• @Fuckfuckmyfuckingass
    1 month ago

    I’d trade the fast and furious series for a pack of cigarettes and a sixer.

  • Arsecroft
    681 month ago

    This person is the kind of person that would keep wishing on a monkey paw. The rest of Niell Blomkamp’s movies have been not great, and a sequel would probably be so bad to make the original worse.

    • BigFig
      491 month ago

      What the FUCK did you just say about Chappie???

      • Arsecroft
        341 month ago

        Chappie was bad, and I say that as a Die Antwoord enjoyer.

        • @[email protected]
          421 month ago

          I was Die Antwoord enjoyer until recently when I learned all the recent controversies they’ve been stirring up since at least 2013. It’s worth researching if you’re still riding off that old 2008 MySpace/OG Website high like I was.

        • BigFig
          171 month ago

          I hate Die Antwoord, but Chappie is a good boy and shouldn’t be lumped in with them!

      • @glimse
        231 month ago

        In comparison to District 9, Chappie was pretty awful. I was VERY excited for it but left disappointed. It was so campy and…unrealistic? That sounds stupid to say in the same breath as praise for District 9 but I don’t mean the settings, I mean the stories. The character writing and plot were just not great.

        • @CitizenKong
          1830 days ago

          Unfortunately, Bloomkamp is one of those good directors that mistakenly think they are also good writers (See also: Zack Snyder, M. Knight Shyamalan).

          • @CptEnder
            129 days ago

            Jesus you are so right about those last two.

        • @aquinteros
          730 days ago

          yeah, a dude “figuring out” complete AI in a single night of hardcore coding was super weird

          • southsamurai
            1330 days ago

            That was more a scene of his final night of work. It was still kinda weird, but they set it up so that it was supposed to show that he was working all night, every night on the project, and finally hit the right “code” to make it work.

        • @Skullgrid
          329 days ago

          There’s nothing wrong with that. Johnny 5 ALIVE

    • @JackLSauce
      41 month ago

      Not great doesn’t mean bad. I had fun with Gran Turismo

    • edric
      31 month ago

      He just needs a good writer by his side to keep him in check and reign him in.

  • @Daft_ish
    30 days ago

    Why? The first one was very experimental. They release a second one they are given two bad choices. They continue the original cinematic vision but being a sequel the plot suffers and it fails or they try something new and it falls flat.

    Why ruin a perfectly, self contained, what I would consider masterpiece by trying to expand the universe.

    I would be ok with exploring the world some more but maybe in more traditional heros tale type outline. Even then half the audience will think your getting, excuse the bad joke, “district 10.”

    • @UNY0N
      2630 days ago

      Most sequels are sub-par, agreed. But this story does seem half-finished at the end of the film, a sequel would practically write itself.

      • @[email protected]
        1829 days ago

        Tbh, the sequel is the aliens come back and conquer humanity, but since the whole thing is a metaphor for apartheid politics, the sequel plays into a bit of a different narrative than anti-racism.

        Though it’d honestly be pretty great if the sequel was the aliens don’t come back, but Earth tears itself apart worrying about what will happen if they do.

        • @[email protected]
          29 days ago

          Hold up. People assume it’s about apartheid. Remember all those clips of South Africans saying “they should go back where they come from” in that documentary montage at the beginning? Those were real clips of people talking about immigrants from Zimbabwe. District 9 is about immigration.

          • @[email protected]
            529 days ago

            I’d say more refugees than immigration per se, but yeah, it’s about that too. The great thing about a metaphor about “othering” people is it can apply to a lot of things. Racism, immigration, jingoism, homophobia, etc.

            It’s taken mostly as a metaphor for apartheid because of the, you know, country and the apartheid they did in recent history and the apartheid done in the movie, but there’s plenty of meaning to be found in “don’t be a bigot and don’t let people starve out of neglect and spite.”

        • @UNY0N
          228 days ago

          Actually I thought the aliens wouldn’t come back to conquer earth, that would be boring and a tired trope. I thought it would be about rescuing thier people, and everyone on earth just assumes they are here to invade.

          I’m no screenwriter, and I’m not sure what social commentary would be appropriate, but it just sounds like a fun movie. And Wikus deserves some closure.

      • @Daft_ish
        430 days ago

        They said before making mortal combat annihilation

    • @w2tpmf
      830 days ago

      Not just experimental, but an afterthought made with leftovers of a partially made movie that production failed on.

      The location, props, cgi, and even parts of the story were the scraps of the Halo movie that Peter Jackson started to make before abandoning it.

      The result was an excellent movie, but the circumstances of slapping a new coat of paint onto a half produced film make for a very unique and hard to replicate product.

  • The Snark Urge
    451 month ago

    I would trade six monkey paws for Hollywood to stop being so risk averse

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      But that’s where all the rich people pour their money dude


      • The Snark Urge
        151 month ago

        Privately owned studios should all be run at a loss as a point of pride among the wealthy. “Oh, you’re funding a popular film? For profit? How embarrassing for you.”

    • @glimse
      30 days ago

      [edit] I misinterpreted the intent of this comment to mean the complete opposite - the person I am replying to is NOT saying that there’s no sequel because Hollywood is risk averse so my first paragraph is arguing a point they’re not making, my bad

      I agree with the statement but I feel like you have it backwards. Introducing a new cast and story is a risk, remaking or filming a sequel of a beloved movie is the safe bet they keep falling back on.

      Maybe I’m in the minority here but I’m content that there’s no sequel to District 9. The story was told well and had a proper ending. I loved the characters and world building but I don’t need another story set there unless it was planned that way from the start.

      Maybe it’d be good. I’d love to be wrong. I’ve just been burned way too many times by hamfisted sequels to get excited anymore - especially when the original came out as long as this one

      • The Snark Urge
        330 days ago

        I agree with everything you said, so I’m not sure what I’ve got backwards ?

        • @glimse
          230 days ago

          I interpreted your comment in the context of this post to mean you thought there wasn’t a sequel to District 9 because Hollywood didn’t want to take the risk

          • The Snark Urge
            430 days ago

            Nah, I’m coming down hard on sequels for their own sake. I only really want to see a sequel to anything if the writer has something to say. With some sequels the point of the thing is the spectacle itself (looking at you, John Wick), so that’s alright I guess. There’s room for sequels, but it has to have some reason to exist beyond bankability.

            • @fishpen0
              330 days ago

              I like this thread because two people finished a conversation with reasonable candor without shitting on eachother over a basic misunderstanding and doubling down after realizing they were on the same side but had already gone too far.

              • @glimse
                230 days ago

                Yesterday was a good Lemmy day for me. I had another great series of conversations on another post with people I didn’t agree with and everyone was respectful of each other’s opinions.

              • The Snark Urge
                130 days ago

                Yeah I think that’s how people normally act, the toxic online dynamic is hardly inevitable, like we’re evolving into crabs or something

            • @glimse
              230 days ago

              Ooh my bad, then we are absolutely on the same page. There’s plenty of good sequels but the majority are worse than the original (in my opinion at least)

              You nailed it with the last sentence. Some sequels are made for the love of it and that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re good films BUT the cashgrab films almost never are.

              • The Snark Urge
                330 days ago

                It’s a shame the spotlight is being monopolized by big studios doing reboots and sequels in an age of democratized creative tools and access. Indie and low budget should be having a renaissance. There’s some good stuff coming out of Bollywood too now.

                • @glimse
                  230 days ago

                  One of my favorite movies I watched recently was Anyone Else But Me by Joel Haver and it only had a $4000 budget. A good script and good actors go such a long way

      • @glimse
        30 days ago

        deleted by creator

  • Sagrotan
    3130 days ago

    I raise you the complete Marvel trash heap and several individual “sequels” made in the last 5 or so years. Neill Blomkamp has so many ideas, literally dozens of teasers are on YouTube. Most of them are seriously awesome. Do we really have to wait until all the geriatric Hollywood dinosaurs are dead? And with then their talentless and greedy “protégés”?

  • @CptInsane0
    1930 days ago

    You’re not thinking this through. Bring the Krill into the F&F movies.

    • @CookieOfFortune
      830 days ago

      Yeah and I feel its problem was on the writing and directing. The concept was there but you just didn’t care about characters. They should’ve made the first half a romance, and then the second half about vengeance/redemption.

      • @[email protected]
        29 days ago

        And it was…pretty one-dimensional.

        I feel like the “rich live in the sky, poor live on the wasted earth” was over the top. As opposed to S1 of Altered Carbon which was way better at addressing this trope. The meths were depraved, but you could kinda understand it — they’ve been alive for so long, but want to continue to “feel alive” through ever more extreme experiences.

        • @BluesF
          229 days ago

          Altered carbon had excellent source material to work from. As much as I liked the series, the book soars in comparison.

  • @TehWorld
    181 month ago

    I’d really like them to make a sequel to “The Matrix”

    • @pyre
      128 days ago

      2&3 are good. they expanded the lore to be much more interesting, made agent smith a much more compelling character, threw away the stupid “chosen one” and “freedom fighter” cliches in favor of making the movies more about humanity’s ability to choose rather than compliance and accepting inevitability, and had amazing scenes. i honestly don’t know what people were expecting to see from those movies, but i bet every idea they would come up with instead would be stupid or redundant.

  • MeanEYE
    1030 days ago

    Let’s not dream about that. Lately, all the remakes and reenvisions have been nothing but a quick cash grab and extreme disappointment to all those who loved original works.

    • @DogWater
      730 days ago

      So I saw a blurb about this recently and it seems unfounded. Only 1 place was reporting anything and nowhere else online would corroborate it.

      The last known news before that was the project is currently on hold for an unknown length of time. It may or may not get made. It’s far from certain yet.

  • @Rambomst
    71 month ago

    A sequel called District 10 has been written. About a year ago Neill Blomkamp said he’s unsure about making it now but believes it might be made in the future.

  • @Bobmighty
    529 days ago

    No thanks. I’ve seen the rest of his movies.

  • @[email protected]
    429 days ago

    … wait… you guys wouldn’t trade Fury & Fastest movies for free?

    Turn back from family (and their 58 gear manual car transmissions) and return to space monke!