Big talker, brave or honest believer? Either way, a strong sentence after being swept by Minnesota

  • @[email protected]M
    2 months ago

    The Beal move was such a team killer similar to the Lakers trading for Westbrook. Not so much a knock against Beal/Westbrook but paying max money for a player that has terrible fit with your other 2 stars and trading the rest of your assets/role players to do it is just brain dead management.

    When the Suns lost to the Nuggets last year they actually won the most games against the champs of any team. The issue was that once the insane shooting from Booker stopped they didn’t have the defense to slow the Nuggets down enough. So why would you then go and trade for a shooting guard that doesn’t play good defense and give up your only good point guard to do it?

    • @acosmichippo
      2 months ago

      i’m sure they figured if they can’t stop the nuggets then they need to out score them. but they drastically underestimated the diminishing returns when stacking three ball-dominant top tier scorers on one another. and drastically overestimated booker and beal’s ability to run an offense.

      Then they compounded those mistakes by hiring a defensive minded coach… who had no defenders to work with.

  • @acosmichippo
    42 months ago

    no thanks, i’m quite happy not having to watch Beal choke in the 4th anymore.

  • TAG
    32 months ago

    So, he is saying that he has a great group of players but everyone around them (coaches, GM, and all the other people he is hiring) are holding them back? That his players would do better if they leave his team ASAP?

  • TAG
    32 months ago

    That leaves the question of what 3 teams he thinks would not take his roster. Denver, presumably, since they have a championship winning roster. Maybe Boston, since they had the best regular season record. OKC has a young team and was the best in the west?

  • @[email protected]M
    12 months ago

    Maybe he means from a starpower and revenue standpoint? Like you can draw more money with KD and Booker. Than say the Pels but the Pels are seemingly stronger and have a brighter future?.. but no money draw players maybe? Or maybe he’s just sipping copium?

  • @Perfect_Cow_9749
    12 months ago

    I am grateful for them trading Toumani Camara to our team. I love his hustle and defense. Thanks Ishbia!