better than Fallout 3 & 4.
This is the coldest take I’ve ever seen.
As someone who and only played 4 this checks out
Can probably add Baldur’s Gate to the list now
Fallout fans: Not touching anything beyond the first two games
New Vegas is a true successor to the first two, it’s simply held back by a bad engine. It’s the number 1 game I would like to see a proper remake of.
More than anything it’s held back by it’s ultra short development time. The engine isn’t great, but they made it work for them fine, ignoring the crashes which could have been solved with more time, and are mostly solved with mods. The combat can only be so good with it, but that’s not why NV is good anyway.
That as well. There’s so much content they could’ve added to the game if given more time and less technical restrictions. That’s why I want to proper remake. Not an exact remake, but one that also has the cut content (which will make the game different from the original, because Ulysses was supposed to be a companion not the culmination of the couriers journey).
Yeah, I’d love to see a re-imagining, especially since they know it’ll make a ton of money, so they can invest in it. I assume, if it did happen, that they’d want to keep all events the same for lore reasons though, just to keep it from getting confusing. I believe Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel has been un-canonized though, so it wouldn’t be a first for FO, and Bethesda does that all the time with TES, so whatever.
That was my friend, he was so mad when they went 3d lol I didn’t mind as much, but I did like the old style.
Fallout 3 was not a bad game, but it must have been annoying for a series you love to change genres.
That’s not fair. Interplay made a 3D (though still top down) “Fallout” with Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel before they sold it to Bethesda. It’s also far worse than anything Bethesda has done or will do with the series. It’s great how everyone just chooses to ignore that it exists.
Here’s a hot take. I really like the leveling system in Final Fantasy 2.
I think it’s worth noting that if you’re playing the Pixel Remaster version, it’s significantly less jank than the original from the NES. They also made the trap rooms a lot less brutal. That said the game is overheated for sure. It had ideas that didn’t pan out but it also was pretty ambitious for a NES game.
The first version I played was the dawn of souls on the GBA. Never tried the og.
That’s why you like it, then. Every version of FF2 beyond the original has made the levelling less awful as well as try to fix up some of its other
If you go back and try an English translation (or can read Japanese I guess)of the original you’ll find its a shit ton of pointless grinding that just hurts to play
Im usually ok with a grind and some pain in older JRPGs but FF2 is not ok
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I loved it too! Until I learned you can attack your own party to essentially powerlevel. Couldn’t stop myself from abusing it instead of doing some proper leveling.
Yep, punch myself in the face until I never need equipment again.
Same, you can really see the bones of what would become SaGa on it, I like it very much from the combat to the keyword based dialogue.
Is it any different to any other FF games? Sorry I entered into this meme 😅
Warcraft 2 was actually a really great game. If Warcraft 3 and StarCraft never came out and utterly eclipsed it, it would have been an all timer. Warcraft 1 was also good, but inferior to 2 in basically every way and never got time to shine.
Witcher 1 was incredibly tough to play through, but Witcher 2 was great.
WC1 was iconic at the time and we thought nothing could top it. Then WC2 absolutely blew our minds, and SC destroyed them as (I think) the first popular RTS with highly asymmetric but balanced factions.
Blizzard was absolutely on the top of their game then.
Of course nobody (including myself) realized that both games were just Warhammer / 40k in disguise, because those games were only for true nerds at the time. Only in the last few years as 40k has become mainstream did it become obvious where Blizzard got the lore and aesthetic to create such iconic games.
Yeah I really enjoyed WC2, it was epic and WC3 was a real disappointment to be honest. I still play WC2 every so often though
Same I never played much WC3 we mostly stuck to StarCraft and AoE2 in that era. StarCraft for a quick weeknight game and AoE2 for prolonged LAN party wars
I heard (so feel free to go down the rabbit hole and try to varify it, cause I am struggling to find a definitive source) that Blizzard was actually trying to make a 40k game but the deal fell through so they went for legally distinct lore. And one of the reasons all the cerabrates were killed between brood war and wings of liberty was because games workshop didn’t feel they were legally distinct enough and blizzard didn’t want to get in a protracted legal battle over them.
I’ve heard that it was Warcraft that was supposed to be a Warhammer licensed game but I don’t believe it. I don’t know what the armies looked like at the time when Warcraft 1 was being designed, but the Humans certainly don’t look like anything in 5th Ed - TOW.
StarCraft is clearly inspired by WH40k, but it came out after they should have resolved any licensing issues with Warcraft.
I looked into it this morning because I was curious and it’s all very blurred lines. However apparently Blizzard and GW do have an agreement about allowed content going forward so something happened between them.
It’s like… There’s only so many ways to draw a space marine but Terran marines are clearly Space Marines, right? And the Zerg and Tyranids are just too similar for it to be a coincidence.
I know I’m probably in the minority here, but I liked the first 2 Grand Theft Auto games on PC better than the more well known ones… They were top down view and easier to just pick up and play. The graphics were more like a 16bit era game. They were simpler games that just felt more fun to me than the giant massive games that came out later. I tried a few of the later ones but it just made me miss the originals lol
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I played them on PS1 but yeah, same. I can still hear the sound effects in my head. Killlllll frenzy!
The main theme song is awesome, it’s called Grand Theft Auto by Da Shootaz on streaming services. I had a PS1 disc version of the game from what I recall too which meant the song could be played by putting the game disc in a regular audio cd player.
I absolutely love Fallout 1 & 2. They are personal favorites. Far Cry 1 was also incredible, but the only ones I’ve touched after were Primal and Blood Dragon. I really need to try out the early GTAs though.
Get ready for a completely different play style. Those two are top-down games instead of third person
I feel like I enjoyed the first two more than any afterwards. GTA 2 was an exceptional LAN game.
The early GTA games are different, for sure, but they’re still fun games in their own right.
Only thing that really threw me off going back was no in-game map/radar.
I’ve beaten Chinatown Wars and enjoyed it quite well. My first game system was the Atari 2600. I’m fine with low poly, old school animations.
Well “far cry fans” are wrong. Far cry 2 is probably the last mildly risky game Ubisoft ever produced and was way ahead of its time in a lot of aspects.
Also far cry 1 was a completely different game and a decent shooter (for 2004). Definitely worth playing for the history.
Yeach as far as climate goes it was great. The only unfortunate choice were the endlesly respawning guardpost (?) not sure about the name. But it was a massively ubfortunate point. It really made the game go from very good to throwing your controler in rage very fast.
Respectfully disagree. It’s the captured roadblocks that turn the late game of other far cry games boring. FC2 was constantly dangerous. Arriving at a mission start point was an adventure. You had the option to Leroy Jenkins into the roadblocks, beat a wide path around them, take the bus, or 30 other things in between.
That’s why the later games make unlocked bases into fast travel points, because once defeated, there is no point in revisiting anything.
You know what, when I played it I really hated these respawning roadblocks because I thought they were immersion breaking and “annoying”, but thinking about it, most of my better memories about random gunfights were around these roadblocks, so I agree with you, especially the late game thing.
True, the hardest difficulties were actually very fun, but the respawning checkpoints kinda ruined them
Play The Witcher 2. Seriously.
Now TW1… shudders
I may be in the minority, but I went and played the first 2 Witcher games (and then the 3rd again) with the intention of seeing how CDPR grew as developers before I played Cyberpunk and I was blown away with how they have ALWAYS been good at making a game atmospheric and immersive. Yeah, the first game the whole combat experience is janky AF (but fun in its own way) and a few of the key character models (Zoltan shudder yeesh) look horrifying, but the game, story, atmosphere, and storytelling that made the Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 great were all present and noticeable in the Witchers 1 and 2
I feel like that sentiment only applies visually. The world and story of 1, as well as the gameplay if you accepted it was more of an RPG than an action game, felt much better than 2 did, imo, it just looked like absolute shit.
I just struggled hard with the gameplay. Some games throw up road blocks, but TW1 threw up entire mountain ranges for me. Maybe I just didn’t quite get something in the mechanics, but it felt like the game would routinely go from playable, to “die incessantly until you grind and overlevel”. A lot of the game’s difficulty felt like it was just level-gating progression blocks. Maybe I was just trying to go too fast? I admit that I may have just brute-forced my way through things that probably had a more nuanced or subtle solution.
This is also not to say that I dislike TW1 at all. I quite enjoyed it. It just frustrated me more than 2 and 3 combined.
Witcher 1 did want to be more meticulous. Researching the monsters, making specific potions or coatings, using the right weapons and juggling fighting styles,
collecting sexy lady cards, balancing swordplay with signs, navigating political choices thay would be completely abandoned in the sequels…
i played 1 and 2 before 3 launched. Allowed me to appreciate the choices i made in 2, and while the plot of 1 for the most part is virtually disconnected from the rest of the series outside of Foltest, gives you appreciation for the heart of stone dlc in 3 when you revisit Shani (especially since i went the Shani route over the Triss one).
because of how disconnected 1 is as a story, it almost could be a side story as its very self contained outside of Foltest’ role inthe universe.
I think TW3 already spoiled me all the plot of TW2.
GTA2 was cool. Never played the new stuff
GTA1 was really good too.
I played a lot of GTA London, but I’m old now
I’m not that old
GTA 2 and Warcraft 2 were the best in their respected series
WC2 was my first RTS
I had lan parties with GTA2, such good memories
GTA 2… Best
Bold opinion, got a reason?
GTA2 and 3 might as well have been different series for how different they were. Both were great but I’ve always wanted to see a top down successor to GTA2. The game was much goofier and the top down view let you kite a ridiculously large police force through the wildest chases imaginable.
GTA2 was just plain fun.
Kind of like how Metroid forked into its 2D and 3D incarnations, each with a separate story and timeline even (The Metroid Prime series splits off after Super Metroid, and Fusion / Dread diverge significantly)
With Prime 4 lost in the pipe somewhere, Dread was an honest surprise to see. Even more surprising was to see it was a 2D Fusion sequel over a decade later! And it felt like a real return to form for Metroid and was a blast to play.
This is how I feel a GTA2 sequel could be received, but they would need some way to identify it from the 3D titles that most people identify as GTA now.
Maybe even an HD remaster with some new content would be well received. I would love to play GTA2 again in HD.
Out of interest, did you play GTA 1?
I never had a chance to, I was pretty young when 2 came out and had never even heard of the original game.
Kind of like how Metroid forked into its 2D and 3D incarnations
Most people use Zelda as their example for the phenomenon
I would be surprised to see another mainline 2D Zelda though, Zelda has pretty much been 3D since OOT except for the DS games.
Metroid had gone the same way and that’s why Dread was such a surprise to see and I feel like top down GTA would be the same sort of thing.
I doubt we will see something like Dread from the Zelda series after BotW/TotK were such expansive open worlds, Zelda just seems to be getting bigger.
Stop saying sad and probably true things! We need another 2D Zelda.
Did you try Chinatown Wars? I thought it was pretty awesome.
I thought it was just a mobile game and ignored it but it actually looks like a real game and pretty good, I should check it out! Too bad for some reason they overlooked a PC release, have to play it on DS emulator in low resolution I guess.
Cause it was really the first of it’s kind and was on a console. GTA while was also console released was a lot different and not as polished.
This meme was made by someone who didn’t grow up during the time of top down games, WC/WC2, FO1/2 and GTAs all were insanely good for their time.