Arkansas will no longer allow residents to use “X” instead of male or female on state-issued driver’s licenses or identification cards, officials announced under new rules Tuesday that will also make it more difficult for transgender people to change the sex listed on their licenses and IDs.

The changes announced by the Department of Finance and Administration reverse a practice that’s been in place since 2010, and removes the “X” option that had been used by nonbinary and intersex residents. The agency has asked a legislative panel to approve an emergency rule spelling out the new process.

Republican Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who last year signed an executive order banning gender-neutral terms from state documents, called the move “common sense.”

“As long as I’m governor, Arkansas state government will not endorse nonsense,” Sanders said in a news release.

  • 🦄🦄🦄
    463 months ago

    It is insane to me how laws like this only serve to shit on people. There is no harm prevented, nor crimes. It is absuredly evil.

    • @Num10ck
      113 months ago

      but seniors who vote and write letters don’t like feeling uncomfortable. what about their need to ignore your existence when they fill out a form?

    • @Passerby6497
      43 months ago

      That’s republican legislation in a nutshell.

  • @[email protected]
    353 months ago

    Huckleclops is at it again. Nothing helpful for her constituents. Only performative theater while they steal money for high-end furniture

  • littleblue✨
    343 months ago

    Every time I see a picture of this creature, I feel I have a better understanding of how multiple goblins in a trench coat could pull off passing for a human adult.

  • themeatbridge
    203 months ago

    “As long as I’m governor, Arkansas state government will not endorse nonsense,” Sanders said in a news release.

    X Doubt

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    Idk maybe I am trans but I still don’t understand why the government needs all this information about the genitals I had as a baby. Why is it on the cards or in their database at all?

    • @[email protected]
      23 months ago

      How else would we know about your genitals? It’s simply not practical to follow every person into the bathroom and peek into the stall while they’re peeing.

  • @[email protected]
    23 months ago

    Man oh man, she has an unfortunate face. Probably what drove her into such vindictive horrid political views.

  • Optional
    -83 months ago

    Great picture, AP. Y’all had a three-martini lunch and pissed yourselves laughing to pick that one, didn’t ya.

    Not that I wouldn’t have. But c’mon. wtf. When trump is found guilty of rape he gets a sober, serious picture. When Biden does anything not technically part of his presidential duties he gets a goofball picture. What is going on in there.

      • Optional
        -33 months ago

        Yeah it was a comment about the photos of politicians accompanying articles lately. It seems like they’re deliberately picking “wacky” ones.

  • Verdant Banana
    -303 months ago

    why did all the states decide to suck harder once biden got in?

    his conservative catholic ass got in and the US seems more republican and Christian than ever

    maybe this “two” party system actually does not work and we might need to start thinking about the possibility that other parties exist besides these two corporate ones

    we need more than the steps from a walking dead baby

    those first steps happened a long time ago and now is the time to move forward and stop this but we did baby steps bullshit

    • @NatakuNox
      3 months ago

      Because Republicans have no other course of action other than to become more authoritarian and anit democracy as time goes on. It’s mathematically impossible for them to ever win the popular vote and the electoral college is slipping as a possibility as well. So that only leaves political violence and actual violence as an option. It’s not Biden’s fault outside of not being left leaning enough. Conservatism is a death cult, meeting them half way in anything is a fools errand.

    • @mipadaitu
      163 months ago

      Because Mitch McConnell packed the supreme court with appointees by blocking a vote at the end of Obama’s term, and hand picked three justices for Trump to sign off on. Not to mention the extremely high number of other federal appointments that the Senate refused to vote on until they had a pawn in the white house.

      Then the Supreme Court overturned decades of protections for the American people, especially when it comes to women, and GSMs.

      Then the states were free to discriminate against their population.

      It’s fallout from the effects of Republican court packing nearly a decade ago, it just took time to take effect.