Interesting that I never go to groups dedicated to liberal, progressive, or democrat party discussion and argue with people there. But then again I actually have a life. And I don’t really care what THEY think I just want to be left alone.

  • @elbucho
    127 months ago

    Damn. Getting dunked on in the threads you create must be pretty tough for you. Had to go and create a fictional amalgamation of everybody who told you your views are objectively terrible and make him fat and unattractive just so that you could feel better about yourself. Must be rough.

    • @Mickey7OP
      -207 months ago

      everybody who told you your views are objectively terrible

      Thanks for validating my point. Good job

      • @elbucho
        97 months ago

        Thanks for validating my point

        Insert Principal Skinner meme here

        “Are my views sexist, racist, homophobic, and just overall idiotic? No. It’s everybody else who’s wrong.”

  • @TORFdot0
    117 months ago

    What makes you think that the only people that disagree with you are democrats or liberals?

    • @Mickey7OP
      -187 months ago

      OK. So you are implying that you are a conservative and NOT a democrat or liberal. If that is TRUE then tell us 2 policies that you support that conservatives support but democrats and liberals are against.

      • @TORFdot0
        47 months ago

        I don’t need to provide bonafides, nor does anyone else. We don’t need a single viewpoint arbitrating what “conservative” is.

        I participate here in earnest because I believe in easing regulations and keeping taxes low to grow the economy and that’s one position I’d consider myself more conservative from most of the threadiverse. I also think we need tighter enforcement of our borders and I don’t hate western hegemony.

        • @Mickey7OP
          -177 months ago

          Thanks for the comment. I am convinced that you are open minded and think for yourself. You are welcome here

  • @boywar3
    107 months ago

    If only Republicans could leave me alone with their shitty policies…

    As for being annoyed that people come in and talk…this is the internet equivalent of being in a public space. If the administrative people of this place don’t want people to come in, they can ban people.

    (Also, this place literally appears on the Hot page, essentially inviting any random person in. Maybe try like a closed Facebook group or something if you are bothered by dissenting opinions)

    • @Mickey7OP
      -157 months ago

      The problem for conservatives on most social media is that the conservative sticks to the groups that they enjoy. The leftist must go to groups where those who are opposed to the left gather. The big problem with lemmy is a policy of “flaired” that reddit has. If lemmy had this policy then only those who show that they are conservative would be allowed to post and comment.

      • @zeppo
        67 months ago

        That’s funny because there are basically 5 conservatives on Lemmy. It doesn’t seem like most people want to see this type of content here. So in typical conservative fashion, you’ve done exactly what you’re claiming “the left” feels a need to do: you’ve come to a place where people opposed to conservatives gather. And your solution is to wish for pre-emptive censorship? Right.

        • @Mickey7OP
          -107 months ago

          Think about what you just wrote. Lemmy like all social media sites is overly stacked to the left. Yet even with that leftists still feel the need to infiltrate conservative sites.

          • @zeppo
            67 months ago

            I’d encourage you to think about this. It’s amazing how consistently conservatives can miss the point when it’s right in front of their faces or even their own words.

            For one, Facebook and Twitter sure as hell are not “overly stacked to the left”. Facebook’s top publishers and links for years have been people like Dan Bongino. The idea Twitter ever “censored” conservatives or the admin pulled for the left was the usual conservative persecution whining. It sure isn’t now.

            So you say Lemmy is a leftist space but you have chosen to, in your terms, “infiltrate” it to spread your confused messages. That’s precisely the topic we’re addressing. Leftists are not “infiltrating” a “conservative site” simply by responding to this crap when we see it on the front page of Lemmy.

            • @Mickey7OP
              -87 months ago

              The idea Twitter ever “censored” conservatives or the admin pulled for the left was the usual conservative persecution whining. It sure isn’t now.

              Oh you mean how they banned all the factual news of the Hunter Laptop? Right?

              • @zeppo
                57 months ago

                I suppose you don’t read actual news but the laptop thing and the various other accusations were found to be complete bullshit… based also on testimony from a guy named “Alexander Smirnov”. Huh. I’m sure this is omg deep state or something though.

                The idea that Hunter Biden gave his laptop to a legally blind guy who happened to be friends with Giuliani, who then kept the laptop for months before saying anything to law enforcement, has always been worse than a stupid joke. If you believed that, good luck. If Twitter removed the libelous manipulative bullshit about it from their site, good.

                • @Mickey7OP
                  -67 months ago

                  the laptop thing and the various other accusations were found to be complete bullshit

                  wow even with all the evidence, you still believe the lies. Even after the FBI came out and said YES it was Hunter’s laptop

      • @boywar3
        37 months ago

        You really think conservatives never go to “leftist” spaces ever? That’s a patently absurd thing to say and you know it lol

        As for lemmy’s problems with flaired users…sucks I guess? It simply isn’t a feature of the platform at the moment and there’s little to be done about that (save for simply stating you must meet X requirements to post and any dissenting opinions catch a manual ban). My recommendation still stands that you can simply go elsewhere, like a private Facebook group or somesuch if you hate being challenged on your ideas.

        At the same time, do conservative news outlets not constantly rail against so-called “safe spaces?” I’m personally of the mind that one’s political views are one of those things that must be constantly tested by competing political views. One of the greatest ways to enhance one’s understanding of their position is by being constantly challenged and being forced to defend it - only then does one have to take a more critical view of their ideas.

        Simultaneously, political views are not something that exists in a vacuum, especially in a democracy. You are forced to hear (and live with) opposing views and policies constantly, just as I’m forced to live with yours. Is it not absurd to reject that reality by demanding opposing views don’t interact with you?

  • @toasteecup
    107 months ago

    Point for consideration, lemmy as a application* (it’s really a series of applications but wanna keep things simplistic for discussions sake here) is developed by primarily leftists and socialists from what I’ve been told. That helps to explain why on Lemmy instances I see a significant amount of leftists and socialists. People who make me look like a centrist.

    So given that, and your clear stated dislike for liberals and the like, why do you post here? You’re welcome to as much as anyone but I’m curious what you stand to gain from it. I don’t get the feeling that discussion is your end goal, I almost wonder if you just want to troll people. Let me know your thoughts if you’re willing to have a discussion.

    • @Mickey7OP
      -167 months ago

      The purpose is a discussion among conservatives. There are some on lemmy. I also want to showcase how the leftist must impose their beliefs on everyone. Lemmy, as you said, is filled with leftists. Yet those with empty lives come to conservative based groups to downvote and criticize. What a sad life they must lead.

      • @toasteecup
        97 months ago

        Isn’t that a little close minded? You don’t have to be willing to change your beliefs but this is an open community would you not be better served having discussions with the greater population and finding unique and interesting middle ground? Otherwise why not just use something like truth social or the like where it’s more focused on conservatives?

        • @Mickey7OP
          -117 months ago

          Did you read the rules of the community?

          • @toasteecup
            77 months ago


            I see nothing I’m saying as being in violation of them.

            In theory it would work with you posting a conservative or right wing meme or talking point (rule 1), and someone like me or someone else left wingish, posting a dissenting comment in good faith to start a discussion and see where we have common ground (rule 3).

            Did I misunderstand a rule?

            • @Mickey7OP
              7 months ago

              I am not a mod of this group and therefore did not make the rules. But the clear intent was to have a group where ONLY conservatives could have discussions. I will never understand why a non conservative that has 99.9% of all social media groups as left leaning, finds the need to go to a group in the small minority of .01% to have “discussions” with conservatives. The group is for conservative discussion, it is NOT for conversations with NON conservatives. I have made this point before, but the biggest problem with lemmy is they do not have a flair policy. As leftist as reddit is they at least allow their few conservative groups to restrict all posts and comments to those users who prove by prior posts that they are conservatives. I think you might be best served in those 99.9% other groups where you can post a dissenting point and see if you have common ground. And based on my past experience with THOSE groups good luck at actually diverting an inch from the approved narrative to start a discussion with an opposing view

              • @toasteecup
                67 months ago

                I think you need to re-read the rules of your community.

                This is rule 3 in it’s entirety. I’ve highlighted the part of particular note, you are welcome to verify it yourself should you not believe me.

                Dissent is allowed in the comments, but try to be constructive; if you do not agree, then provide a reason which is backed up by references or a reasonable alternative interpretation of the provided facts. That means the left wing is welcome to state their opinions, but please keep it in good faith.

                • @Mickey7OP
                  -107 months ago

                  I disagree with your interpretation. The rules clearly says the group is for conservatives. And YES, even conservatives have differences of opinions. A conservative group where conservatives can express dissent over various policies. Conservatives don’t adhere to the narrative dictated to them by the media or any political party

  • @breadsmasher
    87 months ago

    Ooh, self burn. Those are rare.

    Not often you see a conservative telling on themselves this hard

    • @Mickey7OP
      -147 months ago

      Ah. Another commenter who completely validates the point being made.

        • @Mickey7OP
          -157 months ago

          nice come back. feels just like 8th grade

          • @breadsmasher
            97 months ago

            the fact it was a quote comment went right over your head, huh

  • @Substance_P
    87 months ago

    Oh Mickey, what a pity you don’t understand

    • @Mickey7OP
      -157 months ago

      Good point. The original poster just can’t understand that YOU have all the right answers. We all admire you for taking on the responsibility of imposing what you believe, the right answers, on everyone else. Good job.