A $78 billion package of tax breaks for families and businesses passed the House on an overwhelming bipartisan vote. But key GOP senators demand big changes — or else.

Senate Republicans are inching closer to burying a bipartisan bill to expand the child tax credit and provide breaks for businesses, issuing a series of demands that would most likely disrupt the coalition that enabled it to pass the House.

The $78 billion bill, negotiated by House Ways and Means Committee Chair Jason Smith, R-Mo., and Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden, D-Ore., passed the Republican-led House by a vote of 357-70 in January, a rare feat in a divided Congress that has struggled to function. But it has languished in the Senate, where key Republicans have said they’ll kill it unless it includes major revisions. Senate Democrats have 51 seats, and they need 60 votes to break a filibuster.

But with tax filing season close to finishing and election-year politics heating up, there’s no hint of a resolution in sight. Democratic leaders are eager to pass the legislation, which, according to one analysis, would benefit about 16 million children in low-income households. Some Republicans openly warn they may sink it.

  • @Sanctus
    11 months ago

    Go ahead and radicalize me some more. The child tax credit is the only reason I was able to replace my transmission in my car in December. Without it I’d have no vehicle right now and lose my job.

    • @foggy
      2611 months ago

      It’s the only thing that might make having kids a reasonable idea. Without it, I might as well get snipped.

      • @HeyJoe
        2311 months ago

        Trust me, no it’s not… now if we had some kind of plan to help parents eliminate most or all of daycare costs then that would absolutely help with the decision to have one. The child tax credit is nice, but it barely helps with anything.

        • @ampedwolfman
          611 months ago

          Agreed. I spent nearly $12k last year and I might see 3 of it back. For clarification we pulled out youngest son out of daycare in August or September. Not all of the 12k was his costs but most of it was (probably around 10k-10.5k) it was near $1300 a month when we pulled him out after a large increase after the summer months.

  • @danc4498
    3211 months ago

    Crapo told NBC News on Tuesday that he still has problems with “a number” of provisions. He said he wants to eliminate a “look-back” policy that would let a taxpayer use a previous year’s income if it yielded a larger child tax credit, arguing that the current language weakens the work requirement. Saying the bill would “create entitlement spending that would generate significantly higher deficits,” he called for spending cuts to fund the child tax credit expansion.

    Republicans LOVE to talk about the deficit when a democrat is in power. Remember that tax bill Trump shoved through that had ZERO regard for the deficit? Pepperidge farms remembers.

    “Those are just the start,” Crapo said, adding that he likes the business tax breaks. But about the individual tax provisions…

    Yay business tax breaks… Boo individual! Think of all the bullshit schemes corporations can do to not pay taxes. But we gotta make sure to hammer down anything that might benefit the poor/middle class.

    • Optional
      411 months ago

      It’s still 1984 isn’t it.

    • @fluxion
      211 months ago

      Can’t be letting that 1% of Americans who got a raise just above some threshold score an additional child tax exemption. But for the top 1% who make millions off of bogus exemptions we must do everything possible to destroy and defund the IRS so they cannot be questioned or audited.

  • @[email protected]
    2711 months ago


    -Republicans who LOVE giving Tax Dollars to Billionaires!

  • @[email protected]
    2611 months ago

    You’d think the party of Breeding wouldn’t go after a bill that would encourage the creation of more workers, but I guess Communism is more scary than losing profits.

    • @[email protected]
      811 months ago

      They have their forced birth now, why would they do anything to make the lives of the slaves any better?