Biden Has Canceled Student Debt for Nearly 4 Million

  • @gAlienLifeform
    171 year ago

    4 out of 45 million, it’s way past time for him to have another universal plan forgiveness plan ready to present because these little individualized efforts are not going to dig us out of this mess

    • 👍Maximum Derek👍
      321 year ago

      The court said the House has to do it. They control the purse-strings. Whether that plan is in the works or not, Johnson won’t let it anywhere near the floor.

      • @gAlienLifeform
        -131 year ago

        The Biden administration made one argument with one executive order the court shot down one time. If they cared about this issue they could issue a new executive order citing different statutory or constitutional authority or a reinterpretation of the same authorities they cited before.

        Biden can and should fight as hard for this as Trump did for his Muslim ban.

        • 👍Maximum Derek👍
          121 year ago

          You mean exactly what they’re doing? It’s mostly a job for Whitehouse lawyers now, deciding just how much they can get through (each time they chip away) without ending up in from of judges again. That’s why every few weeks there another segment of cancellations happening.

          • @gAlienLifeform
            -51 year ago

            No, nothing at all like what they’re doing here, what I’m talking about is completely separate from these individualized cases. We need universal student debt relief that addresses everyone who was victimized by this predatory system. The vast majority are not getting any help and there’s no indication the Biden administration is doing anything about that problem.

            • 👍Maximum Derek👍
              111 year ago

              The executive can’t make laws + the court says a law has to me made = Biden can’t do that.

              This is day 1 civics class stuff.

              • @gAlienLifeform
                1 year ago

                Issuing an executive order isn’t a law + the court hasn’t considered other arguments the administration could and should make = Biden isn’t even trying

                Guess that’s day two civics class stuff

                e; better phrasing

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Literally what they’re doing right now. Stop spreading misinformation saying they’re not.

          It’s a new rule though, so has to go through the rule making process including public comments and wait period, again. Also has to be more specifically tailored so there isn’t a repeat of the supreme court just striking it down again. If they don’t go through the proper rule making process as laid out by law it’ll also get struck down by the courts (just like all of trump’s stuff did that didn’t follow these rules, mostly because he appointed a bunch of hacks who don’t know how any of this works).

          And saying he only did one thing for student loans that got shot down is very wrong. Besides extending the student loan pause for quite some time, made changes from top to bottom including multiple rounds of new forgiveness and new policies for forgiveness, making pslf forgiveness easier and apply to more people, creating new payment plans that effectively lower interest (without technically changing the rate since that would have to be changed by law), lowering monthly payments, and even automatic granting of forgiveness people are owed but don’t realize (instead of having to sometimes sue to get forgiveness like many people were under the Trump admin).

          • @gAlienLifeform
            1 year ago

            Literally what they’re doing right now. Stop spreading misinformation saying they’re not.

            From your post

            The text proposes to provide relief in the following circumstances:

            [List of certain kinds of borrowers who will be eligible for relief, excluding many borrowers]

            So, no, the idea that they’re doing universal student debt relief is misinformation. Sadly typical for a lot of Biden supporters to fall for it and then share it around online, we really need more people to read past headlines and push back on propaganda from untrustworthy sources like this.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              The supreme court said no to the universal plan. The reasoning they cited was that congress did not intend for him to have the power to do that. Dubious reasoning or not, trying the same blanket loan forgiveness again is not going to work. And they were literally before the supreme court, do you honestly think they made “one argument?” There are hundreds of pages of arguments spanning multiple filings, not to mention the oral arguments. Get to reading:


              And yes it is misinformation to pretend this was the one and only thing the Biden admin has done or attempted to do for student loans and ignore everything else that has been done. It’s misinformation to say there’s been “one executive order,” demonstrably very false.

              What the Biden admin is doing right now is exactly what you’re suggesting, seeing what kinds of forgiveness they might be able to get squeaked past the courts since the broad powers in the heroes act have been cut off by the court. The rules aren’t finalized so it’s not clear exactly how broad that new plan will be or what the criteria is. If they re-attempted the same thing with the same terms there’s no way it would stand with the court. If you just want hollow regulations passed that will never actually be implemented to pay lip service before a court strikes them down again, fine. I’d prefer things that will actually get through and have a chance to help people.

              And try and save at least a drop of vitriol for the Republicans who were the ones who stopped the plan in the first place.

  • @[email protected]
    171 year ago

    I’m just tired of family members hearing on the news that another couple million in debt was just wiped out, and them calling to ask if it affects me too.

    No, you’ll know when it affects me, I’ll be shouting it from the rooftops in between benders.

  • beefbot
    61 year ago

    Friends said they had really old original ones, that they at some point consolidated w the newer ones, rendering the whole mass of them old or big enough to qualify. Didn’t even have to apply, just they got notified it was done

  • AutoTL;DRB
    11 year ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    As the November election gets closer, Biden’s team is eager to tout what he’s done to address student loan debt – with the administration recently sending congratulatory emails to 153,000 debt-relief recipients – even if his actions fall short of some Democrats’ expectations.

    The Supreme Court ruled that the executive branch does not have the authority to implement Biden’s broad forgiveness program, which would have canceled up to $20,000 for borrowers who make less than $125,000 a year.

    The one-time cancellation program would have benefited millions of people, but it drew some criticism because it would not have helped future borrowers or addressed the larger issue of the rising cost of college.

    In a Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted in January, 46% of US adults said Biden has the “best approach” to lowering student debt burdens, compared with 22% who said Donald Trump does.

    They wanted the president to cancel $50,000 of student loan debt per borrower – an amount Biden argued was too high.

    Still, the Biden administration is working on implementing another path toward a broad student loan forgiveness program, this time relying on a different legal authority in hopes that this attempt holds up in court.

    The original article contains 681 words, the summary contains 195 words. Saved 71%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • bean
    1 year ago

    Consider that student loan debt is over $2 TRILLION. Source: Student Loan Debt Clock

    $138 billion canceled, according to the CNN article posted by OP. The article also claims $1.6 Trillion, which is low compare to multiple other sources, including the debt clock above.

    So $138 billion from $2 Trillion is 6.9%, not the optimistic 9% the article claims.

    Drops 💧 in the bucket. 🪣

    Edit: for those downvoting me, I’m a Biden supporter, and will still vote Biden. I’m just someone who got reamed from student loans. Just because I disagree with how the student loans issue has played out doesn’t make me a Trump supporter. FFS! You can’t even have a negative opinion on a single thing without being lumped into being a Trumpthumper. 🙄🙄 Further was I really criticizing Biden? I didn’t even mention his name. I pointing out that the article skewed facts and it wasn’t as rosy as it looked. I have been assfucked by student loans and predatory lending and I’ve gotten zero help.

    • @RapidcreekOP
      181 year ago

      One drop more, I reckon, than you would have ever gotten out of a Republican President.

      • @Ensign_Crab
        11 year ago

        “You criticized Biden, therefore you must be a trumpist!” is the only defense centrists have anymore.

        • @RapidcreekOP
          61 year ago

          I am too lazy to argue that the OP argument makes no sense in an ongoing program, or that it is not justifiable to say too little when there was zero in the first place, or go over the history of this issue which was stopped by various government organizations (checking notes) three times…but no, I’m not claiming anyone is a Trumpist.

          • @Ensign_Crab
            -11 year ago

            If you’re not claiming anyone is a trumpist, there’s no reason to bring up trump as a whatabout to criticism of Biden.

            • @RapidcreekOP
              11 year ago

              I didn’t. I said Republican President. There are quite a few of those.

      • bean
        1 year ago

        One drop more, I reckon, than you would have ever gotten out of a Republican President.

        You reckon wrong. Did you forget Trump gave out stimulus checks? He even wanted his name on them.

        In 2008, George W Bush, to counter the financial crisis, signed the Economic Stimulus Act, which provided tax rebates to Americans.

        There you go. Two recent examples where we got drops from Republican Presidents.

        • @RapidcreekOP
          01 year ago

          Bwhahahaha. Not education debt.

          • bean
            -11 year ago

            You used a blanket statement to try and illustrate a point that you wouldn’t ‘ever’ get money like that from a Republican President. Now you want to make it seem like you’re ONLY talking about Education. Man, you just move the goalposts because you’re lazy and don’t actually have anything of value to add here. I’m done wasting my time on you.

            • @RapidcreekOP
              01 year ago

              So you can’t read the context so you can arrange an argument. Good for you.

        • @Specal
          -11 year ago

          Both those acts created debt however, not reduced debt

  • Verdant Banana
    1 year ago

    on top of that Biden failed to raise the minimum wage, reign in the militarized police force, or set up a national healthcare plan as was his campaign promises

    with all this how could anyone thrive and get ahead

    Biden has helped Republicans keep the citizens down since he started being a politician and how either party gets any votes is a paradox

    • @RapidcreekOP
      261 year ago

      Congress failed to pass minimum wage. Kyrsten Sinema did a courtesy when she cast the deciding no vote.

      What is a true paradox is that you didn’t know this.

      • @Ensign_Crab
        -41 year ago

        Congress failed to pass minimum wage. Kyrsten Sinema did a courtesy when she cast the deciding no vote.

        Sinema wasn’t the deciding anything. There were 7 other members of the Democratic caucus who were willing to go on record as hating workers and wanting them to continue to suffer.

        • @RapidcreekOP
          91 year ago

          Doesn’t matter. Bidden doesn’t control the Senate, and he’s not King. Minimum wage can only increase through Congress.

          • @Ensign_Crab
            -31 year ago

            I mean, it matters to people whose wages stayed put.

            • @RapidcreekOP
              71 year ago

              Tell that to the ghost of Ted Kennedy who tried to increase minimum wage every year he was Senator. He would sigh, but not blame all the Presidents while he was in office.

              • @Ensign_Crab
                -21 year ago

                Ted Kennedy has been dead for the entire Biden administration.

                I don’t see what he has to do with your claim that workers don’t matter.

                • @RapidcreekOP
                  11 year ago

                  Didn’t claim that. You know that. I claimed the President can’t raise the minimum wage other than for government workers. WhichBiden did, BTW.

                • FenrirIII
                  1 year ago

                  So, why didn’t Obama or Trump raise the minimum wage? Because it’s Congress’s job.

        • @[email protected]
          41 year ago

          While Mr. Biden included the minimum wage increase in his stimulus proposal and the House passed it as part of its version of the package, a top Senate official, Elizabeth MacDonough, ruled that it could not be included in the bill under the strict rules governing the reconciliation process, which protects legislation from filibusters and allows it to pass with a simple majority. Democrats are using reconciliation to fast-track the bill through the Senate.

          • @Ensign_Crab
            01 year ago

            Thank you for the reminder that Biden didn’t fire the parliamentarian because she blocked what he wanted blocked.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              Wtf does the parliamentarian of the senate have to do with Biden? Do you honestly think Biden can fire her? They aren’t even in the same branch of government. Get it together.

              Assuming you’re just a troll at this point, but if you really don’t know the senate decides who the senate parliamentarian is, of course, just like everyone else who works for the senate, and she was appointed in 2012 by Harry Reid.