US President Joe Biden has condemned Iranian attacks on military facilities in Israel, pledging a coordinated Group of Seven (G7) diplomatic response while highlighting the United States’s help in taking down “nearly all” of the attacking drones and missiles.

Biden, who cut short a trip to Delaware and returned to Washington, DC to meet advisers over the late Saturday night attack, said in a statement released by the White House that the US forces and facilities had not been hit.

The US president said he reiterated the “ironclad” support for Israel’s security in a call with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with whom he has had strained relations over Israel’s handling of the war in Gaza.

“Tomorrow, I will convene my fellow G7 leaders to coordinate a united diplomatic response to Iran’s brazen attack,” he said.

“And while we have not seen attacks on our forces or facilities today, we will remain vigilant to all threats and will not hesitate to take all necessary action to protect our people,” he said.

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    • @GrymEdm
      6 months ago

      Jesus Christ the opening to that video had me guessing for a moment until I calmed down and realized it’s obviously a hypothetical. Given that it’s reported that Iranian officials consider their attack “concluded”, it would be great if all the players stepped away from escalation into open war. The video I linked talks about the pressure on both Iran and Israel to back down, and here’s hoping they do. The world really really doesn’t need yet another open war in the Middle East, USA-involved or otherwise.

        • no banana
          46 months ago

          If the media somehow would’ve managed to keep that from me and I would’ve found out from YouTube I would believe every conspiracy theory from then on lmao

      • @Maggoty
        46 months ago

        They don’t get a choice. That’s on us.

          • @Maggoty
            26 months ago

            After growing up in a soup of propaganda? Where many of them have no other means to escape poverty?

            And it would have a better track record if we didn’t use it so badly.

            • @Woozythebear
              25 months ago

              Still a choice, I choose to live in poverty over joining the military. Tens of millions of Americans living in poverty make that choice.

              • @Maggoty
                15 months ago

                Yeah I’m talking about the track record. I’m not disputing that joining in the first place is a choice. It’s also only got that track record because of the people we elect.

            • @[email protected]
              06 months ago

              I highly doubt that there is no career option or field for them to go into other than mass murder. It doesn’t even pay that well! It’s just mid pay with good benefits.

              Would you excuse someone becoming a hitman for the money? A mass murderer is far worse.

              • @Maggoty
                5 months ago

                Nope, not really. Not unless you get lucky. The US is really bad about the whole socioeconomic mobility thing. And the idea that everyone in the military is a murderer is debatable at best. You also haven’t really thought about the information environment in which a poor, badly educated, 18 year old reaches the recruiters office. They see the military as both a way out and a noble calling. And why wouldn’t they? People around them have put soldiers on pedestals their entire life.

                It’s not until later they get a look at what being in really means and by that point they’re trapped until the end of their enlistment. Which is why it’s on us to elect representatives that will stop abusing the military.

                • @[email protected]
                  15 months ago

                  If recruiters for hitmen and assassins were everywhere and reached everyone easily, I still wouldn’t sympathize with those who thought its a good idea. Even if the recruits were spreading propaganda, I will judge anyone who falls for it.

                  Do you apply the same logic to those who join islamist terror organizations? Most of these organizations use even more propaganda tactics. They prey on troubled young people and convince them that they are embarking on a righteous mission. Their propaganda is even more powerful as it relates to religion, which is closer to one’s heart than patriotism typically.

                  At least in the military, you will immediately see that whatever they promised you is wrong. You’ll immediately see you’re attacking other countries that aren’t a threat to your people. Terror organizations will still see people they were convinced to be sinners, standing in their way of establishing the kingdom of God.

                  I don’t sympathize with either

      146 months ago

      I think it would be an incredibly unpopular decision by Biden, and the American people would not support a war with Iran. I also think that it would be a tactical mistake, given how many US assets are within Iranian striking distance right now. The US military is having recruiting issues currently, and a war will not help that.

      However, I wouldn’t be surprised to see ISIS attacks in Iran start to happen more frequently.

      • @Land_Strider
        36 months ago

        Of course it will be more sanctions, more pressure to other countries to denounce Iran, more proxy war with funding literal terrorist groups and telling them to hit whoever the US doesn’t like, also probably bomb a few Iranian assests because what actually can they do?

        An open war rather requires justified claims. It is gruesome and the horrible results are directly tied to the war. A combination of sinister proxy war, subterfuge, coercion and forced poverty are slow killers and will have way fewer dissidents. It is the name of the game for half of the US oppression policing on the world.

    • NaibofTabr
      126 months ago

      US will play defense unless Iran does something really stupid and launches a large ballistic missile attack of some kind, or directly attacks US military. Even then, proportional response policy would probably mean strikes against missile facilities only.

      No amount of drones sent against Israel will result in the US opening an actual war with Iran.

  • @LordOfLocksley
    6 months ago

    What’s crazy about this whole situation is Iran attacked Israel because Israel bombed Iran’s embassy in Syria killing a general and 6 others… and governments are telling Iran not to overreact.

    Like bruh, how would you react if your embassy was bombed in a 3rd country killing your general and 6 other nationals

  • @Maggoty
    576 months ago

    Stop bailing Israel out. They literally bombed an embassy. They do not need the G7 to help them.

  • @[email protected]OP
    566 months ago

    Iran has kept their end of the bargain of not attacking US targets. Of course the US does not keep theirs of not interfering, and shoots down Iranian drones instead.

    In a written message to Washington, Iran “warned the US not to get dragged into Netanyahu’s trap”, Mohammad Jamshidi, the Iranian president’s deputy chief of staff for political affairs, wrote on X, referring to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The US should “step aside so that you don’t get hit”.

    “In response, the US asked Iran not to hit American targets,” Jamshidi said.

    • ReallyKinda
      236 months ago

      Related to bargaining, I read the wiki article on Iran’s nuclear program the other day and was surprised at how hard they are trying to do their nuclear program “by the book” while the US keeps blocking everyone else from agreeing that they’re entitled as long as they follow the guidelines (paris agreement etc).

      • @[email protected]OP
        196 months ago

        Literally this

        Iran needs to get nukes fast. The US will be itching for war until it does.

        • @Cypher
          6 months ago

          This is why I was cheering when North Korea got nukes.

          North Korea is a horrific shit show but war against North Korea would almost certainly end in direct conflict with China.

          Now that NK has nukes there is zero risk of the West initiating a conflict. The risk is too high.

          Any change in NK will need to happen internally or by pressure from their allies. Which sucks for the NK people but is probably still less horrific than war.

          Lmao at the tankie copium sucking dictator cock.

          The only good commie is a dead commie.

          • @[email protected]OP
            6 months ago

            The current problems in the DPRK stem from the brutal sanctions. Prior to the USSR’s overthrow when the sanctions had far less effect, the North was developing and urbanizing faster than the South, even with 20% of its population killed, and all its infrastructure destroyed, by the US.

            Agree with you on the nukes of course. The DPRK would’ve ended up like Libya is right now and the US might have been at war against China if they didn’t develop their nuclear deterrence.

            • @[email protected]
              86 months ago

              The highest managerial authority under the Taean system is the party committee. Each committee consists of approximately twenty-five to thirty-five members elected from the ranks of managers, workers, engineers, and the leadership of “working people’s organizations” at the factory.

              Workplace democracy in action.

            • livus
              -66 months ago

              Well this has got to be one of the least persuasive things I’ve ever read:

              A measure of the success of the Taean Work System is its longevity and its continued endorsement by the leadership. In his 1991 New Year’s address marking the thirtieth anniversary of the creation of the system, Kim Il Sung said that the "Taean work system is the best system

            • @Cypher
              -76 months ago

              Removed by mod

            • @[email protected]
              46 months ago

              Notice how you don’t address anything they said because it’s true.

              The US has been the only country genocidal enough to use a nuclear bomb on actual human beings, and they did it twice at that. Having a nuclear deterrence to keep such a war-mongering country out is important. And it’s been working as we can see.

        • @mlg
          36 months ago

          Instructions unclear

          Got Pakistani COAS’s head stuck in Biden’s ***

    • @[email protected]
      -176 months ago

      The USA didn’t say they wouldn’t interfere. The opposite was said, actually. Iran has in fact targeted a US Base before although they did give warning ahead of time.

      You’re just making shit up OP.

  • @Zehzin
    486 months ago

    The man really wants his reelection to die on this hill

    • po-lina-ergi
      6 months ago

      Honestly at this point anybody who needs Trump not to win should be organising their life as if he already has and will come into office next January.

      • metaStatic
        126 months ago

        I always say the Berlin wall went up overnight, don’t wait for things to get worse before planing your escape.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      I’m not voting for Biden.

      Fuck the lesser evil.

      If this upsets any of you, get mad at the democrats who keep nominating these shit candidates.

      Give me someone like Bernie or I will not vote democrat. I will not fall in line. If that means a Trump victory, then so be it.

      You’ll only have yourselves to blame just like when you nominated Hillary.

      • @[email protected]
        146 months ago

        Tf you on about? Bernie was on PSA a few days ago trying to talk to wayward leftists asking them not throw out decades of progress and to do anything in their power to prevent a Trump win.

          • @[email protected]
            76 months ago

            Independent progressive leadership (the guy we’d like to be president) is saying staying home, or voting third party this time is a terrible shortsighted move that will usher in more global suffering?

            It all comes down to power. Progressives will have more room to work with if Biden is president. Think of the down ballot races. Voting D is complacency and complicity if the grand sum of your political action only takes place on a Tuesday in November.

  • @[email protected]
    406 months ago

    “All Joe Biden had to do was stay the fuck out of the middle east for a few months and the election was his…”

    • @[email protected]
      196 months ago

      The US has been tied to Israel since its founding.

      No matter who (or what party) was in the white house, the US would be propping up Isreal after the Hamas attack.

      Just like it has done for decades.

      • @[email protected]
        86 months ago

        Same as Israel was always going to move on Palestine, we were always going to unequivocally support it.

      • @Licksrocks
        16 months ago

        You hope this is the point that costs Biden the election? So we can have another Trump presidency?

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          I wish people cared more about middle Eastern people getting genocided by their own country (or their country aiding said genocide)

        • @Woozythebear
          25 months ago

          Maybe Biden should stop funding a Genocide if he doesn’t want Ttump to win. Stop blaming voters and blame Biden.

          • @Licksrocks
            15 months ago

            No, it’s your choice who you vote for, take some responsibility. The world isn’t black and white, genocide around the world is bad but a genocide at home sounds worse.

      • @Woozythebear
        15 months ago

        Oh they do, and enough care that them not voting could cost Biden tons of close race states. Voters proved that in the Michigan primary.

  • @butwhyishischinabook
    296 months ago

    Wow so glad this is the lesser evil I’ll have to vote for. Fuck this country man.

    • @Woozythebear
      -15 months ago

      Plenty of 3rd party candidates to vote for. No one is forcing you to vote for Biden but every vote for Biden is telling him that it’s OK to keep doing what he’s doing. A vote for Biden is a vote for Genocide.

      • @DrZoidbergYes
        35 months ago

        Voting for a 3rd party is a vote for Trump. If you think Trump is less genocidal I have some magic beans to sell you.

        • @Woozythebear
          -15 months ago

          No, a vote for 3rd party is quite literally a vote for 3rd party. Stop shaming people because they don’t want to vote for your candidate. If Biden wants people to vote for him then he needs to earn it. Dems can’t just do nothing for anyone and fund a genocide and expect to win on being the lesser evil.

          • SeaJ
            25 months ago

            Sorry but that is not really how our system works. Feel free to advocate for changes to our voting like ranked choice but until then voting strategically is the only real way to go. Voting third party as a protest vote does not do shit. It does not get the Democratic party to change their platform. Vote for a progressive candidate in the primaries of you want something to actually change in the Democratic party. Neither major party actually cares about third parties. The last time a third party candidate got a large chunk of the vote was Perot and neither party changed positions afterwards.

            You can vote for a super progressive third party candidate in the election but that helps out the candidate least like your position if you are in a swing state. If you are not in a swing state, vote however the fuck you want because your vote largely means nothing until we change how voting works.

            • @Woozythebear
              -25 months ago

              Oh so you’re a fascist, I get it now.

              • SeaJ
                05 months ago

                You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. Coming to terms with the realities of first past the post is far from fascism. I actively advocate for voting systems that would make third parties viable. Until then, vote progressive in the primaries and send money to progressive candidates in the Democratic party to get them to change their platform. Voting for a different party altogether is not going to change their platform.

  • po-lina-ergi
    276 months ago

    You’d think a guy with a lifetime in politics would understand optics better than this.

    • @[email protected]
      76 months ago

      What do you mean? He knows young democrats will just fall in line no matter what he does because he’s not trump.

      • @[email protected]
        226 months ago

        And if they don’t, he can count on other Democrats to try and browbeat them and shame them into voting for him no matter what he does, screeching, “But Trump!” as loud as they can.

        He sure is trying his best to make his actions indefensible to as wide a swath of the Democratic electorate as he can, now, and just banking on “Hey, I tossed you a few crumbs, and have you seen the other guy?”

      • po-lina-ergi
        116 months ago

        Young democrats are probably the ones least likely to fall in line.

          • queermunist she/her
            26 months ago

            They’re very clearly pushing Democrats and especially Biden on this issue.

            If it weren’t for the uncommitted movement I have no doubt that the US would have responded to Iran striking back at Israel.

  • @peg
    156 months ago

    Aiding and abetting criminals.

  • SteefLem
    146 months ago

    Ah… election year isnt it?

  • @[email protected]
    136 months ago

    “World’s biggest terrorist organisation supports genocidal sky-fairy worshippers”

    Oh, quelle surprise