The trump campaign is asking downballot Republican candidates for 5% of the proceeds for every fundraising appeal they send out that uses Trump’s name, image and likeness

  • theprogressivist
    6 months ago

    Fake billionaire demands cronies to pay tribute to his likeness because he’s broke. I hope this gives them a reason not to even mention the orange shitbag. But I’m not holding my breath.

  • @dhork
    446 months ago

    It was only a matter of time before the Church of MAGA instituted tithing…

  • @[email protected]
    316 months ago

    Mob bosses always demand low level crew kick back a percentage.

    It’s especially important to keep lower level criminals in line while the boss is on trial.

  • @PoopSpiderman
    226 months ago

    We can all see how pathetic that is, right?

  • @randon31415
    206 months ago

    Obama did the opposite: giving money to down ballot democrats because it would make his job easier. Is Biden doing that this time around?

  • @ShittyBeatlesFCPres
    116 months ago

    The worst part about the Citizens United decision might be that we got a bunch of party functionaries in Congress. Their job is legislating but their real job is begging for money so they can rise up in the party. The fact that congressmen skip hearings to fundraise should be all the evidence we need that they’re 90% pathetic people.

    Do not donate to politicians. They have all the money and there are refugee charities. Donating to politicians just puts you on a list they sell to other people and you get 30 texts a day being like, “This is Kamala Harris. It’s an emergency and we need to raise $200,000 by midnight or Trump and his cronies will retake the White House.”

    Do not give them money! They do not need it! I’d rather buy meth for a meth addict.

    • @ShittyBeatlesFCPres
      56 months ago

      I might have gone off on a rant but really, don’t “donate” to rich people. The food bank or you can use that $14 way more.

      • @ShittyBeatlesFCPres
        26 months ago

        Sorry. All the money that could have helped someone buy food or put a down payment on a starter home was donated to the world’s biggest assholes. Mitch McConnell and/or Nancy Pelosi spent it having someone come out and make sure the wrought iron fences in front of their mansions were straight enough.

  • Optional
    116 months ago


    Goddamn republiQans I still can’t believe you voted for that guy, helped him attempt a coup, AND gave him the keys to your entire party. You complete shit-for-brains schmucks. I’d feel bad if you didn’t richly deserve every single indignity.

    5% of the gross! HAH!

  • @ATDA
    106 months ago

    Goddamn party has micro transactions now?!

  • @[email protected]
    96 months ago

    If watching The Sopranos makes me an expert on organized crime (which it does) I think this is Ol’ Donny boy getting his “taste.”

  • @jordanlundM
    46 months ago

    “Trump National Committee JFC”

    The “JFC” part is the only part that makes sense. ;)

  • modifier
    46 months ago

    This sounds shady but so much of US politics does, especially post-Citizen’s United. I have no idea how abnormal or unprecedented this is. Does anyone else have a ready sense?