I released my first game on Steam and got rid of impostor syndrome!

My first game Mushy Score is out on Steam! I have been creating games since I was a child but never felt like a real game dev. Now I finally have a game that I can show to other people.

Mushy Score is a 2D Roguelike where you fight against endless waves of enemies. Collect points and try to get a high score! I am super exited for the release !

If you like similar games go check it out: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2480740/Mushy_Score/


  • @[email protected]
    387 months ago

    and got rid of imposter syndrome

    Don’t worry, steam reviews will fix that.

    Jk congrats on the game! Can’t wait to check it out

    • Mika 🍄 Wishlist Mushy ScoreOP
      137 months ago

      Yeah, my first problem is getting people to notice the game, but getting all negative reviews would probably be depressing :D

      Thank you! Hope you enjoy the game!

  • @58008
    387 months ago

    Congratulations, completing a game and getting it out the door is no mean feat!

  • @sp6
    147 months ago

    Awesome work. Out of curiosity, what engine did you use and how was your experience with it?

    • Mika 🍄 Wishlist Mushy ScoreOP
      157 months ago

      Thank you! I used Monogame and it was interesting experience trying out framework instead of engine. As a long time Unity dev I liked the full freedom with framework and liked creating everything myself. It is probably not best fit for beginners but for someone with C# experience it is something that I would recommend.

  • @slimerancher
    117 months ago

    Congratulations on your game release!

    That Mushy guy looks really cute. Hope to see more games in Mushy universe 😀

    • @j4k3
      57 months ago

      We found the universe simulation dev…

      … Can you, like, take the cartridge out and blow on it please… tia

  • ejmin
    97 months ago

    Great game. May I add some ideas of improvement?

    • resolution change should be a picker, or at least confirmable without changing the resolution right away
    • align the buttons and other UI elements
    • wordings could be changed because “flower that shoots enemies” made me immediately think that it’s going to propel enemies at me
    • there is no way to get back to menu from the game? Return gets me back to the game, Quit shuts the game off.
    • the blue mushroom doesn’t react when I press ctrl, as suggested by the icon
    • other UI elements are flashing underneath when drawing UI elements

    Otherwise very entertaining. I left a positive steam review. Good job.

  • @CptOblivius
    67 months ago

    God for you chasing a dream, making people happy… Good for you!

    • Mika 🍄 Wishlist Mushy ScoreOP
      77 months ago

      Most of my testing/playing have been on steamdeck! In my local game events I just walked to people and gave them my steamdeck to test the game :D

      • @topinambour_rex
        37 months ago


        Two things I noticed : The green blob appears semi-transparent on the screen score, but not in game. When the powerups appear, there is a square appearing from one or two frame at the center of the level.

        • Mika 🍄 Wishlist Mushy ScoreOP
          37 months ago

          Thanks for feedback! I will take a look at these! I think I made the green slime transparent in the score screen so it doesn’t cover all other enemies, but power up thing sounds like a bug!

          If you want to help game get visibility, writing review on steam would be really helpful!

          • @topinambour_rex
            27 months ago

            And it could be fun to have a semi transparent blob in game too.

  • @JoeKrogan
    47 months ago

    Well done 🥳. I wish you all the best