• @A_Very_Big_Fan
        1 year ago

        Lots of people say “fuck America” but I’m not upset by it personally. He didn’t say “fuck Israelis”

        • @[email protected]
          71 year ago

          Good points. Its rough being a member of the majority that is not in agreement with the governmental official line. Like I’m pretty sure most Russians hate putin, most Israeli s hate Bibi, most Chinese hate Xi and most USians hate both Biden and Trump… But here we all are, just trying to do right by people as best we can while still keeping our families from being destroyed by the pressures that be.

          We just gotta keep the pressure up. Dont let the bastards grind you down. They are getting paid by some of the richest folks on the planet to do just that, while you have to make an honest living… Dont let them win. Keep your heart open to your neighbors and beyond

          • @A_Very_Big_Fan
            1 year ago

            They are talking about a particular group though, not the entire population like you seem to have taken it. When people say “fuck America”, they’re talking about the American powers that be (the government, corporations, military, etc. depending on context).

            In this context, “fuck Israel” clearly is talking about the military powers. In religious contexts, some denominations of Abrahamic religions might say “fuck Israel” because of the land’s involvement in the story, and that wouldn’t mean the citizens either. It’d mean the religious institutions or the territory itself.

      • @[email protected]
        181 year ago

        I’m sure not every single German during ww2 was a nazi. Your family might not actively support what’s happening but they are passively complicit and beneficiaries of what is happening by remaining in the country.

        • @clubb
          1 year ago

          I’m not even sure if they can just leave at this point

          • @WarlockLawyer
            71 year ago

            Why not? Most have access to citizenship from their original countries? Plus the extreme orthodox just threatened to all leave if they get included in the draft

              • @WarlockLawyer
                71 year ago

                70 percent were born in Israel. So thirty percent likely still have citizenship or could remain citizenship from their native land. The rest are mostly second or third generation so depending on ancestry many could claim citizenship by descent.

                • lad
                  21 year ago

                  70 percent were born in Israel

                  That’s pretty much “most”. Also emigration isn’t just getting a one way ticket and that’s it. Not to speak of cases of bed-ridden or otherwise incapacitated people and their caretakers

            • @Pipoca
              1 year ago

              The fathers of 44% of Israel were born in Israel, as of 2015. I doubt they have dual citizenship, just as most Americans don’t have dual citizenship to their grandparents and great grandparents countries of origin.

              Also, most Mizrahim and Sephardim these days are living in Israel, similarly to how most Ashkenazim are in the US. Even if an Israeli somehow has e.g. Iraqi, Iranian or Yemeni citizenship, moving back probably isn’t a safe idea. Morocco is probably safer, though.

              After the fall of the USSR, there was also a huge wave of Russian emigration to Israel. Given conscription for the war in Ukraine, moving back now might not be the best idea.

          • @[email protected]
            131 year ago

            I compare them to germans who aren’t nazis living passively in nazi germany. If your family isn’t actively against what Israel is doing they are passively supporting it.

                • @Aleric
                  41 year ago

                  The difference is they choose whichever context lets them play the victim.

              • @Aleric
                81 year ago

                I hate to break it to you, but the ongoing Palestinian genocide puts the Israelis on par with Nazis. Feel free to pretend otherwise, but they both were/are a group justifying killing another group based on their religion/ethnicity with the underlying true purpose of taking their land and possessions while consolidating political power.

    • @hark
      21 year ago

      What I do find strange is that they don’t need to register as a foreign entity.

    • @MotoAsh
      1 year ago

      Removed by mod

      • @[email protected]
        261 year ago

        It doesn’t say anything about the DNC. Are you sure you read all the words present here?

        • @sgnl
          1 year ago

          I guess the implication is that the DNC picks who goes on to the general elections, which kinda makes sense for their party. I don’t think that was necessarily a massive leap in logic either.

          But hey we all figure things out at different paces, hostility is unnecessary.

      • stankmut
        71 year ago

        The DNC didn’t select them, those picks won the primaries. The voters picked them.

          • @Telodzrum
            31 year ago

            lol HRC beat the shit out of Sanders. Cope harder.

            • Schadrach
              1 year ago

              Because she only ever needed about 30% of the vote in the primaries to win. Unpledged delegates made that the case, and they all fell in line with Hillary. Then heavily advertising the disadvantage Sanders is at in delegates to depress the Sanders vote.

              My state is a good example of this - Sanders got over half the votes and Hillary got 35%, which is why Hillary only got one more delegate than he did in my state.

            • @MotoAsh
              1 year ago

              Removed by mod

          • stankmut
            21 year ago

            It’s weird. It’s usually the people who don’t understand how primaries work who are the ones to think the popular vote picks the president. Glad to see you understand at least one part of the electoral process.

    • @LinkerbaanOP
      61 year ago

      and since most Democrats are paying lip service to the state of israel, this is statistically uninteresting.

      You don’t wonder why these Democrats all “coincidentally” support israel?.. They’re doing more than “paying lip service”.

        • @LinkerbaanOP
          -41 year ago

          Top tier cope.

          Aipac heavily screens their politicians in advance for beng pro israel enough. They don’t back anyone that doesn’t support them.

  • YaksDC
    241 year ago

    Maybe because I live in DC it is more in your face here, but the politico part of this town has been sucking Israel’s cock for decades.

    It has come as a real surprise to me that most of the country didn’t seem to know that until this Gaza war.

  • NoLifeGaming
    151 year ago

    Funny how its election meddling until its israel.

  • @Dehydrated
    101 year ago

    This foreign state-sponsored corruption should be banned

    • @esc27
      51 year ago

      I generally agree but I think it is starting to change. The primary protest votes suggest there is growing “disapproval” regarding Israel, and this is among actual voters. Not enough to make it politically “safe” for Biden to outright oppose Israel now, but it is something.

    • @hark
      51 year ago

      The biggest bubble is the bubble around Washington, D.C., fueled by tons of money. Most people would agree there is a genocide if they were made aware of it, but there is a lot of money being pumped to make sure the truth isn’t given any attention.

    • @LinkerbaanOP
      31 year ago

      Biden selling his soul for votes doesn’t make it much better

        • @LinkerbaanOP
          31 year ago

          On the bright side, since he has to respond to votes it means blackmailing him for a ceasefire does in fact work.

          Saying that he needs to abide by AIPAC but not by the will of his voters is not true.

          AIPAC can definitely cost him votes, but obeying their every whim 100% will also cost Biden votes. If he refuses to push back and find a balance he will lose. Blindly obeying the Zionist lobby isn’t going to get him reelected.

            • @hark
              21 year ago

              Biden isn’t doing anything to push back against israel. He’s the guy who said that if there wasn’t an israel then we’d have to create one. He said there is no red line when it comes to israel, giving them free license to do absolutely anything they want. Any “push back” is all talk and only as a weak attempt at placating angry voters, which just goes to show that pressure works and that we need a lot more of it. He doesn’t do anything because it’s the right thing, it’s rare for any politician, and he’s definitely not one of the rare ones.

              Leftists would be a lot less flaky at the ballot box if politicians would meet their “impossible” demands for things like healthcare and reasonable-costing shelter. Instead these politicians think they’re owed leftists’ votes while doing nothing for them.

                • @hark
                  31 year ago

                  Not sending weapons to israel would be easy and fully in biden’s control, but he bypassed congress to give them more weapons. Apparently not assisting in genocide is too much to ask of democrats. I’m sure the rich donors aren’t thinking “gimme gimme gimme” at all and that they’re content with politicians giving them nothing. So your strategy of picking up voters is to:

                  • Give them nothing.
                  • Talk down to them.
                  • Shame them for not wanting to vote for you.

                  I dunno, that just sounds stupid to me, but you’re the adult gigabrain here.