• @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      Blaming Biden for not using his power and influence as literal President of the United States to stop police brutalizing, arresting peaceful student protestors and violating their first amedment rights***

      • @jordanlundM
        211 month ago

        The President of the United States has fuck all to do with city and state police.

        • @anticolonialist
          -71 month ago

          Was that your same response when those same local and state police were mass arresting, assaulting, and tear gassing George Floyd protesters under trump?

        • @[email protected]
          -81 month ago

          I know, poor little guy is totally powerless. I bet they forced him to come out and make public statements dragging students as antisemitic. Probably gave him noogies until he did it.

          • @[email protected]
            530 days ago

            Got a link for Biden calling them antisemitic (without also speaking against all forms of hate speech)?

            I’ve heard Biden and others say that the protesters shouldn’t be using antisemitic, anti Muslim, or any hate speech. I haven’t heard him blanket call all the protestors antisemitic and only that. That’s what they do on FOX “News.”

          • @anticolonialist
            -51 month ago

            Liberals claiming Biden is powerless to do anything isn’t the best argument for supporting him. ‘hes totally defenseless from republicans, let’s reelection him’

            • @Eldritch
              530 days ago

              Disingenuous ml lying about the situation however is a good reason to support him. Things aren’t good, but ML will absolutely make things just as bad or worse.

      • You can take the stance that POTUS should be trying to influence state leadership, for whatever good that would do; or at least take a public stance on the matter, which he hasn’t.

        You’re getting the downvotes probably because it sounds like you believe POTUS is a king and can force governors to do his bidding. However, I agree that he’s been remarkably consistent in kissing Israel’s ass, and refusing to show any real concernv or sympathy for the Palestinians beyond “maybe Israel is starving too many Palestinian children.”

  • @[email protected]
    -21 month ago

    Ya know, it’s been said that fascism is colonialism turned inward.

    And as this article states, The Biden-Harris Administration has broken down the dividing line between domestic and foreign policy because our strength at home and abroad are inextricably linked.

    It’s just breathtaking how overtly we’re being propagandized with the same old lines. “It’s outside agitators”, “the protests have turned violent”, “the protestors don’t even know what they’re protesting”. They trot out these tired memes over and over, expecting people to lap it up, stay docile, and vote for them in November. It’s all so damn predictable.

    But I don’t think it’s going to work this time. Is it just me, or does it feel more ominous than 2016 or even 2020? It’s like we’re being led off a cliff. And when we go over, the talking heads on TV and Very Smart People will blame the electorate for not going to the polls to pick the right guy. Instead of the “leaders” who thought they could carry on sitting in their big chairs and ignoring the concerns of their constituents, because hey, we’ve got them by the balls—who else are they gonna vote for?

    • Lath
      61 month ago

      Yeah, if people could just gather together and demand that no one will own more than one media type to prevent this kind of monopolistic propaganda machine from forming, that’d be nice.

  • @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    Why all the downvotes? Can you people not deal with reality?

    Or is it all bots, because i dont see any comments explaining your dismay?

    • Hominine
      211 month ago

      People hereabouts know agitprop when they see it and use the voting system to reflect that.

      • @[email protected]
        -31 month ago

        I mean i saw biden explicitly slandering the protests as a bunch of antisemites. I agree that the headline is kinda shit but people should still be critized for their mistakes regardless of your political views.

        • @anticolonialist
          -61 month ago

          They will defend every action from Biden like MAGA does Trump

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      It is not bots.

      It is because [email protected] has a behavior pattern of blaming lots of shit on Biden, and it’s begun (rightly or wrongly) to have the vibe of astroturfing for a while now.

      Most people here will agree that the police deployments at UCLA (my Alma mater, in fact) and elsewhere were extremely heavy-handed and handled incredibly poorly by local officials and police. People aren’t pushing back on these posts to deny the gist of the article. People are pushing back on these posts because return2ozma always seems to put an anti-Biden spin on things.

      I’ve said this before, but I guess it bears repeating here: most rational people - here, and more broadly in the American electorate - aren’t, like, super stoked that Biden is the DNC presidential nominee. That’s fine. Feel whatever frustration, anger, disappointment, or whatever else you want to feel (and frankly, I’m right there with you). But simultaneously, you must accept that the American electoral system has fundamental, intentional design flaws built into it by wealthy landowners (and in many cases, also slaveowners at the time) that date all the way back to the country’s founding, and unfortunately won’t be changing without a constitutional amendment. At the end of the day, if you’re not ok with America not being a democracy anymore, the way the American electoral system works means that you effectively must vote for Biden in the general. A third party vote, or declining to vote outright, increases Trumps chance of winning in a statistically-provable manner.

      Which is a very long way of saying that while return2ozma may ideologically align with a lot of us in terms of ethical and political sensibilities, they’re either relentlessly tonedeaf and consistently ignoring that whole electoral angle in the best case, or in the worst case, making bad-faith arguments because they work for fancybear or something similar.

      As someone who’s struggled significantly with quite existential and fatalistic thoughts about the state of the world in the last few years, I admit I do kinda get it. It’s easy to fall into the negative spiral, and get quite deep before you even really notice. But if this is a mental health related thing, I believe it would very much behoove the user in question to find a professional to talk to about things. It helped me; it might help them.

      But if it’s the worst case and they’re a nation-state actor, none of that benefit of the doubt applies.

      • @Eldritch
        830 days ago

        100% very well put.

        I’m not a democrat. I’m well left of the entire American electorate. There is no one in governance that truly represents me. And as such it’s really easy to not be engaged or excited for anyone for any reason. It’s a bitter prospect to have to deal with this flawed system and try to improve it in any small way you can.

        If Ozma/linkerbaan or any of the others are genuinely left leaning. They are alienating a lot of other lefties. And aren’t offering any solutions. Either they are right wing agitprop, accelerationist ML, or edgy teenagers. (The last two largely being the same thing) Basically as you said. And not someone anyone should take seriously or be influenced by.

        • @[email protected]
          30 days ago

          The fuck are you on about?

          Edit: didn’t check post history. Clearly a troll.

          Edit2: just because I think it’s kinda funny: why is a Trump supporter on a specifically Canadian instance? Did you get banned from @lemmy.world? I bet you got banned from @lemmy.world.

          • @[email protected]
            530 days ago

            Could also be a moron thinking it’s a California instance lul. We have plenty of loud and proud Republicans here. They don’t see the irony in them being free to be loud and proud without being attacked here while they simultaneously attack anyone that doesn’t align with them.

    • Melllvar
      430 days ago

      Not a bot. But also not an idiot, which is the target audience here.