I know journaling might be one, and doing new things from time to time, curious if people have other tips

    • @[email protected]
      911 months ago

      This 100%. My partner and I bought a house in October, and we’ve been doing a complete remodel on it since, spending anywhere from 30 - 40 hours a week working on the house while also working full time. This has easily been the fastest 6 months of my life and I feel like I’m going to blink and be 80 years old on my death bed.

      Routines are the enemy of slowing time!

      • @Sludgeyy
        111 months ago

        deleted by creator

  • @Fandangalo
    3311 months ago

    Plank position slows things down a lot.

  • @Deckweiss
    11 months ago

    Watch this vsauce video:


    tldr: retrospective perception of time depends on how many different things you remember happening. If you remember many things, it seems long. So do many things that you will remember.

  • @Dan68
    1811 months ago

    Practice mindfulness and enjoy the present.

    • @Carrolade
      611 months ago

      One of the handful of good things that got pushed by the new age movement. Mindfulness is a skill, and like others, you get better at it with practice. It has no drawbacks that I am aware of.

  • @[email protected]
    711 months ago

    I started a diary. It’s a nice check in that I can do with myself whenever I feel like it. It’s a good way to take yourself out of autopilot and putting conscious attention at the goings on in your life.

    Plus you get to read it later and see how things have actually changed!

    • @[email protected]
      211 months ago

      I think that’s a great idea! I’ve often wanted to start journaling or a diary, but I am disabled and spend most days miserable and in pain stuck at home or in bed, just trying to distract myself from my symptoms (usually by browsing the Internet, since I don’t have many options) to get through the day, so I don’t really know what to write each day, ya know? I’m commenting in hopes that maybe it’ll help me actually start in some way, lol. Especially because my memory can be pretty spotty and iffy. Maybe I’ll just write about how I don’t know what to write, haha!

  • @Etterra
    711 months ago

    Time always seems to go by slower when you’re bored and/or miserable. Do with that what you will.

    • HubertManne
      111 months ago

      Not true for me but I am busy so can’t say im bored in the way I was when I was a kid.

  • @Bobmighty
    611 months ago

    Trying new things and having meditative hobbies like journaling does help some, but time is a real mother fucker regardless. I’m a person who has done many many new things and filled notebooks with drawings and poems. Those things still become blips of the past as I hurtle onwards through aging. Nothing can really save you from that feeling. It’s a curse we all bear as part of our beautiful and terrible awareness. You can, in the moment, perceive it a bit slower though.
    It’s a simple trick and it doesn’t last long, but it can help if the feeling is particularly crushing at the moment. Stare at a clock; preferably a noisy analog one with a seconds hand. Concentrate on the passing of that seconds hand, the noise it makes, the motion of the clockwork, the way the light reflects off it’s face and shit like that. Relax your muscles and let the passage of seconds lull you into boredom. Before you know it, time seems less speedy and you’re ready to do whatever else.

    It’s basic, but it’s something very few people actually make time for. Mainly because it’s boring lol, but that’s kind of the point. Want time to slow down? Allow yourself to be bored. Not bored while at work bored either. Proper doing absolutely nothing but staring at a ticking clock bored. Time will slow to a crawl until you start doing stuff again.

  • Call me Lenny/LeniM
    611 months ago

    Time seeming shorter is just the temporal equivalent of depth perception. You have to put as many distinct things between your present and the future, in the same way distinct objects between you and a distant object makes it look further away.

  • @[email protected]
    611 months ago

    Finding opportunities for challenge. Comfort usually means you are not being challenged. Just plopping down and watching crap all night will not be remembered.

  • @ifGoingToCrashDont
    611 months ago

    Intense exercise, particularly cardio. Search for a good interval workout and push yourself to a barely-sustainable threshold pace. You’ll find yourself saying, “When is this going to end!? I can’t wait for this to be over!” Also do this in the mornings so you feel like you have the entire rest of the day to enjoy.

  • @[email protected]
    311 months ago

    In my experience there are two very different types of slow time: boredom and adrenaline (especially from danger). Lack of stimulation vs extreme amounts of stimulation.

  • @BonesOfTheMoon
    211 months ago

    Classical music performances. You have to be present for every minute of it to really get it, no fucking around on your phone or whatever. Just get lost in a sea of music and time slows to that tempo.