Yeah it looks like the Tesla meme is over. Their production caught up with the tail end of early adapter demand. Regular consumers won’t tolerate bullshit like this:
“three months of free Full-Self Driving beta to help move cars. (Reminder that FSD can’t actually fully drive for you.”
All the resources that went into the cyber truck should have been making a new flagship or economy model instead of another meme. Tech bros are moving on the new shiny thing (everything ai) and hopefully this is the beginning of the decent of musk into obscurity.
I imagine that a lot of the sales slump is being driven by Musks antics. It’s not uncommon to hear “I’d probably buy a Telsa, but I don’t want to support Elon Musk.”
I think word of mouth on the build quality is catching up. I just had dinner with some friends who have bought one recently and we’re telling everyone at the table don’t buy it: it’s still being developed and is flawed.
I’ve thought and said that exact thing.
Well, the anti Musk hate definitely helped raise awareness on just how bad tesla build quality is, and the major problems with many of their features.
The cars themselves would have had major flaws that would still be deal breakers without Musk tanking his reputation. Difference is that more people know about them because of the dog piling that happened to anything Musk related as a direct consequence of his actions.
It sounds to me like they still need to learn how to really build a car. This many years in on a car this expensive and I’m still reading about fit and finish problems. The design that makes repairs super expensive after a collision needs to become more repairable to reduce insurance costs. And they need to become more compatible with common user experiences with most cars; there shouldn’t need to be instructions for how to open doors. I get that Musk hates physical buttons, but they make driving safer than looking at a screen.
It’s ridiculous how much they felt the need to reinvent stuff that didn’t need reinventing. I get that you get new opportunities and challenges when there’s no engine and everything, but you don’t throw away everything the automotive industry has found out in the last 100 years.
It’s amazing to me they spent so much time on the truck and there are so many things about it getting reported like the whole model is in beta software version of the car.
On the launch event they touted “front a rear lockers.” Which basically every truck now offers at least one of those in a model or two. On the CyberTruck? It’s still unavailable and will be released later in an update… it’s mechanical… it’s not software. I drive a truck with F+R lockers. If I had a quad motor truck I wouldn’t want lockers, because the motor that’s on the ground can still move me. If you won’t have a mechanical connection than simply don’t promise a feature and then have to software design a half-baked solution.
Also, the CT doesn’t have Teslas “full self driving” like all the other models. It will allegedly come later, but it’s not out yet….
No Tesla models have full self driving
True, but they claim that they do, which has caused several deaths.
It’s probably why Elon said everyone gets a free trial so they can collect that much more driving data.
but you don’t throw away everything the automotive industry has found out in the last 100 years.
You do when you’re an idiot who thinks he’s smarter than everyone else.
deleted by creator
It is a company that employees a lot of Americans, which is good. I’d rather see them get rid of musk and then improve quality and marketing decisions. But that probably won’t happen.
full self driving is not actually full self driving.
deception at its finest.
remember when they faked it to look better?
I’m not buying a car that relies on a subscription for navigation and lacks CarPlay
Coming from CarPlay / Android auto land, I can’t get over how shitty Tesla’s voice control was. It makes Siri look good.
Do Teslas not have Android auto???
Teslas do not support any phone projection system. Google’s or Apple’s.
Lol, what a joke of a company.
I understand your second concern but your first is just wrong. The car only requires a payment for subscription to enable data services like cloud music and the navigation satellite maps are gated behind that. The navigation still works as normal without subscription otherwise but will only show a simple map without textures.
He’s probably talking about FSD but that is not required for navigation. Also without premium connectivity, you don’t get live traffic displays. It still uses them for navigation, just doesn’t show the orange/red on the display.
If only Musk wasnt Musk i might have gotten a Tesla. Now, Ive been watching to see how Lucid Air performs, maybe grab one of those in a few more years
Exactly. I’m eyeing Volvo / Polestar for my next ride. Although, not having full access to Telsa’s charging network is a big bummer. So many non-Telsa chargers are slow and busted.
IMHO, the charging network is actually Telsa’s most compelling feature.
Yeah, but I was referring to the full network. Isn’t this just partial access?
What vehicles can charge at what Tesla Superchargers?
There are 3 types of Tesla Superchargers:
- Tesla-only Superchargers, which only work for Tesla vehicles.
- All EVs Superchargers, which are available for all EVs to charge with a “Magic Dock” adapter that is provided at the charging post.
- NACS Superchargers, which will become available gradually, by vehicle manufacturer, and can be accessed through an adapter. The adapter has to be provided by your vehicle manufacturer. For new vehicles that are NACS-equipped, no adapter will be necessary.
Edit: here is the charging network map. Notice that the network for non-Telsa NACS cars is smaller than the full network.
Bullet 3 is not access to the full network. It’s only partial access.
Here is the map.
Not all super chargers are open to non-Telsa NACS cars.
Lucid’s are way better. Almost mid 90s Lexus levels of build quality and the chassis on the Air is truly a next gen Model S. Lucid was founded by a lot of former Tesla engineers and designers who left for… reasons, to go make their own company.
Musk is a drag on the company. But an electric car for 33k is what we needed. Especially when the rebates are turning into at-dealer discounts instead of waiting for a year.
You can get other electric cars for that price.
Musk really did a number on Teslas reputation.
The cars are also bad for the price.
We need cheaper. 33k already gets you an EV
I feel like them adding 3 months of the driving beta service is more of a threat than a bonus.
Hijacking this cause it’s time to start talking alternatives: anyone like the IONIQ? Probably wouldn’t get the newest model.
Mustang is basically the same build as a Y and the used market is full of very high end ones for very little
ev mustang? nice.
Personally i’d lean more towards a polestar 2 especially if you can find a good deal on a newer face lift one. Hyundai makes nice looking cars on paper however their long term reliability keeps being questioned.
I have a lyric and I love it. It costs more though. The mustangs look pretty cool and have some good deals right now.
We got an ioniq 6 during the end of March promotional lease and holy shit we love it.
I wantED a CyberTruck. Then Elon showed the world that he is more of a parasite than iron man
I wantED a CyberTruck
Plz don’t breed - Humanity
speak for yourself next time jerk
If you need an electric car, anything else is better.
I don’t know anything about their models, other than the names spell S3XY.
Which one is the low end and which one is the high end?
Every now and then I’m in a Uber and they drive a Tesla, and sometimes when they get up to speed those things feel like they’re about to fall apart. Like panels are going to start flying off the sides or something.
Surprising to hear. My physio has a Model 3 she bought 5 years ago. She loves it a great deal. She thinks it’s a great commuter car.
She frustrated by how fast behind the tech in her new Tundra is in relation to the Model 3. She rarely needs to go to the Tesla dealer for anything as most updates are over the air.
She frustrated she needs to keep going back into the Toyota dealership for everything. She finally received her second key for the truck several months after she bought it as there was a shortage of chips. She needed to go to the dealer to have it programmed and was a little miffed about that too.
Despite the things Musk is doing now some of the things with Tesla they are doing I wish other makes were doing too especially the over the air updates. However those dealer visits are good for business I’m sure.
“Over the air” updates mean the manufacturer (and possibly dealer) has a connection to your car on demand. That means:
- Monitoring when and where you drive, how far and fast, etc
- Remotely disabling features, or the vehicle itself
- Remotely repossessing the vehicle
- Accessing sensors like cameras to see around and possibly inside the car
It also means anyone who can figure it out also has a connection to your car on demand, and has the same powers.
Don’t cheer for OTA updates.
They do track all of that stuff, and then they sell the data to your insurance company.
Yep, unless you disable the radios. It can be a real bastard to find those. But OTA isn’t possible without the radios, therefore OTA is part of the problem.
Thirty seconds on Google shows that is not true. They don’t sell the data
Edit: the dude linked an article about GM as evidence lol. Tesla is terrible with data, but selling is not one of their many sins:
That article doesn’t mention Tesla lol. You’re bad at lying, hug?
Every manufacturer sells data.
Don’t they charge for most of those over the air updates, and require a subscription for basic features like navigation or satellite radio?
Personally I don’t want a car with over the air updates, I want a car that hits the showroom floor with development complete, not needing updates. Releasing a car with the same business model as a AAA video game is ridiculous. These are 3 ton machines that we careen down the highway at 80 mph inside of. I want that shit finished, not a beta release. That’s not even taking into account the fact that privacy is a nightmare when manufacturers have an always on connection to your car. But, all new cars are violating consumer trust with spying now, not just Teslas.
I drive mostly older vehicles now. So the only spying that I allow is via my cellphone…
Model 3 is the cheapest and model S Plaid is the most expensive one.
Thanks. Then I’m guessing the model 3 is what most of these Uber drivers have. Though someone else has replied that people are happy with their model 3.
Specifically, if they are doing the rental thing they virtually all have the Model 3 SR (rear wheel drive, smallest battery, some other features removed)
S and X are built on the same platform, S is a sedan, X is an SUV. The X has the idiotic gullwing doors, meaning you can’t put anything on the roof. On an SUV.
3 and Y are the same story, but smaller and cheaper, 3 is the sedan, Y is the SUV.
And then there’s the Cybertruck.
Nelson points and laughs while exclaiming, “Ha ha!”.