• @RapidcreekOP
    425 months ago

    Sorry, Kristi it looks like you have to go back to being the rodeo queen at the livestock fair in Presho after your term is up.

    • Admiral Patrick
      205 months ago

      go back to being the rodeo queen

      I think you may have misspelled “clown”.

      • @RapidcreekOP
        345 months ago

        I’ve known rodeo clowns. I respect them too much to associate them with her. They’re some tough boys who would never kill a dog.

  • @rayyy
    285 months ago

    There’s plenty of people who would have taken the pup. I know a guy who would take washed up problem dogs and turn them into world champion retriever dogs. It takes knowledge and work though.

    • TipRing
      295 months ago

      I had a rescue dog that reportedly killed chickens when she was a puppy. She was the sweetest smartest dog i ever had, but very timid. For years if we raised our arms above our waist she would cower, if we raised our voice, she would cower. It was a challenge to discipline her because of her obvious past trauma so we trained her to go into timeout, if she misbehaved we would get out an egg timer and she would have to sit under the dining room table until it went off. This really worked as a deterrent.

      When she was older she had some health issues and we did some x-rays for unrelated reasons. We discovered that when she was young (before we got her) someone had broken both her front legs. The vet said the nature of the breaks suggested they were deliberate. It was the first time in my life I felt actual rage.

    • @Boddhisatva
      55 months ago

      It takes knowledge and work though.

      Something she lacks in abundance.

  • @[email protected]
    225 months ago

    There’s no such thing as bad dogs, just irresponsible owners. If she had an ounce of self awareness, she would have pointed the gun the other way.

  • @TokenBoomer
    215 months ago

    “There is no redeeming takeaway from a story about the ending of these animals’ lives, including a juvenile dog who was the family pet. These details from Governor Kristi Noem’s upcoming book demonstrate a disconnect with the 86 million American homes that have at least one beloved pet and value our relationship with them. There are so many effective and humane ways to deal with canine behavioral issues that don’t resort to such means.

    “America has always been a brighter light for championing the way we treat our animals. And this is not that brighter light.” Humane Society Legistative Fund

    Lock her up!

  • Optional
    195 months ago

    I mean, I wasn’t really confused as to whether she was garbage before.

    • @WhatAmLemmy
      75 months ago

      “Republican …”

      “Ah, a garbage person!”

  • @NeptuneOrbit
    175 months ago

    Any dipshit thing a grandpa might have done? Conservatives think is some sort of commandment from God himself.

    • @NegativeInf
      155 months ago

      Grandpa wouldn’t kill a puppy for acting like a puppy. They would have properly trained their dog, or gotten a different type of dog, or adopted it off.

  • bquintb
    165 months ago

    I keel puppies, am I conservative enough now??

    • SolidGrue
      55 months ago


  • @breetai
    115 months ago

    Shit. It may have been but you don’t talk about it. Much less brag about it. That’s a weird story to tell to get people to like you.

    • cooljacob204
      -185 months ago

      I don’t feel what she did was inherently wrong but yeah you don’t brag about that. Like why does anyone but her and close family know about that…

      • @breetai
        205 months ago

        It’s her story. So who knows if it’s true? I’ve had to put animals down. Most of us have. It’s not something you turn into a story to tell people. It’s a painful experience for most people.

        The way she’s telling it. It makes me think less of her.

      • @njm1314
        135 months ago

        I mean in her own words she bought puppy was too lazy to train it so she killed it. That’s her idealized view of the scenario. That’s the story she’s bragging about. I feel like that’s inherently wrong.

      • @killea
        15 months ago

        In a better world, what she did would be a crime. Shit, it might be one in this world. Just not one that will be prosecuted.

        • cooljacob204
          15 months ago

          So I’m not gonna lie I only skimmed the article when I posted that comment but I read the dog was attacking people. That’s not behavior to take lightly.

  • @seaQueue
    85 months ago

    I’m surprised the ATF hasn’t headhunted her yet, she’s a perfect fit

  • @nutsack
    55 months ago

    what an absolute cunt

  • @BigTrout75
    25 months ago

    What a dumb topic to use for political gain.

  • @Bye
    -365 months ago

    This is some Fox News shit, she had a bad dog that bit people and shot it, big deal. That’s how life is in the country. This seems like sensationalistic garbage to get clicks. M

    Talk about the actual issues. Talk about how these fascists are trying to take over the fucking country. Talk about how they are trying to enslave women’s bodies. Or roll back rights for sexual minorities. Etc etc etc.

    • @Ensign_Crab
      95 months ago

      She’s a psychopath who murdered a dog. It’s not like we’re whining that the green m&m is no longer sexy enough.

    • @kaffiene
      55 months ago

      Basic humanity IS a big deal. Violence towards animals is a predictor for violent behaviour towards humans. It’s completely relevant for judging the character of a potential VP