This reminds me of what Pavel Durov mentioned in his recent interview with Tucker Carlson. That, while in San Fransisco, cybersecurity agents tried to secretly hire his engineer to know more about telegram code and possibly to implant a backdoor.
So now the Americans will be treated the same as any foreigner by their government?
Smells a lot like how China treats its people.
The cynic in me says it’s because the gov will requisition info from them it previously paid for.
Eyep. This is how Google justified going evil.
Money. But the government wanted Google to squeal via NSLs and couldn’t fight it forever. Or didn’t want to because money.
So long as National Security is prioritized over the public interest, the US will continue to bleed out. It could die this year or in ten years.
I mean, Privacy Shield & co. were already impossible before…
Anyone has a Paywall-less link?