I never got people that load up tea with sugar and milk. It’s barely tea at that point.
Tried to order green tea at a drive thru once and they asked what I wanted with it. Confused the heck out of me and I just responded with “uh, tea?”
Reminds me of when I asked for a cream soda at Wendy’s and they responded with “What flavor?” and I was like “Uh… cream soda flavored?”
Turns out they didn’t have regular cream soda…
European here, what the hell is a “cream soda”? That sounds horrible.
It’s basically just a vanilla-flavored soda. Apparently there are some European varieties, according to the wikipedia page, but they must not be that popular if you’ve never heard of it.
You can get it in Germany but typically only in import candy stores. While I don’t mind the flavor it’s generally considered too sweet by people who try it.
Nothing to do with vanilla.
150 years ago, sure. Coca-Cola has neither coca leaves nor kola nuts these days though, and modern cream soda in the US is a vanilla-flavored amber beverage.
Fun fact, they still have coca leaves.
Since then (by 1929), Coca-Cola has used a cocaine-free coca leaf extract. Today, that extract is prepared at a Stepan Company plant in Maywood, New Jersey, the only manufacturing plant authorized by the federal government to import and process coca leaves, which it obtains from Peru and Bolivia. Stepan Company extracts cocaine from the coca leaves, which it then sells to Mallinckrodt, the only company in the United States licensed to purify cocaine for medicinal use.
It always fluorescent pink whenever I’ve seen it.
You’re clearly not Italian. They put actual cream in soda. The American variety just tastes like ice cream due to the vanilla, no cream involved.
In the US cream soda is NEVER pink. Was weird to see that when I went to Canada
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Maybe it’s a regional thing closer to the Canadian border
Although looking it up supposedly “Big Red” is a type of red cream soda, and they love that shit in Texas. But it doesn’t call itself cream soda. Everywhere I’ve lived cream soda is invariably amber colored.
Crush has multiple flavours, cream soda is;
But have you tried it in a little cup when you’re six at a classmates birthday party?
It’s actually good. It’s been a long time since I had any, but from what I recall I think the best way I could describe it is that it’s like if you let the ice cream in a root beer float melt and mix in with the root beer. Except without the root beer flavor. So vanilla, creamy and carbonated.
It’s like one of the best kinds ever, although it’s pretty old school where I am. We also call it creamy soda in Australia.
Like when I order a Ceasar salad and get asked what kind of dressing I’d like.
Apparently they like “barely tea” shrug
I wasn’t a fan at first but barley tea really grew on me.
[At least where I’m at] it’s kind of hard to find good tea. Like there are 400 cafés in the city that serve single origin beans with latte art, but I only have one local shop where I can get decent loose leaf. If I end up drinking the stuff from the grocery store, I probably will put sugar in it.
You can buy it from Chinese farmers on the internet and it’s not even expensive
I’ve ordered expensive tea direct from China. It was definitely the highest quality I’ve seen. Where do you go for the non-expensive stuff?
TenRen Tea for the good shit, Adagio Teas for mid-to-high quality with a lot of flavor options.
Apparently TenRen also has a retail location in my city, I’ll have to check that out.
Adagio is phenomenal. I spend way too much money there.
I have bought from Yunnan Sourcing in the past and recommend em. There is some expensive tea for sure but tons of affordable ones.
If you don’t mind venturing to r*eddit, r/tea has a vendor list that is very helpful
Heheh, Yunnan Sourcing is what I had in mind with “expensive tea from China”. It’s true though, some really aren’t bad, converting from USD just makes it feel more expensive.
Ah, maybe we’re looking at different teas though. Bear in mind you can/should steep a lot of them several times.
That’s a good point, accounting for multiple steeps, some of the lower priced options work out to a pretty sweet deal. I might have to place another YS order now that I’m thinking about it… 😋
I don’t shame people who order what is effectively a coffee flavored milkshake every morning. But I wish they’d cop to it and call it a milkshake.
There’s two thousand calories in your mocha triple vanilla pump latte, Susan. Own it.
I just like sweet tasting early grey with a bit of caffine
As a kid I always hated tea because when my dad made it, it would always have an obscene amount of sugar. It blew my mind when I tried someone else’s tea with a little honey and milk, that shit’s SO good
It is a good way to use cheaper tea like the tea bags that only contain tea dust. A cup from these will be rather bitter but it can taste nice once you add milk and/or sugar.
A teaspoon of sugar and a splash of milk is still very much tea. It’s about 10% of the sugar and calories that are contained in an average soda.
I never got people that get excited about tepid leaf water.
It’s one step up from water. It’s not supposed to be a sidestep from soda with milk.
I drink black coffee so I’m free to judge all of you.
That’s right, get more of that strong, healthy caffeine.
? It’s the same amount of caffeine
As tea? No.
The master race! Hold strong brother (sister?) 💪
Most of the sugary drinks I drink have had most of the sugar converted into alcohol before I drink it which makes it much healthier!
I don’t get people who drink tea with a fuckton of sugar. At tyst point it’s damn near impossible to to even taste the actual tea anymore.
I tend to drink it like that. Apparently it’s not socially appropriate to drink hot sugar water, and I need the sugar.
My secondary issue is that most tea available now is quite crap quality. I don’t need sugar in good tea, but good tea is not trivial to make, and requires good tea to work with. Failing that, masking the poor flavour with sugar helps.
Apparently it’s not socially appropriate to drink hot sugar water, and I need the sugar.
Anyone who saw the Men In Black movie would be a little suspicious.
most tea available now is quite crap quality.
Are you referring to teas available in supermarkets?
Supermarket tea can be a bit of a crapshoot. Some is quite good, some is complete rubbish. Unfortunately, most places err towards cheap bulk tea, rather than expensive tea, particularly for workplace tea.
I’m personally also a bit of a tea snob (ok, a complete snob!). I’ve found a place in Bath that sells excellent tea. I’ve also taken the time to figure out the best way to brew it, to my tastes. Unfortunately, this also raises the bar on all other teas. It makes it obvious how bad the likes of PG shits etc are.
Where do you get your Tea?
From these fuckers?
Online tea retailers
I drink all tea without anything added to it. Sugar just makes me hyper all day.
A smidge of honey or nothing at all is the way to go. If you need to put a lot of sugar in the tea, you probably brewed it wrong (or it’s just shitty tea).
Depends on the tea. An East Frisian blend, for instance, is intended to be drank with some rock sugar – not a mountain of it, of course, but the sugar is an integral part of the beverage.
Same, can’t relate to that comic at all
Really depends on the Tea.
Stash makes good tasting Tea. If you’re into Loose Leaf - they’re all usually strong. But Lipton makes weak ass shit. You’d need 3 bags and then it just turns bitter.
The twist: it’s salt
That would probably kill him faster.
At that point it’s just damp salt
Sea water?
I love how the employee of the month is a cat
“Batting drinks off the desks and clawing up the furniture is hard work, I tell ya”
A teaspoon or less of sugar, honey, or other sweetener I find both pleasant in my tea or coffee, and that it helps to support and express the floral and fruity flavors of them. I also sometimes like a little cream or milk, which can soften bitterness or help support certain spices (masala chai without cream just isn’t the same!)
People who are snobs about it are ridiculous, doctor up your beverage however works to enhance your joy of it. I try to keep my sugar down but you could add 2 or 3 spoonfuls to a big mug of tea and still not come close to how much is in a coke.
(Edit: the comic is cute and funny! People who are preachy about tea are also ridiculous. Sometimes you just need a diet soda or an energy drink for breakfast!)
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That is a tad more than a teaspoon depicted in the comic. But yeah, a teaspoon won’t really register in the sugar consumption scale.
I drink my coffee either black or with a shit-ton of creamer/milk and sweetener… no in-between.
I also prefer tea to be the latter, minus Earl Grey… it tastes better to me without milk, strangely.
Im the same. My coffee is either an utility drink made to sharpen by focus, or dessert.
But I find milk in tea diagusting for some reason.
¿Porque no los dos?
My cold brew coffee is a dessert, focus sharpener & multivitamin! (chocolate instant breakfast)
I’m being healthy! Lol
The spider is in the door keyhole. Captain flies away.
Beat me to it! Thank you for your service
I think I’m going to make some tea now
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Joke’s* on you
(Short for “The joke is on you”.)
Thanks !
I’ll just stick with water, thanks!
Hydrohomies represent!
I do enjoy some tea with a bit of honey when I want something warm but water is where it’s at
Okay, but have you considered adding a bit of lemon?
I have, actually! I do that sometimes, or flavour enhancers like Mio. I love water on its own as well.
I know for a 24oz mug I use about 70 to 90 grams of sugar after adding milk so I can’t say much
So for .006 Barrels you use 1080.2651-1388.9123 Grains? Seems high.
0.0787 Stone of sugar lasts me 2-3 seasons
Hey man these are canadian measurements