1 day is too short

  • Astro Mike
    2911 months ago

    I mean, it can be if you want it to be.

    Just turn on Fox News, OAN, or your favorite “alternative facts” “news” channel and every time they make a statement, just say “april fools!” in your head.

  • @robolemmy
    1811 months ago

    april fools day should die in a fire and burn to ash.

    …not that I’m bitter

  • @explodes
    1711 months ago

    Like it isn’t hard enough to determine what is real or not on the Internet already. The only April fools things I see are from companies these days. It’s boring.

  • tiredofsametab
    1411 months ago

    A someone who moved to a country where it’s largely not a thing: absolutely not. It’s really weird trying to figure out WTF is going on with news/events starting in my nighttime on the 1st until I remember that it’s a thing and then it is just a pain in my ass until the next day some time.

  • @Cruxifux
    911 months ago

    You can do pranks any day of the year tho. For instance, September 3rd is “shit in my cats litter box and see if my wife notices the difference” day.

  • Coelacanth
    111 months ago

    I did enjoy LivestreamFail on the other site being Northernlion-only for a day as April Fools this year. However, harmless, fun and wholesome April Fool’s are so few and far between.

    We struggle with misinformation in our society already, and on a smaller, more personal scale I always found April Fools to be an extremely mean-spirited tradition purely existing to promote and encourage having fun at the expense of others. I never enjoyed humiliating others, and I don’t enjoy being pointed and laughed at either.

    I think I’ll pass.