As an American one of the prettiest places I have ever been is Banff, in Canada.
No offense but Trump would welcome these on highly liberal Minnesota and New York and be impartial to Michigan. These are not affecting conservative states.
I assumed we lost their support years ago. I thought we couldn’t get more petty than “Freedom fries”. I was way wrong.
Man, it is hard to find a positive outlook headline lately. I wish it was half as depressing as it is.
Russia, maybe, but now Putin has his US puppet back. China will bounce higher and jump on every international opportunity the US is fucking up. It will take the US decades to recover, if at all. This mess is so completely stupid and unnecessary.
In all fairness he was up against an actual celebrity. He did a 180 pretty quick. Hopefully PA fixes this mistake, as he is not liberal anymore.
Why so low, and I live in this fascist state.
I’m athiest but deep down hope there is a hell. Just to see all those “christians” down there.
This is not surprising to anyone who was actually paying attention…or getting force fed propaganda from Murdoch’s sources.
Dumbfuckistan, I say this as an American…it’s gotten so childish here.
Well it is faster to burn a forest than grow one.
I always thought it was funny Cubans voting Republican. I am told it’s because they fear socialism because of Castro, so they vote for fascism. Even though the DNC is still far into the capitalism territory. It makes no sense to me.
It’s been 2 days and I’m so fing tired already.
Trump will bend over to anyone who gives him money.
ND we use both. I can’t even say what is more common.
Camacho tried to find the smartest person alive to help run things. Opposite of Trump.
Only a recent American.
True but people shouldn’t have voted for a sociopath either. There is more blame there.