As a person who just left reddit due to being tired of reddit mods’ power tripping, I asked folks here what are their reasons behind migrating here from other forums (most likely reddit too). It seems like none of the folks who answered had complaints on reddit mods. Do folks here not feel the same about reddit mods as I do?

I heard Lemmy mods are volunteers too. How do they compare to reddit mods? Did Lemmy do anything to ensure no power abuse to happen?

  • @jordanlund
    403 months ago

    The thing is “mods” is not a monolith, not on reddit, and not on lemmy.

    I saw a LOT of trash moderation on Reddit, and I’ve seen some on Lemmy as well. There’s good moderation as well.

    I think what makes Lemmy different is a) it’s smaller so bad behavior is harder to hide. b) there are layers of administration.

    If the mods on lemmy are a problem, take it to the Admins of the instance, let them decide. Admins are a problem? Join a new instance and defederate from the problem instance.

    Reddit never had a model like that. The Admins were largely absent and really only took action against mods following the black out.

      • @z00s
        13 months ago

        Where can I go to see them?

        • @IchNichtenLichten
          23 months ago

          Top right bar, at the bottom, for me. There’s a green Modlog button.

  • SatansMaggotyCumFart
    193 months ago

    Reddit and Lemmy mods are just people, I do think Lemmy’s decentralized model makes it easier to leave and find an alternative if your views don’t jive.

  • @[email protected]
    133 months ago

    I’m pretty sure a lot of the mods here on Lemmy are just former moderators from reddit that were fed up with the site (me included).

    • @jordanlund
      53 months ago

      Fed up with the site, yes, but I was never a mod until I came here.

      I was one of the top 1%er redditors. They even included my comment in their FCC listing on Net Neutrality.

      • @z00s
        23 months ago

        Top by karma? Or number of comments? Length of membership?

  • SavvyWolf
    3 months ago

    I never got people’s obsession with assuming that all Reddit/Lemmy/Discord mods act the same. Like, anyone can create a community if they like, there’s no personality quiz you have to take.

    I guess you could make a case that power inherently corrupts, but other than that it’s silly to assume that they are all power tripping boogymen.

    Also Reddit mods are also volunteers as well, or at the very least not paid by Reddit.

    In terms of moderation, Lemmy and Reddit function basically the same. Mods have absolute power and if you don’t like it you can create a new board. There’s no magical tools to keep their power in check.

    I guess post removals are more transparent here because they are listed? But that’s not going to stop people.

    … Of course, if you are talking about admins rather than mods, the power structure is completely different. Which has its pros and cons.

    • db0
      33 months ago

      Depending on your instance, the mod absolute power isn’t necessarily true

        • db0
          23 months ago

          Depending on your instance, the mods might not have absolute power. In some instances they might dethrone mods who face a rebellion or whatever

          • SavvyWolf
            13 months ago

            Ah right, yeah that makes sense, didn’t think about instances like that.

  • @Gigan
    3 months ago

    In general I think of reddit mods as thin-skinned cucks on a power-trip.

    Haven’t interacted with many lemmy mods, but I assume they’ll trend in the same direction. It’s a lot of work for no pay, so it’s going to attract people with ulterior motives.

    • livus
      43 months ago

      My ulterior motive is I want to help grow the fediverse.

      If modding here ever gets as full of behind the scenes vitriol as it was on reddit I’ll probably stop.

      (I got asked to help out a few times over there but I lasted less than a month in one of the big ones. A lot of it’s glorified data sorting of some really ick stuff).

      • @z00s
        13 months ago

        What kind of stuff?

    • @Leapingfro9OP
      23 months ago

      I heard Lemmy saw increase in its users recently. When was that?

      • @Gigan
        23 months ago

        I’m not sure, probably when reddit made another stupid decision

  • @[email protected]
    83 months ago

    Lemmy mods are the most sexy people on earth and everyone is in awe when they enter the room.

  • @NeoNachtwaechter
    73 months ago

    I heard Lemmy mods are volunteers too. How do they compare to reddit mods?

    Lemmy mods are just discarded redit mods.

    Did Lemmy do anything to ensure no power abuse to happen?

    Lemmy is lacking seriously in that field.

    • HobbitFoot
      53 months ago

      The major difference between the forums is that Lemmy, for better and worse, have more active admins due to the nature of Lemmy. You are definitely going to have more active admins, which will influence how mods act.

      • @NeoNachtwaechter
        3 months ago

        Ok so have you ever seen an admin acting (unless you are one yourself)?

        • HobbitFoot
          23 months ago

          A few times.

          The act of federation and defederation is an admin role and I’ve seen discussions where admins ask their users. The defederation from exploding heads and Threads is an example of that.

          You have the allowing or removal of subs in an instance. That came about when some alt-right subs started appearing in and they were deleted.

          You also don’t have the hard line between admins and mods on Lemmy that you have on Reddit. Beehaw and are meant to be highly curated instances where the mods and admins work very closely together. In some cases, admins are also mods.

          So, yeah. Admins play a far larger role in Lemmy than Reddit.

  • @orangeNgreen
    63 months ago

    I was never a mod at Reddit. But I’m a mod here for a few communities. I try to be as “hands off” as possible, and step in only when needed. It’s been 7 or 8 months as a mod, and I have not yet banned anyone…

    • @z00s
      13 months ago

      What kind of conflicts have you seen here?

      • @orangeNgreen
        23 months ago

        The worst I’ve seen is some spam and some petty name calling.

  • @[email protected]
    53 months ago

    They’re people. If you disagree about something, you won’t like them. If you never disagree, you never think about them. Yeah there are shitty mods, just like there are users who have earned their ban, whether or not they would agree.

    just realized this is an enlightened centrist take. gotta go take a shower.

  • @[email protected]
    53 months ago

    I’ve been seeing a lot more comments removed by mods lately, especially on [email protected]. These don’t appear to be harassing comments either, just something the mod disagrees with and wants to silence. Unfortunately, I’m not sure how to see which mod is the one on a power trip though the Voyager app.

    • @Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In
      33 months ago

      Yep. I tested the censorship water there the other day with a mildly anti-authoritarian comment. Comments deleted and banned from the topic.

  • @xkforce
    53 months ago

    There is a lot of variation in how good or bad mods are. On Reddit you get anything from /r/askhistorians mods that are generally qualified in a particular branch of history and do a good job yeeting trash comments and on the other you have the conservative safe space mods that yeet people for not being conservative enough while screeching how pro free speech they are. All in all, I havent dealt much with most mods there.

    Here though… theres a lot of automatic moderation going on. At least on the server I am on that yeets comments that say certain bad words which I think is a bit overzealous.

  • @z00s
    43 months ago

    The decentralized model of Lemmy means that there won’t be that weird situation where some individuals were mods for literally hundreds of subs. Mod culture on R was just insanely toxic. Fuck that place.

  • slazer2au
    43 months ago

    Depends on the popularity of the /r/ or /C/

    I mostly stuck to small technical subs and didn’t have a run in with any mods.

  • @Ensign_Crab
    43 months ago

    Reddit mods coddle nazis.

    I hope lemmy mods never do.

      • @Ensign_Crab
        3 months ago

        Really, nazis?

        Or is this another “anyone even slightly to my left is immediately and permanently all the way to my right” thing?

        • @weeeeum
          23 months ago

          They are highly sympathetic to the Russian federation and the CCP. Making criticisms to either will get your account banned from

          In my opinion, it is reasonable to say that China is a fascist state due to its genocide of Uyghur people, language and culture. I also believe it is reasonable to label Russia as a fascist state, due to the kidnapping of Ukrainian children to Russia, war crimes and crimes against humanity committed towards the Ukrainian people and the banning of the Ukrainian language in Russian occupied schools. These both show clear intent to both eliminate people and their culture.

          • HobbitFoot
            33 months ago

            That doesn’t mean they are Nazis, though. Instead, they are Tankies.

          • ArxCyberwolf
            3 months ago

            Nazis are authoritarian, but not all authoritarians are Nazis. ML (along with lemmygrad and Hexbear) is full of tankies, not Nazis.

  • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    3 months ago

    Lemmy mods seem almost non-existent. There aren’t as many, and even the most dedicated aren’t on all the time and every once in a while some seriously bad shit (like CSAM) get posted and don’t get taken care of for hours.

    The extra rules aside from the general “don’t be a dick or post illegal stuff” things are generally more lax anyway; like the content itself doesn’t have to fit in the most rigid box imaginable to the point where nobody but friends of the mods and the mods themselves can post anything that doesn’t get auto mod deleted.

    As to the character of the people themselves: I’ve interacted with a lot of the mods, even those in the biggest communities here, and only like 2 I wouldn’t like to do so again because of their attitudes and stances.