If a mobile (cell, handy) phone is part of your life, do your dreams include reference to it?

The other night I dreamed that I left mine in someone’s car. That struck me as odd because it may have been the first time one of my dreams included such a reference - even though I’m constantly on my phone during waking hours.

  • @TheFeatureCreature
    284 months ago

    Almost never. And neither do computers in general, now that I think about it. Which is weird considering how much time I spend using them.

    • lettruthoutOP
      94 months ago

      Same here come to think about it. That’s weird too.

  • kindenough
    174 months ago

    Yes and they are always broken. I can never contact anyone.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      84 months ago

      That’s weird. Is it because your simulation server is offline for maintenance?

      • @Noodle07
        54 months ago

        They didn’t pay for premium dreams

  • @Soup
    134 months ago

    I used to keep my phone under my pillow(no night table) with an alarm on it.

    “Stressed” is not lightly used when I talk about how it felt for my phone to go off and not stop. Alarm off, power off, under a pillow, thrown away, even smashed and snapped in two it would always keep ringing because, of course, in the real world it was under my head and never changing. Once I woke up proper and turned it off the silence was painful and I felt so unrested I very nearly cried.

    It’s not an “emotional” nightmare, i.e. it didn’t pull at anything heavy on my mind or anything, but it was torturous as a “physical” one.

    • Flax
      54 months ago

      It’s like when you have to pee in a dream and you finally go and pee in your dream and you don’t feel any better because you have to pee IRL

      • @Soup
        54 months ago

        Thank god you didn’t feel better!

        • Flax
          34 months ago

          Several times I woke up thinking “did I just wet myself” when thankfully I did not

    • @[email protected]
      34 months ago

      I’ve had this same dream but with an old clock radio I used as an alarm. Not even removing the 9v battery would shut it off in my dream.

      • @Soup
        24 months ago

        Haha you get me. But man, just the battery? I would have eventually smashed it to pieces with my bare hands, blinked, and it’d still be there like nothing had happened at all.

  • swiftcasty
    104 months ago

    One time I knew I was dreaming and I dreamt something I wanted to remember when I was awake. So I whipped out my iPhone and opened up the notes tab. I was halfway through writing when I realized it wouldn’t be on my waking life phone when I awoke.

  • @[email protected]
    104 months ago

    Usually not and I always found it weird. In the rare occasion a smartphone appears in a dream it’s always impossible to use, like nothing works correctly. I actually had a dream today where I was lost and Google Maps was giving some very bad instructions.

    Strangely enough I don’t think I’ve ever dreamt of a computer even though most of my day is spent in front of one.

    • Flax
      74 months ago

      I’ve never dreamed of a computer either. I have dreamed of Minecraft though but that was being inside of it

  • Pietson
    94 months ago

    I don’t usually dream but I did have a dream recently where my phone got totally destroyed and it bummed me out since I wouldn’t be eligible for the Google pixel 8a trade-in anymore

  • Tippon
    84 months ago

    I wonder how much your age has to do with it?

    I’m in my mid 40s, and didn’t have a mobile until I was about 19 or 20, and smart phones didn’t become popular until I was probably in my mid 20s. They just weren’t a part of my formative years.

  • @reddig33
    84 months ago

    Yes. But usually it doesn’t want to work (try to dial someone and I can’t dial properly or trying to find my car and Siri or maps won’t work).

    • @YaDownWitCPP
      84 months ago

      This is usually a tell for me that I’m dreaming. I frequently try to check the time only to find that it doesn’t make any sense.

  • @[email protected]
    64 months ago

    Never thought about it till now but that’s strange. I dream often and I spend at least 8 hours working on the computer each day. But I never came across one in my dream. I also never used a phone in my dreams.

  • Drusas
    64 months ago

    Never, and I remember my dreams every night. Interesting question that I had never thought about.

  • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
    64 months ago

    Never, which is weird because I’m on my phone all day long. I never dream about phones or computers.

  • stinerman [Ohio]
    54 months ago

    Yes. In fact I’ve heard that being unable to dial a phone is something that is common in dreams. That’s how I wake up in a lot of dreams. I’m trying to text someone or dial a phone number and can’t do it.

  • @EssentialNPC
    54 months ago

    Generally, no, but it did last night. We had moved into a new house, and we were trying to tell Uber Eats which train station we were closest to so our delivery person could get off at that station before driving to our house.

    We do not love near a train station. It was weird as dreams tend to be.