• @[email protected]
      246 months ago

      I believe reddit is infested with astroturfers paid for by governments.

      It’s just too manufactured and predictable, at this point.

      • @tourist
        226 months ago

        It’s bewildering to go back there and see so much pro Zionist sentiment.

        I recall in 2018 when those IDF soldiers were killing civilians and medics during the border protests. The reaction was totally different. Actual empathy for victims of war crimes and disgust for the perpetrators.

        Now it seems when there’s an equally or even more horrific war crime that happens to Palestinians, the response is always “welp they shouldn’t have done october 7th”, 178k upvotes, 3152 awards

        • livus
          56 months ago

          I remember a Canadian redditer got shot in the leg by IDF snipers and his colleague who rescued him got killed same day.

          At the time his personal account of the events was upvoted and people discussed stuff with him. He was a medic, with a post history about these cool 3D printed field tourniquets. He’d been shot when on duty.

          If someone like that posted in Reddit’s current iteration I think the response would be far more hostile.

      • Maeve
        86 months ago

        Some seem to have followed the exodus here.

      • @[email protected]
        36 months ago

        believe reddit is infested with astroturfers paid for by governments.

        As is tiktok, Facebook, Twitter and pretty much ebmvery other popular platform.

  • @Therealgoodjanet
    526 months ago

    After all, President Biden recently said he cannot understand why non-Palestinians are so vested in the Palestinian plight, according to another Democracy Now report.

    Can you imagine? People having sympathy for Palestinians being slaughtered?! It’s unbelievable and unforgivable, we like our people to be quiet and uninformed, thank you very much. Next thing you know they get concerned over kids being slaughtered in school shootings. The audacity!


    And as a side note; he doesn’t understand why people are sympathetic to the Palestinian plight, but he is ultra sympathetic to Israel. And he doesn’t even see the irony in that…

    • @[email protected]
      186 months ago

      Well he’s right, nobody cared about Iraqis, Afgans, Syrians, Libyans, Vietnamese, Cambodians,… we’ve slaughtered tens of millions with no problems, so what’s different now?

      • @AFaithfulNihilist
        256 months ago

        Some of the largest protests the world and specifically America had ever seen took place during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars drawing incredible numbers of people all across the country to protest. Our government got violent putting down a lot of those protests and The News largely just didn’t report it.

        It’s just harder to hide shit now, but a lot of people seem to discount how much power the TV had over what people thought was going on outside.

      • @Therealgoodjanet
        166 months ago

        We live in a different era now. Where we aren’t as influenced by the media anymore. They can spin stories all their want, but actually seeing the footage come out of Gaza makes it impossible to ignore or deny. The media is losing its grip and that’s what we’re experiencing.

        We can no longer be pacified with “it’s not that bad” or “they are the bad guys anyway, all of them” when you see the footage of four guys being blown up, just like that. When you see the videos of parents burying their babies. When you hear the first person stories the media isn’t bringing you.

        That’s what’s different.

      • livus
        56 months ago

        What’s different now is the ability of ordinary people to communicate with us without being gatekept by Western media.

    • @[email protected]
      -36 months ago

      Can’t vote for biden after this.

      In fact, I don’t see me ever voting for another establishment candidate after what they did to Bernie.

      It’s clear both sides are losing options.

      • @[email protected]
        16 months ago

        It’s clear both sides are losing options.

        Like it or not, one of them will be in power after the election.

        And one is clearly much worse for both amreicans and the international community.

        You (and peoope like you) abstaining from the vote means that Trump’s cultist voters’ ballots will have a greater influence on the outcome of the election.

        • @[email protected]
          -16 months ago

          Not really. You’re just a tribalist succumbing to and perpetuating tribalist rhetoric.

          I see it all the time and don’t expect more from you people at this point.

          In fact, every time I see it just reinforces my decisions.

          If you want my support, run better candidates. If we end up with Trump, that’s the fault of the establishment democrats just like the first time.

          No exceptions. Do better.

  • @[email protected]
    66 months ago

    It’s been coming for a lot longer than the few months since Palestine was back on people’s minds. No, this is all about China vs. US.

    • @[email protected]
      06 months ago

      I agree. It is not in any way a main reason. But it is a data point about how the west does not like a social media app that is not within their complete control.

  • @IsThisAnAI
    16 months ago

    Everyone just wants to ban content they don’t like.

    How about you all mind your own business, fuck off, and let me watch what I want?

    Fascism coming at me from both sides.

    • BNE
      16 months ago

      Thank God, an enlightened centrist! What knowledge can you throw down to us critically engaged peasants from the top of the horseshoe??? We’re so hungry as a result of communism or something

      • @IsThisAnAI
        -86 months ago

        You are just a sharing facisist

        • BNE
          6 months ago

          Praise Rand. So wise.

          Actually, as a fun little aside, can you explain to me what you think Fascism is?

          • @IsThisAnAI
            6 months ago

            Authoritarianism. You know little things like banning foreign media. Especially under the guise it’s for safety and your own good.

            • @Viking_Hippie
              76 months ago

              Saying that authoritarianism equals fascism is like saying that team sports equal football 🤦

              Fascism is specifically an extreme right wing authoritarian ideology. Conservative communism (as in USSR type tankie stuff) is an authoritarian mess but it is by definition distinct from fascism.

              And yeah, I fully expect that you’re going to demonstrate the apparent reading comprehension of a 5yo child in any forthcoming reply, but figured I’d let anyone who’s confused about the difference and NOT arguing in bad faith know.

              • Hildegarde
                16 months ago

                the us has two right wing parties

                its fascism

                • @Viking_Hippie
                  86 months ago

                  the us has two right wing parties

                  Absolutely correct.

                  it’s fascism

                  Right about one of them, wrong about the other.

                  Not everything that’s authoritarian and awful is fascism and pretending that it is like some deranged Alex Jones fan waters down the word to the point that we can’t properly fight ACTUAL fascism and some don’t think it even exists.

                  Words matter. If enough people use them wrong, it makes it much harder to pinpoint what fascism is and why it’s more important to eradicate than the also awful but nowhere near as bad neoliberalism.

  • Jaysyn
    -76 months ago

    No, but it sure is funny watching you useful idiots blame everything except for the Chinese ownership & influence ops on why Tik-tok is about to go bye-bye.

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    Does Tiktok have a significant amount of pro-Palestinian propaganda? I honestly don’t know, I avoid that thing like a plague.

    • livus
      346 months ago

      It has a lot of footage of the ruins and interviews with kids in Gaza. Which in turn has influenced the other kids on Tiktok.

      Half of Gaza is under 18, it’s really not surprising there are a lot of them with Tiktok accounts.

        • livus
          126 months ago

          @WarmSoda um, the above wasn’t my “feelings,” it was a description of the content of TikTok based on observations.

          My description of the content of Facebook is that it skews older, as well as boomers and gen X it has millennials who are fast ageing out of being a youth demographic.

          Facebook is more text-heavy and link-based so its users are more likely to repost news and blog articles. Some of the boomers are not very media-savvy. Boomers also seem more likely to support Israel, I would link this to the fact they still consume network news.

        • @[email protected]
          06 months ago

          Ignore this guy. He’s a plug or just a normal useful idiot.

          There’s a trade war going on between the US and China, and it’s important the US has people like him to muddy the waters.

    • BNE
      196 months ago

      It’s raw footage, homie.

        • BNE
          126 months ago


          Just so we’re on the same page here - what exactly do you think raw footage means?

            • rutellthesinful
              6 months ago

              That’s not mutually exclusive with being shot from a drone, though

              Are you going to discredit footage shot from a video camera because “video cameras don’t spawn in air in real life, dude”?

              Also, while we’re at it, what’s your definition of “propaganda”?

              • @[email protected]
                -36 months ago

                Are you going to discredit footage shot from a video camera because “video cameras don’t spawn in air in real life, dude”?

                I deem it questionable based on that. The internet is full of videos that are cut conveniently or shown without context in order to paint a dishonest picture.

                • rutellthesinful
                  6 months ago

                  Also, while we’re at it, what’s your definition of “propaganda”?

                  It seems like your definition is broad enough to render all potential forms of media as such, in which case it’s not a very useful definition.

            • BNE
              96 months ago

              People, Palestinians - primary sources - post footage they film on the ground and send out via TikTok et al - that’s raw footage. Like I’m still lost on what were you trying to say with that drone comment.

    • @[email protected]OP
      216 months ago

      It’s not about a stupid cringe dance sharing app. It’s about censorship of social media by vested interest groups.

    • @IsThisAnAI
      186 months ago

      God forbid I choose my own forms of entertainment rather than letting fascist clobber platforms who have content they didn’t like.

        • @IsThisAnAI
          6 months ago

          Hear me. I don’t give a fuck what anybody fucking does. Capitalists, communist, flat earther it’s all exactly the same. Unless it’s people calling for the violent deaths of a person you can fuck off. China, USA, your mom’s country sized ass.I dont’t care.

          It’s fucking fascism brought on from every angle.