• @Duamerthrax
    825 months ago

    The president made the remark while arguing that Japan, along with Russia and China, would perform better economically if the countries embraced immigration more.

    Oh, well that’s true enough. Japan is crazy anti immigration despite that being a solution to their low birth rate.

    • @[email protected]
      85 months ago

      Yeah but then they’d have ethnically mixed nationally Japanese people, and they don’t want that (especially considering they’ve intentionally done it to other countries they’ve occupied and colonized as a form of Japanization, like Korea).

  • @jordanlund
    765 months ago

    I can’t speak to Russia or China, but Japan has a history of xenophobia going back CENTURIES. It’s not exactly a newsflash.

    • @warmaster
      95 months ago

      True, also: from what I understand, Korea has been historically worse.

    • iAmTheTot
      75 months ago

      Even still, it’s a bit like the pot calling the kettle black.

      • @danekrae
        75 months ago

        That pot better be careful around police…

      • @Reddfugee42
        15 months ago

        Not enough people know about the time when we invaded Canada and raped all their women

  • queermunist she/her
    705 months ago

    Immigration absolutely helps the US economy, because it parasitically siphons all the skilled workers out of other countries that it underdevelops and hoards their labor for itself.

    People think remittances help underdeveloped countries, but labor is the superior of capital, losing that skilled labor is never worth the paltry sums that get sent back home. It’s just another shape that imperialism takes.

    • BarqsHasBite
      5 months ago

      In Canada we heavily base immigration on education. So we’re siphoning off the best educated of other countries. I mean this is just fucking those countries.

      • Dessalines
        95 months ago

        That’s truly one of the worst things about brain drain / educated people moving to the imperial core countries for the high salaries. Global south countries really need educated young people helping to solve their own problems, and Canada and the US rip out their heart and soul.

        At least in tech / programming, a good chunk of us are devoting most of our labor time to not just wasteful things, but actively harmful things, like trying to get people to click on ads, or increasing viral engagement.

        • NoneOfUrBusiness
          65 months ago

          I mean tbf (at least in my case as an Egyptian) it’s not just the high salaries. Maybe Egypt is an extreme case but this country just has no future. The regime isn’t just dictatorial; it’s also dumb. There’s almost no money going to scientific research, the system as a whole was outdated 50 years ago, the military is monopolizing everything and undercutting the market because they can use slave conscript labor and don’t pay taxes, etc etc. I’m firmly of the opinion that this is at least partially caused by Britain’s unwillingness to fully decolonize in the 1920s and their godawful decolonization in the 1950s, but the fact remains that these countries have a duty to their people that they’re not fulfilling, and that’s why brain drain happens.

          As a living example of said brain drain, salaries were near the bottom of my priority list when I made the decision. I was more concerned about living somewhere where I don’t need to worry about being arrested because I said my opinion on the internet (or even just complained about prices) or because I do my prayers at the mosque (I was actually told by my mother to not go to the mosque all the time because I might get arrested. It’s that bad). Below that were things like a sane administration that actually cares about things being even just barely functional, a decent education system and academia and the ability to have confidence that the country will actually exist in 20 years. Living in a wildly different country (especially as a Muslim in Japan as is my case (halal food is a pain to get here)) is such a pain you couldn’t pay me to do it, but it’s hard to turn down actually getting to have a future.

          What I wanna say is that it’s not just the Global South being undercut by the West; many Global South countries are failing at fulfilling their responsibility towards their constituents, and that’s why they’re leaving. Now how much the West was involved in creating this situation is another story, but you can’t reduce it to just high salaries. Global South governments, as a rule, aren’t interesting in solving their own problems. That’s why the problem solvers go solve Western rich people’s problems.

          • queermunist she/her
            55 months ago

            Egypt is also a useful case study, because the US props up its shitty government. That’s also part of how the Global South is underdeveloped, it’s a multifaceted machine that sucks out everyone who can help make the country better and gives support and resources to the people making it worse. It’s not just legacy from the 20’s and 50’s, this is an ongoing problem that is created by imperialism.

            Also when a Global South government tries to solve its problems, such as through nationalizing resources or land reform, the US buries them under sanctions and attempts to make a regime change. This, too, is part of how imperialism underdevelops the Global South.

      • @TropicalDingdong
        35 months ago

        I mean that’s the whole point of the US higher education system, excepting the Republicans (with the help of Democrats) broke the parts of our immigration system that is supposed to take advantage of educating the world.

    • @TheControlled
      45 months ago

      Did you just say people moving to the US for a better life are a part of imperialism?

      • queermunist she/her
        135 months ago

        Don’t misunderstand, the people moving to the US are blameless. Imperialism works by siphoning up all of the skilled labor around the world for itself in order to make life better for people within the imperial core, and this is part of how the imperial nations underdevelop other countries. People get educations in their home countries (often at the government’s expense) and then they take that education out of the country to put it to use in the US (or France or Canada etc). They’re just going where the jobs are, though, that’s not their fault at all.

    • @Shard
      45 months ago

      Except where there’s little opportunity to utilize the highly skilled labor. They are going abroad anyway to find job opportunities befitting of their skill set and the highest bidder. Doesn’t matter if the US or EU took them, they’re leaving because the local opportunity doesn’t exist.

      • queermunist she/her
        65 months ago

        Yes, and the people who could develop that local opportunity aren’t there. They all leave as soon as they can.

        That’s why I said they’re underdeveloped countries. They’re not “developing” in truth, but are being kept from becoming developed. How do you think that happens? In part it happens because of the IMF giving predatory loans and then imposing austerity on the people when the government can’t pay their loans back, but it also happens because labor is the superior of capital and these countries are losing skilled labor.

        I am not blaming them for leaving their countries. I am blaming underdevelopment, which is a product of imperialism.

  • swiftcasty
    5 months ago

    Why am I seeing multiple news reports today about Joe Biden where they remove context to polarize his comments further? This feels, to me, like a new media trend

        • @TokenBoomer
          95 months ago

          CNN is owned by Warner Bros. Discovery, an American company.

            • @TokenBoomer
              25 months ago

              Every news article posted here and across all platforms is public relations, or propaganda. You need / must understand this. There are 1200 stories, graphics, and videos posted per day, just from the Wash. Post. source

              the number includes both staff-produced articles and wire stories, written elsewhere. The *Post *editorial staff itself produces about 500 stories per day, she said.

              Every story is curated in some way as it filters here. Users decide what they deem worthy of posting.

              It’s all propaganda, unless it’s my side. /s

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      About all 3 tbh. China and russia are literally in the middle of committing genocides. Doesnt get much more xenophobic than that lol

  • @[email protected]
    325 months ago

    He’s not wrong but also I believe there’s a saying in English about stones and glass houses.

    • @[email protected]
      215 months ago

      Even the most bigoted parts of the US are nowhere near as xenophobic as Japan. Housing discrimination based on race is still perfectly acceptable over there, many people will refuse to rent to foreigners.

      • @Woozythebear
        25 months ago

        Do you think there isn’t housing discrimination happening in the US?

        Black families often have their homes appraised for less than white family homes.

        Housing applications often get denied if the person has a non white last name.

        Hell, the last time I was looking around for a room to rent I got asked multiple times over the phone. “You’re white right?”

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        perfectly acceptable

        At least some governments in Japan appear to disagree:


        Japan signed the “International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD)” in 1996

        Tokyo Metropolitan Government educates real estate agents on the illegality of nationality-based rental refusals, considering them discriminatory

        And the article itself seems to contradict with those statements…

  • NoneOfUrBusiness
    205 months ago

    I mean he’s not wrong, but where does he expect China to get immigrants from? They’re 20% of the world.

    • livus
      5 months ago

      He’s also cherry picking data. It’s a weird flex.

      The proportion of immigrants in the US isn’t exactly high compared to somewhere like Canada.

      • NoneOfUrBusiness
        5 months ago

        I mean the US is 15% immigrants, or about 50 million people. I know we like to shit on the US but that’s a ridiculously big number.

        • livus
          5 months ago

          In terms of raw numbers thee US has a huge population so it has more of everything, whether that’s immigrants or murderers or doctors or pedophiles.

          In perms of the percentage of its population tho, 15% is somewhere in the middle of the pack, well behind countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Switzerland etc.

          Boasting that you have more immigration than random countries like Japan is just odd.

          • NoneOfUrBusiness
            25 months ago

            Boasting that you have more immigration than random countries like Japan is just odd.

            He’s not boasting; he’s saying that immigration would do a lot to solve their problems; and he’s correct. I hate Biden’s guts but he’s correct here. For context Japan is a notoriously xenophobic country and currently sits at a 2%. They’re not “a random country”.

            In perms of the percentage of its population tho, 15% is somewhere in the middle of the pack, well behind countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Switzerland etc.

            I mean people deciding to come to your country isn’t proportional to your population, or really related at all. It’d be like expecting China to have the same 15% as the US (for context that’d be about 250 million people). That’s just not how that works.

            • livus
              15 months ago

              I agree he specifically called out Japan to contrast with the US because its immigration was weaker.

              people deciding to come to your country isn’t proportional to your population

              Are you saying fewer people decide to come to the US than to those other countries?

              Seems unlikely. Pretty sure the US could let in a lot more immigrants if it wanted to.

              • NoneOfUrBusiness
                15 months ago

                Pretty sure the US could let in a lot more immigrants if it wanted to.

                I mean yes that’s the case for everyone. I’m saying the number of people applying to immigration to the US isn’t four times that of Germany, for example, so even if they accept people according to the exact same criteria Germany will have a bigger percentage.

                • livus
                  5 months ago

                  Are you sure? I’d expect the number applying to the US would be hundreds of times higher than the number applying to New Zealand.

                  I don’t especially love or hate Biden btw, I mean I can’t stand US foriegn policy on the Gaza Genocide but it’s not like their other mainstream politicians wouldn’t have done more or less the same. It’s a real pity the US hadn’t been able to elect someone like Bernie Sanders.

  • 𐕣 C M D R ░ NOVA 𐕣
    135 months ago

    As neat as Japan sounds and as much as I’d like to be there, I mean, he’s not wrong

    I watch YouTubers who moved to and live there talk about how they’re just indefinitely treated like a tourist

  • @nucleative
    75 months ago

    Pretty much every country in the world where citizenship, nationality, and ethnicity are the same thing you find xenophobia.

  • @[email protected]
    65 months ago

    I think “extremely ethnocentric” is a more fair description/criticism of Japan. Close to 98% of their population is ethnically homogeneous, so it kinda makes sense.

  • @[email protected]
    45 months ago

    Partly true about inviting foreigners. Japan has a trainee visa system that is abusive, as they always are, and is designed so that those employees (victims) never get citizenship. And it’s a single citizenship country, because of course it is. But hey, employers are very willing to bring in those laborers, since it’s cheaper than paying what the law requires.

    And you can’t fix demographics with people who only stay for a year or two.

  • @[email protected]
    15 months ago

    I don’t live in Japan. But, I don’t see the issue with Japan being ‘xenophobic’.

    • BNE
      15 months ago

      Broken clocks and all that - but this one only has one hand working at this point. We’re always counting down to midnight, for some reason.

  • @okamiueru
    -45 months ago

    FFS. In a site where “news” = “stupid shit that happens in the US”, can something named “world news” exclude the US? Please? Does it need to be called “non US news”?

    I know other countries are mentioned here. But it’s just the ramblings of dementia.