The Wakayama Prefectural Police revealed on May 8, 2024 that Your Name. movie producer Koichiro Itou has been referred to prosecutors for additional violation of Child Prostitution & Pornography law in Japan, after it came to light that he had paid an underage girl for sexual intercourse.

The latest case involved a 17-year-old high school girl from Yokohama. Investigators believe Itou knew the girl was a minor when he paid her 30,000 yen for having sexual intercourse at his residence in December 2023.

He is also suspected of taking and saving photographs of the act.

  • @neatchee
    25 days ago

    Koichiro Ito was the producer, NOT the director who is famous for creating those movies. He collaborated with the studio, he did not write or direct the films. Please do not destroy and undermine these beautiful works of art over a single credited contributor who did not create the films.

    Further, he was only arrested in February of 2024 so the studio hasn’t even had an opportunity to turn down future collaboration with him.

    • @tamal3
      6225 days ago

      Thank goodness. I loved “Your Name” and hope for more films.

      • @neatchee
        1625 days ago

        Have you seen Suzume yet? It’s truly wonderful.

        • Zammy95
          925 days ago

          Seconded. Weathering with You is also good, but Your Name and Suzume are absolutely top notch

          • @neatchee
            925 days ago

            I was so salty when they gave the Emmy for Best Animated Film to Boy and the Heron instead of Suzume. Absolute travesty and so clearly only because of Miyazaki’s name and art style.

            Suzume is honestly my favorite of the three and one of my favorite films of all time. I adore how well all of the fantasy and imagery connects with real human experiences. It comes so close to providing perfectly clear, direct metaphor without actually arriving at it and to me that is the most beautiful type of storytelling: where you can see characters, themes, etc and feel deeply how they connect to your own life but never with a concrete “this thing specifically represents that thing”. You can get really close with Suzume, but it never quite coalesces, leaving you with a powerful story, intense emotions, and a sense of wonder that sticks around long after viewing.

      • @[email protected]
        25 days ago

        Damn. Sorry it has to be you, but i just can’t remain silent, as this agenda of “the creator of an artpice made horrible things, so the artpiece itself is also horrible and therefore must be forgotten” just drives me so fucking mad. I guess it’s hard to cope this thought, but an artpiece is still an artpiece and should be evaluated such. The author itself could be an absolutely terrible person deserving a death sentence, it doesn’t mean his metaphorical child couldn’t be as beautiful as of others. There’s no guilt in admitting it if you remember that even the creation of the most marvelous masterpiece in the universe cannot be an excuse for the creator’s sins. Not to mention this your way of thinking lots of time works other way around, painting famous creators as idols that cannot do nothing wrong. As soon as there will be both morally good and downright awful creators aknowledged of their particularly artistic skills, the aura of some kind of deities around creators of any kind of art will be demistified, therefore they will be finally judged just as any kind of other people, therefore it will be harder for them to cover up the fucked up shit, some of the hollywood directors are known for for example.

        The artpiece should not be forgotten, so the wrongdoings of its creator won’t be forgotten as well. I think its a lot more fair, just and harsh at the same time.

        • @[email protected]
          3725 days ago

          I absolutely respect art irrespective of the artist. The problem arises when said artist continues to profit from my respect of the art. Take as a personal example, JK Rowling and her Wizarding World. I grew up with those books. I love that setting. But I’m not buying any of their merch or their video games or going to visit Disneyland to go to Potterworld because I don’t want Rowling getting her mitts on my royalties. She created a series of books that captivated me and many others as children and I respect the hell out of that. But I’m not going to continue to fund her tirades because of it.

          A movie seems like a similar case.

          • @pixxelkick
            1825 days ago

            Also, often the art itself suddenly changes before your eyes when you review it with a new eye for who the artist has revealed themself to be.

            Like the fact the only asian person in the entire set of books is a girl to serve as plot fodder named “Cho”

            Or the fact that there’s like 2 times that a girl gets specifically assaulted by a masculine representing figure in a girls bathroom while alone. (Troll attacking Hermione in book 1, and Myrtle by Riddle+Snake in book 2), its one of those “If I had a nickel everytime that happened, Id have 2 nickels, which isnt a lot but its weird that it happened twice” sort of dealios.

            The list goes on and on, theres a lot to pick apart in the books if you go back and re-read them. There’s a lot of stuff that makes you pause and go “hmm, what?”

            Like perhaps the “goblins” with pointy ears, sharp teeth, glasses, short statures, who strictly only show up working at the one big bank, and are commented on about hoarding money and acting greedy…

            (Basically a play by play classic set of caricatures of jewish people the nazi party used constantly to dehumanize them… >_>;)

            • @Duamerthrax
              423 days ago


              There’s a lot of issues with Harry Potter and JK writing in general. Even if you want to hand wave the Goblin thing, she also introduces and normalizes race based slavery and only addresses the issue by setting up the only character to have an issue with it as wrong and annoying for even noticing.

          • @[email protected]
            525 days ago

            A fair and completely agreeable point. Thank god piracy exists :)

            P.S. have you heard of our lord and saviour Eliezer Yudkovsky? His turn on the aformentioned saga is actually better than the original imo

            • @[email protected]
              324 days ago

              Is that the one where Harry grew up with Scientist Parents? The way they horrifically killed off Hermione was NOT COOL

              • @[email protected]
                24 days ago

                it wasn’t “not cool”, it was rough as fuck, I was crying.

                Also, tag your comment as a spoiler pls.

                and yeah,

                spoilers for the finale

                they revived her later

                • @[email protected]
                  224 days ago

                  Tbh, I think people should know what they are getting into with this, as that was one of the major moments that led me to stop reading it, if felt disrespectful to Hermione as a character and me as a reader

            • @Klear
              224 days ago

              Wait, Yudkovsky is writing Harry Potter fan fiction? o.0

            • @Dakkaface
              123 days ago

              have you heard of our lord and saviour Eliezer Yudkovsky?

              I have, the weird cult he’s built upn is creepy, and Methods of Rationality is terrible.

          • TheRealKuni
            224 days ago

            or going to visit Disneyland to go to Potterworld

            You’d be sorely disappointed anyway, Disneyland doesn’t have anything related to Harry Potter. That’s Universal.

        • @Duamerthrax
          1324 days ago

          You say that, but whenever I’ve been bother by an artists irl actions, it tends to reflect in the art once you take a closer look.

          Regardless, that’s not the case here.

        • @EmpathicVagrant
          624 days ago

          They said they loved it and hoped for more films, not that they were changing their opinion based on the action of someone connected to it, so I assume they’re just excited that there’s chance for more in the future since this dude was just a producer.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      -423 days ago

      Please do not destroy and undermine these beautiful works of art

      They were visually stunning but the plot was mid at best.

      • @neatchee
        423 days ago

        HARD disagree. You don’t have to enjoy it, everyone is free to like what they like, but all three films are critically acclaimed and adored by fans worldwide for a reason. And no, not all popular media is good media, but these are not popular enough to fall into that category.

        Miyazaki’s movies are more in the “visually stunning but mid” status IMO. Like, Howl’s was great, everything else is meh to me. But I also know that many people love them - including my wife - so I respect that they are good movies.

        • @[email protected]
          723 days ago

          This comment cracks me up.

          but all three films are critically acclaimed and adored by fans worldwide for a reason.

          You start off by pointing to how popular it is, implying that must mean it’s good.

          And no, not all popular media is good media, but these are not popular enough to fall into that category.

          And then you go onto to imply that popular can be bad, but because these aren’t that popular (contradicting yourself), it’s implied that that makes them good. Which is, in and of itself, bizarre. . .as if unpopular media can’t be bad.

          • @neatchee
            223 days ago

            “popular media that is actually bad” typically involves a formula that panders or a franchise that has hit a critical mass where people start wanting to be part of the “in group”. I don’t feel like Makoto Shinkai’s films fit that type of pattern. That’s all I was trying to say (poorly)

        • @[email protected]
          23 days ago

          I was on board until you started talking shit about Miyazaki. Have you seen Castle in the Sky? Fantastic plot and visuals.

          • @neatchee
            323 days ago

            Castle in the sky is definitely one of his better ones. Wasn’t trying to talk shit either. I know people love them and with good reason. I just don’t think they’re all that. Except Howl’s. That movie rocks.

              • @neatchee
                123 days ago

                Yeah I’m a big music nerd and the soundtrack definitely contributes to it being my favorite :D

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          223 days ago

          all three films are critically acclaimed and adored by fans worldwide

          You can get critical acclaim for a ham sandwich with the right publicist. And it’ll have fans worldwide with a big enough marketing budget. In no small part thanks to the obscene ad buys for this film and Suzume, they got exactly that.

          Miyazaki’s movies are more in the “visually stunning but mid” status IMO

          Jesus, this is what I’m talking about. The Boy and The Heron got goose-egg for a marketing budget and people still queued up around the block to see it.

          Meanwhile, I couldn’t make it a city block in Tokyo or Seoul without seeing a ten story tall billboard for Suzume. Makoto Shinkai and Koichiro Itou ape the Miyazaki style, but fall far short in the script delivery. They’re riding Miyazaki’s coat tails with all style and no substance.

          There’s simply no throughline in Your Name or Suzume. Things just… happen. The characters are never well-developed or distinguishable from their stereotypes. The dialogue is awful. Neither hold a candle to Princess Mononoke.

          • @neatchee
            223 days ago

            Wait you actually thought Boy and the Heron had a plot?

            My wife literally has multiple limbs covered in Miyazaki tattoos and even she walked out of that movie going “WTF was that mess?”

            We’ll just have to agree to disagree here. Clearly we have different opinions of what makes for a good story

            • @UnderpantsWeevil
              023 days ago

              Wait you actually thought Boy and the Heron had a plot?

              More of a plot than Suzume, definitely.

              We’ll just have to agree to disagree here.

              The nature of two online nerds talking anime, I guess.

  • @[email protected]
    5225 days ago

    30,000 Yen is only about $300 in USD (using the “move the decimal point” method). That’s a pretty cheap price…but it’s probably going to cost him a lot more, especially if they find any photos

      • @iopq
        6725 days ago

        Yes, but none of the local governments had it at 13, so this is purely symbolic

      • yukichigai
        25 days ago

        If you compare that to the average cost of living in Japan it’s a bit closer to $300 in terms of spending power.

        Either way it’s a lot cheaper than I’d expect to have to pay anyone for sex work, much less something that blatantly illegal.

        Oh, as for the age of consent thing that change just made it a national crime. Every prefecture in Japan had already raised the age of consent to 16 (or higher) well before last year. The only places it didn’t apply were some remote military bases and IIRC the portion of Antarctica that Japan claims. Still a good move but it’s not like Japanese pedos were just having sex with 13-year-olds without consequence before then.

        • @Armok_the_bunny
          2625 days ago

          You know 16 is the age of consent for well over half the US states as well right? Not defending people that abuse that fact, but that is a very common age to use as the cutoff point.

              • @T00l_shed
                725 days ago

                There are Romeo and Juliette laws for things like that, essentially a reasonable age gap.

                • @Xanis
                  25 days ago

                  Yes. However, for everyone that doesn’t understand why the word “reasonable” is important here: When it comes to age differences and sexual relationships, what a “reasonable person thinks” isn’t nearly as important as how a reasonable person might react when laying down a sentence. Sexual misconduct involving the word “Minor”, which immediately brings with it terms like “Coercion”, “Authority”, and the “inability to give consent” tend to receive strong reactions, and strong responses.

                  Basically, if you’re 18 and your partner is 17, be extremely cautious to the point of not becoming sexually active together. This includes videos and photos. People’s lives have been ruined for less. I am not in any way advocating for and validating (or dismissing) large age gaps, only providing information for our younger users who may not realize this.

            • @[email protected]
              425 days ago

              As I understand it this is in place to prevent having to prosecute teenagers for having consensual sex. Which they’re going to do, illegal or not. But if they were one or both below the age of consent they would legally not be able to consent and this would be considered a rape, easily prosecutable by angry parents.

              It is genuinely good that it is this way.

              • Refurbished Refurbisher
                124 days ago

                Makes sense, but does it also make it that, say, 30 year olds can marry a 16 year old? When I hear age of consent, that’s what I hear.

        • Uranium3006
          925 days ago

          that was the national age, just about everywhere had local laws with a higher age already on the books, I think tokyo was 17 or something like that

      • @[email protected]
        -125 days ago

        But that makes it…legal, though, if the girl consented to the sex, right? Or is the prostitution part what makes it illegal?

        • @[email protected]
          1225 days ago

          Prostitution is illegal in japan but individual provinces have a higher age of consent than the country so it’s a mute point anyways. He was being illegal.

    • Silverseren
      1825 days ago

      I certainly hope so. Japan is notoriously light on punishment for pedophilia. They usually just give small fines for people found with child pornography, no matter the amount.

    • @phoneymouse
      924 days ago

      Divide by 150. It’s more like $200 these days due to a weakened Yen.

      • @[email protected]
        124 days ago

        $300 isn’t much hush money, nor does it sound life-changing enough to want to sell one’s body for at such an age.

    • gregorum
      25 days ago

      Do you think that makes it better just because the payoff was cheap? Or that the low monetary value degrades the victims such that you shouldn’t care? Either way, I’d argue that makes it all the more fucking disgusting and horrible.

      If your whole argument is, “oh, but he got a bargain deal on all the corruption and prostitution!” Then you belong in jail right next to this scumbag.

      • @Nurse_Robot
        2625 days ago

        I’m not sure how you misinterpreted that comment so completely

        • gregorum
          25 days ago

          If you don’t understand how someone misinterpreted what you said, start with what you said.

          Because maybe you were unclear.

          • @Nurse_Robot
            1525 days ago

            Okay. I said “I don’t understand how you misinterpreted that comment”. It seems everyone else understood what OP meant (OP is not me by the way) except for you. Instead of admitting your mistake, you’re doubling down on your arrogance, and now you’re attacking me because, once again, you’re confused.

            Maybe you should think before you comment.

      • @morphballganon
        625 days ago

        I think their point was that if you don’t know the conversion rate, you might think he was paying a lot, but he wasn’t. The implication as to why that point was made, I speculate, is because cheap abuse is more despicable than better-paid abuse?

        • @Nurse_Robot
          425 days ago

          I think it was moreso shock that child prostitution is so cheap. We all know that if you have enough money you can buy anything, no matter how evil, but $300 for child sex? Yeeesh, it surprised me how cheap that is

          • @neatchee
            25 days ago

            preface: I am not in any way condoning or promoting sex with minors, nor am I blaming the minor. The assailant is a criminal, deserves punishment, and the victim is just that: a victim

            With regards to the discussion specifically about cost and availability there are a few important things to note:

            1. The victims were not trafficked, pimped, or otherwise “sold” by a third party. The transactions were all 1-to-1 between the victim and assailant

            2. The victims ranged from age 15 to 17, and had a comparatively high degree of self determination and autonomy, including typical societal pressures and desires for money, popularity, etc

            3. Japan has a long history of acceptable prostitution. Brothels are still much more common than in the West and you will find lots of references to “compensated dating” including among teens.

            4. Sex and sexuality is not as stigmatized in Japan the way it is in the West. From idol culture to advertisement, women (and to a lesser extent men) are comparatively more frequently compensated for their sexuality, even if not for sex outright.

            Combined with the fame and access to industry contacts that the perpetrator had in this case, these factors all serve to create a much different environment than westerners are used to and drives the prices for these kinds of interactions down.

            Again, I do not condone or support sexual relationships with minors, nor do I place any blame on the victims. I seek only to inform about factors that may have impacted the amount of money exchanged

              • @neatchee
                325 days ago

                Or I just want to be super fucking clear that this guy is a piece of shit criminal and children being exploited is never, ever okay, despite my recognition of the factual context?

                But whatever, chief, you assume what you want 👍

      • @[email protected]
        525 days ago

        What the fuck are you even on about. You just invented that argument and attributed it to otp, just to argue against it and be mad.

      • @postmateDumbass
        -125 days ago

        the payoff was cheap

        Complaining about the size of the money shot?

        • gregorum
          25 days ago

          Trump was the one who was complaining.

          Trump’s followers like to blame others for things he did.

  • @[email protected]
    4224 days ago

    For those confused about Age of Consent in Japan:

    Romeo and Juliet Clauses apply starting at age 14 to 18 with some small local differences in regions, but an adult over 18 cannot date somebody under 18 without a pre-existing relationship. This has lead to the myth that consent starts at 14, which is false.

    • @[email protected]
      23 days ago

      The misconception is because the Federal law says age of consent cannot be below 14 but it’s up to the prefectures (none below 16 afaik)

      Like how the US has no age of consent, it’s up to the states

    • @EmpathicVagrant
      523 days ago

      Well for one thing you killed time itself, Atheon is livid.

        • @EmpathicVagrant
          123 days ago

          Still. Haven’t. Gotten it.

          I ran that raid like 85 times back in the day and gave up

          • @KredeSeraf
            223 days ago

            I got that and Gjallarhorn in D1 first run getting carried by friends. Never had luck in anything since.

            • @EmpathicVagrant
              123 days ago

              Vex and thousand voices are the ones I’m convinced I’ll never see

      • @[email protected]
        016 days ago

        I’m not a troll, thanks. I merely have a very dim view of adults watching this stuff because it turns out that 90% are obese incel neck beards who turn violent.

  • @[email protected]
    -2925 days ago

    The comment section in that article is cancerous. Lots of defending pedophilia in there. Ugh I feel dirty after reading through it.

    • @Nurse_Robot
      3225 days ago

      There are two incels defending the pedo, not sure I’d call that “lots of defending”.

    • I don’t know about “defending pedophilia,” but I would bring up “death of the author.” There’s no propaganda in the film, and horrible people can create incredible works of art. Art stands on its own own.

        • @neatchee
          625 days ago

          Koichiro Ito was the producer, NOT the director who is famous for creating those movies

        • One of the early thought experiments in art history is this:

          You’re walking through a forest and come open a beautiful arrangement of rocks evoking a sweeping movement, like a bird’s wing in motion. It look’s artificial, but you can see that the rocks could just be there by an accidental result of nature. The effect is captivating, but you can’t tell if it’s man-made or not. Is it art?

          The argument Barthes makes is that the meaning of art is always more a function of the interpretation by the viewer than the intention of the artist.

      • @[email protected]
        -3225 days ago

        I’m not defending the piece of shit pedosexual individual there, but anyway the world it’s fuck’d up!!

        • @Bernie_Sandals
          25 days ago

          I’m not defending

          Then why bring up the victim at all? Really just sounds like you’re justifying what happened by saying “Well she took money for it, therefore consent”.

            • bane_killgrind
              4025 days ago

              Nowadays girls can’t wait to prostitute themselves

              She should have been doing something more productive

              Yo bro this is blaming the victim

            • @Bernie_Sandals
              3125 days ago

              instead of being prostituting herself.

              This is putting the blame on the minor victim, implying the choice was her responsibility to make, and not the fully developed adult.

    • @glimse
      1125 days ago

      Gotta be a troll account pretending to be a generic 4chan incel…right?

      • @irreticent
        224 days ago

        Possibly, but you can’t discount the fact that incels like that actually exist. That’s what’s really fucked.

  • @[email protected]
    -7325 days ago

    Man who makes movie with half naked anime girls who look like children is caught having sex with children? No way. Never.

    • Shalakushka
      7625 days ago

      You seem to be confusing a heartfelt movie animated in Japan with the contents of your “homework” folder, champ.

    • @neatchee
      2925 days ago

      Koichiro Ito was the producer, NOT the director who is famous for creating those movies

      • @[email protected]
        -3325 days ago

        Ok, fine. You’re spamming this all over.

        Is the movie as described or not? I don’t care what his title was

        • @neatchee
          25 days ago

          Not at all! Your Name, Weathering With You, and Suzume are all extremely thoughtful, heartfelt stories with moving characters and deep messages. They are some of the best anime has to offer and I highly recommend them

          The closest thing is in Your Name, a movie about two teenagers who body-swap over long distance. They are different genders and so there is a scene in which the movie explores the awkwardness of the situation. It’s handled tastefully and accurately for what you would expect from a couple of teenagers. (It’s important to note that in Japanese culture the sexuality of teenagers is something that is not stigmatized the way it is in Western culture, and contextually appropriate explanations of that subject are not considered overtly lewd). They do become romantically interested in each other so you can imagine it’s not exactly simple, but I never felt it crossed the line into perverted. You can see a series of screenshots that include a few frames from this scene here:

          That’s why I posted it multiple times (3 to be precise, not exactly spam IMO, in response to misleading comments). These are genuinely masterful works of art and I hate to see them tainted by slander.

        • doc
          1425 days ago

          They’re beating on a ragged anime trope trying to make a joke. Everyone lately thinks they’re comedian. :eyeroll:

            • @ilhamagh
              2125 days ago

              This particular movie? Not at all.

              This movie (Your Name) and two others (Weathering with You & Suzume) use the trope anime boys meet girls to explore the impact of natural disasters which are especially prevalent in Japan

    • @[email protected]
      25 days ago

      Wait was your name like that? It was recommended to me so many times when it came out that I started calling it your rope because of people saying the Japanese title when I didn’t know what they were talking about.

      • @neatchee
        2825 days ago

        Koichiro Ito was the producer, NOT the director who is famous for creating those movies

        And no, Your Name is not like that at all