• @cAUzapNEAGLb
    2 months ago

    I wish they’d make this game good

    I was so excited in October, but I’m glad I waited for the reviews

    I watched every dev notes that released weekly in the lead up, I was part of the hype. Hundreds if not thousands of hours into cs1.

    I’m still waiting for this game, I can’t wait to buy this game.

    But I’m not buying some half baked beta game.

    • 𝘋𝘪𝘳𝘬
      342 months ago

      I wish they’d make this game good

      It should have been optimized to run good on common PC configurations. It should have mods since day 1 via the Steam Workshop.

      This would have solved 99% of all complaints.

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          Which leads to less money. I’d prefer a few failed games and the industry learns. Fun games sell, it microtransaction nor half baked shovelware. Some strike it lucky with micro transactions, but only if the game is good.

          • DebatableRaccoon
            12 months ago

            I know. I’m personally looking forward to WB declaring bankruptcy now that the morons have announced they’re doubling down on shitservice despite Hogwarts and Shiticide Squad showing what the public actually wants.

      • @ag10n
        12 months ago

        In my experience I’m actually impressed with the ‘full simulation’ performance so far.

        Absolutely it was released far too early, I’m looking forward to feature parity with CS1 and getting it to a proper state.

      • @RGB3x3
        2 months ago

        Probably for engine updates, systems improvements, performance improvements, graphical improvements, to recharge people for more game.

        That’s why they would do it, not saying that’s what they did, except that last point.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      I bought it but haven’t played it nearly at all. Just lost interest in it when everything felt slow.

      It will probably become quite popular in a few years when better hardware is default.

      • @copd
        102 months ago

        Ah you’re one for those buy before reading reviews kind of people

  • @[email protected]
    162 months ago

    Unfortunately, Paradox and Colossal represent everything wrong with the games industry.

    Rushed, sloppy, and greedy take on a great idea. Shooting PC mods in the foot for hypothetical console support.Trying to rush out a half-baked port to console on a half-baked, buggy game years before it’s ready. Releasing assetflip dlc before the game is even done or even on consoles, lol.

    • @[email protected]
      02 months ago

      Hypothetical console support? CS1 already as console support so it’s not hypothetical, merely unimplemented

  • Cosmic Cleric
    2 months ago

    I feel really bad for the developers and their frustration with their publisher/management they must have to have dealt with, and the long haul in front of them that still exists.

    If I was working there I would have quit and try to find work somewhere else. That crap they must have gone through and still have to deal with is just too much.

  • @FinishingDutch
    2 months ago

    As a longtime city builder fan: this shit is downright depressing.

    I put ungodly amounts of time into every SimCity game that was ever made. Down to the GameBoy versions. It’s a genre I love. So, naturally, I was very sad to see SimCity die.

    When the first Skylines launched, I was skeptical - but eventually grew to love it. It’s pretty much the only viable game in the genre anyway, so I was willing to give it a shot.

    When they launched Skylines II, they pretty much did everything wrong. They even warned players beforehand that performance would suck. Which was not comforting. When it launched like a lead balloon, I stayed far away.

    So, what could have been a decent sequel to a decent game turned out to be a complete failure of their own making. And as a result, it’ll likely kill this genre entirely. So, fuck them in the neckhole for knowingly launching a flawed product.

  • ivy
    2 months ago

    Meanwhile, Rift Wizard 2 is being hailed as “the greatest game possible” by Forbes and WSJ. “Modding is going to be even better now, holy shit,” experts consulted by NYT said.

    • @Son_of_dad
      42 months ago

      I feel overloaded with these pixelated or purposely low grade games. That’s all they make now,I just want more AAA single player games

      • @ours
        12 months ago

        Sony was leading with those and that seemed to have caved in.