• @[email protected]
    13210 months ago

    If you didn’t want to get arrested by the ICC maybe you shouldn’t have committed so many fucking crimes you assholes.

  • @Altofaltception
    7410 months ago

    Oh so Israel knows Netanyahu is committing war crimes.

  • @[email protected]
    7410 months ago

    Neither Israel nor the United States recognize the court’s jurisdiction, though any warrants would put Israeli officials at risk of arrest in other countries, including much of Europe.

    That’s a good look for USA. /s

    Once again, we are shamefully shamed by our leaders.

    • @Glytch
      3110 months ago

      It gets better: check out The Hague Invasion Act.

      Long story short congress has given blanket authority to any US president to rescue any American or allied personnel from ICC imprisonment by any means necessary.

      Netanyahu could qualify as allied personnel.

      The US could invade the Netherlands to free Netanyahu from the ICC without any sort of debate.

      • @[email protected]
        1610 months ago

        Countries with good intentions don’t shield themselves from accountability.

        America is a terrorist state.

      • @[email protected]
        1010 months ago

        And NATO would be obligated to defend it, if the Netherlands asks for aid. Could get interesting.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      The story behind it is that Clinton supported it, but it was very close to the end of his term and decided that the next Administration should take it up. Gore 100% would have gone ahead with it. We didn’t get Gore.

      IMO, there are other fundamental issues with the ICC, and they won’t all be fixed by the US signing on. That said, by all means, charge Netanyahu. He deserves it.

    • @stoly
      1010 months ago

      It’s been this way for decades. Some insecure people can’t imagine how the US could ever form part of the international community and instead want to be able to get away with everything all the time.

  • @njm1314
    6710 months ago

    Is it because they’re criminals? Do you think?

    • @Maggoty
      1610 months ago

      What? No. This is a perfectly normal and rational fear. I even keep a can of ICC-Away in my kitchen.

    • @Son_of_dad
      410 months ago

      If that were the case with the ICC there’s also a huge list of people they should have arrested by now

    4010 months ago

    Bibi sowing: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!!

    Bibi reaping: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.

  • Jaysyn
    2610 months ago

    Bibi deserves much, much worse than a cell in the Hague.

  • @Cuttlefish1111
    1110 months ago

    It’s conflicting. I would like to see immediate lethal punishment but also want him to suffer in jail

    • @[email protected]
      1310 months ago

      Ideally I’d like him to rot in jail, and witness better leaders unfuck what he’s done to Israel and the region over the years. Forced to witness his ‘legacy’ dismissed as wrong and torn down.

      • @[email protected]
        -110 months ago

        Israel-Palestine couldn’t be unfucked in Bibi’s lifetime even if the greatest political minds worked on it. The area has been a mess since it was established, and both sides have been working to exterminate the other since before Netanyahu was born.

  • NoIWontPickAName
    910 months ago

    Like I get that 80 years ago something horrible happened, but these guys just keep on and on about how bad t is the only Jewish state in the world.

    Why does that matter? Why is protecting an ethnostate so important?

    • @blazera
      1710 months ago

      I think the biggest factor is, even though we’re talking about Jewish people, its also in christian dogma that jewish people inherit that land. So after ww2 when largely christian nations were restructuring the area, they made sure the jews get their holy land. At the expense of palestinians that werent even involved in the war.

    • @[email protected]
      1410 months ago

      Because the Holocaust happened and although Jewish people weren’t the only demographic to be murdered by nazis, they did face the brunt of it. Add to that a 2000 yr diaspora and you can see why they would like a homeland.

      The problem is Palestinian people lived on that land for 2000 years so they have a right to it as well.

      Imo the best thing to do is divide Israel in half and give Jewish and Palestinian equal portions. But we’re a long way from that happening, if ever.

      • @Maggoty
        510 months ago

        They are hardly the only diaspora that’s been through traumatic events. Ethnostates always end up this way.

      • @Mirshe
        110 months ago

        The thing I’ve seen bandied about is a UN-administrated state combining both territories, policed by UN forces until a proper bipartisan government consisting of Israelis AND Palestinians is elected, ready, and able to take control - and even then subject to “hey we’ll come back if things get bad again”.

  • muse
    910 months ago

    “Hahaha nooo don’t make me find out after fucking around haha lol”

  • Phanatik
    410 months ago

    So… who is going to be marching into Israel to make the arrest?

    • @[email protected]
      1710 months ago

      That’s not how it works. If a warrant is issued then any country that is a signatory is obligated to arrest him if he sets foot in their territory.

      • Phanatik
        610 months ago

        Ah gotcha so he just never leaves Israel or no one ever acts on the arrest warrant.

        • @NOT_RICK
          1710 months ago

          The ICC issuing an arrest warrant would also erode the legitimacy of the administration internationally. A head of state that can’t visit other heads of states tends to become a lame duck, especially when they’re not an autocrat.

  • Uranium3006
    210 months ago

    Israeli officials are coveted by the Hague invasion act, so this could get fun. I say still try and make Biden show his whole ass