I was born in 1989 and the math is HARD some days.
'84 here. For years now I just round myself up or down to the nearest 5 and call it a day lol
For like 3 years I legit thought I was older than I am because I did the math wrong on the fly once and never bothered to recheck it…
Your system is easier.
Hello fellow 40yo coming next year
Hey, are ya’ll me?
‘87 here, kinda the same at this point lol
its just 11 + the current year.
I am 1988 so i am 12 + the current year.Didn’t think of it like that until your post but it is pretty easy.
You’re 2035 years old? Wild…
I’m an ancient red dragon
Bad ass. Can you fly me to my appointment later?
lol sure, I think I am chaotic evil though so I may just eat you.
I’ll take the chance.
depends if you’ve had your birthday that year
On the other hand, it makes it easier for the people who have to check your ID when buying alcohol. Any birth year that begins with 19 is automatically old enough.
Oh trust me, my face is evidence enough alone.
It’s so flattering when I get carded.
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Do you guys not remember how old you are year to year? Are you frequently calculating your age from your birth year instead of just adding 1 to it on your birthday?
I always thought it was nuts that people don’t remember, then I turned 30 and got married to someone who has a birthday less than a year before mine. Now I have two ages to remember (that are sometimes the same) and it takes a second for me to remember which is me when asked.
It’s not about your age difference. It’s just hitting 30. My wife is 5 years younger than me and I couldn’t tell you how old either of us are
a birthday less than a year before mine
This took me far too long to understand
Yes! Preach! This is me too. And in addition to being poor at maths I’m also not articulate so I just end up looking goofy when trying to figure out which age is me.
I frequently forget, because I rarely need my age in my daily life.
Bra I don’t know where I am let let alone how old I am
Explains why your app is garbage.
I find that the older I get, the less I discuss or think about my age throughout the year so it gets more difficult to remember. Also, my birthday is in January so it’s over pretty quickly and I don’t tend to think about it again while I’m busy thinking about my 4 kids birthdays that are coming up, instead!
That’s exactly when I started having trouble remembering. 30 was a milestone, but now I have to think for a few seconds before answering.
I’m guessing you are younger than 40.
No, I’m mid-40’s, but I usually don’t forget my age. LOL. Although a couple of months ago someone asked how old I am and I said I was 10 years younger than I actually am. I didn’t realize what I had done until the next day.
Hell I’m late 20s and it’s felt like this for a couple years now
Got to tell you, friend… birthdays don’t matter that much after you’re a few decades down the road. Just another day closer to death, but maybe you get to go out to a nice restaurant.
Does anybody need to calculate their age? It’s not a hard thing to remember :|
Sometimes I just forget ok? I mean it’s changing every year
Also I think it matters less and less in your life. As a child/teenager you got asked for your age all the time
It changes all the time (once per year) if you finally managed to remember it, it changes again.
As someone who is well out of the range where people need to ask for ID when I want something, I don’t concern myself with my age and frequently forget since nobody asks.
On official forms, they want to know my date of birth, not my age. Everyone I know socially, doesn’t care or already knows an approximation of it, thus I’m never asked. All my work colleagues are interested in is getting the job done, not how many years I’ve been in the workforce/how many years till I get to retirement age/whatever.
I don’t think about my age for more than a few hours a year at most. I don’t even celebrate my birthday. So the years come and go, and I think about how old I am so little that I often don’t even know how old I am.
You’re not wrong that it’s not hard to remember, but when you think about it as little as I do, you tend to lose track… So when someone asks me how old I am, I often don’t reply because I’m too busy doing math in my head to try to figure it out, quietly hoping they’ll move on from the question and I won’t have to answer it.
The hard part is which one will you remember. (I already had 43 different ages.)
I do. I know my age roughly of course, but I very very rarely get asked how old I am, so I forget the extact number.
Not too long ago, I was filling out a medical form and I had to ask my wife how old I was. She had to think about it. We’re the same age.
At some point, I’ve been asked less and less my age, so I just forget about it heh
It’s great. When people ask me how old I am I just ask them which year is this and repeat the last two digits.
You’ll get people ridiculing you for not remembering your own age but believe you me, you’re not alone in the struggle. My husband and I started dating in 2000 so that’s awfully convenient.
My wife and I started dating in 2000 as well. Got married in 2001. The math is in my favor for remembering how long we’ve been together and our wedding anniversary.
Now our ages are a bit harder. '77 and '79.
My younger son has it easy. Born in 2010.
We got married in 2000 and our daughter was born in 2010. Very easy to remember.
I never had a problem when I was younger, but as I get older (I’m not even that old) it gets harder. Not REALLY hard or anything, but having to pause to remember how old I am sometimes makes me feel a bit slow.
how do you not know how old you are?
I think it’s fairly common that people do some math in their head, specially when they get older than 30. Because it doesn’t matter really, you never need to tell anyone how old you are anymore. Well unless you use dating apps I guess, or date people… Nobody else asks your age.
specially when they get older than 30
I’ve been doing the math since I turned 20
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve been on one of those apps but do they not just ask for your birthday and simply calculate your age…? Surely dating apps don’t require you to update your age manually every year right…
I guess if you’re not using an app then sure but you could just as well tell your birth year and if it’s close enough it’s probably fine. 🤷
Yeah you are right about the apps probably. I haven’t ever used them but of course they have that built in. :)
I was lucky and was born in 1990. I’ve always appreciated that all you have to do to figure out my age is add 10 to the year. Like, when it’s 2054, I know I’ll be 64.
Only 90 babies will get this
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The entitlement of the younglins these days. I swear, they are getting soft. I have to take the current year, and add twenty, but the lazy ass youth just have to subtract their birth year from the current year. Maths will suffer because they don’t have to do addition. Pure insanity and liberal malarkey.
Oh yeah, /s
There’s still the part of the year before the birthday and the part of the year after the birthday.
I was born in January 2000. For a very short period of time I don’t know how old I am or what year it is, but then the rest of the year is pretty easy after that.
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But you still have to know what year it is.
The hardest is my parents’ age.
- 1965 to 2000 -> 35
- 2000 to 2023 -> 23
- 35 + 23 = brain leaking
I usually add 50 to their birth year and add/subtract the remainder from that date. So for 1965 I’d say they were 50 in 2015, so that makes them 58 in 2023. Makes the mental math easier for me.
But I never even realized that was how I did it until I saw your version written out and was like “huh, that’s really confusing”
Why do people even calculate this? It’s an integer you only have to increment once a year. Just remember your age.
I hardly remember what I was doing 5 seconds ago. Sure, that’s more complicated than a number, and I think about my age rather frequently so remembering it is rather easy, but storing anything for a year and remembering it when I haven’t thought about it for a while is difficult.
as i get older i find myself wondering sometimes if im still my age or the next one already
Also for you to calculate your age you have to remember your birthday, thats like 3 integers, vs. just 1 for your age!