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No, it’s just about 4,700 km.
Yeah, living in a country you can travel from border to border on a train in 12 hours has some benefits to it
This would be possible in the US also if the government was willing to put money into bullet trains but like whatever I guess.
The people in the meme are at about Seattle and NYC, which is a little over 3k miles apart (by car). You’d need to be going 250mph for the entire 12 hours to make that distance. A quick google search says that the maximum operating speed of a bullet train is 200mph, but tests have been conducted at 275mph.
So, you’d need to go non-stop at 125% max speed to make the trip in 12 hours. Even if you went at 275mph, realistically you’d make a lot of stops along the way, which is going to make the average speed a lot lower. Trains are great, but the US is really big.
Bonus fact: a non-stop flight from Seattle to NYC takes about 5.5 hours.
I love me some bullet trains, but there is a certain distance that makes planes way more viable.
There should be a lot more (and higher quality) high speed rail between cities of moderate distance, however.
Chinese high speed train network operates at 120–240 mph, and their maglev (very short, very expensive, very fast train route from Shanghai airport to the city centre) had the record at 268 mph. Plus, railroad may be slightly shorter due to how it is designed if the road isn’t near straight already.
But yes, 3000 miles is a lot and maybe 12 hours will not be achievable for a long time yet
3k.miles by car? Are miles by train different?
Yes, it depends on where the roads and rails are built and how direct their paths are.
Unfortunately, all the electric train startups were bought up and closed down by diesel train companies decades ago, and the majority of the rail lines are owned by freight companies as well. This is partly why public train transit is so bad: the government has to lease the tracks from the freight companies, who get priority on the lines over public trains, meaning that if there’s freight traffic the commuter rail has to wait for the freight lines to go through first.
decades ago? those people are all dead now. let’s try again.
If it’s germany, if one of you lives in the north and the other in the south, it’s cheaper to fly to Mallorca and meet there.
If it’s the UK it’s cheaper to meet in a random ass village in Lapland. (Or Mallorca).
Yeah, I tried trains in Germany and Italy, the prices were crazy 🤣
Queer folks have a bad habit of falling in love with people on the other side of the country.
I think this is a problem for people of every sexuality.
It’s often especially bad in queer/minority communities because the dating pool is much smaller.
That makes sense. Anybody who has less compatible dating options than average for whatever reason is more likely to run into this.
Yes, but for some reason, there’s a stereotype that this especially happens to lesbians.
Or planet.
[Sighs in time zone ten hours out of sync with crush]
Ah. Thank you.
No, it’s about 2 people talking online, and there’s some 5 billion dish machines distance between them making the travel difficult or expensive
anything but the metric system
Two people met online and live on opposite sides of the country.
Right, but that’s not humorous.
I think for people who have had long distance relationships it kinda is. Like I would say something like that to my ex, but we both knew it was impossible. Sort of a dark humor but you do what you have to do in those situations
My thought was that it’s an obscure joke about the two Washingtons in the USA. Like, the state in the north-west corner is called “Washington” and then there’s the capital city of the USA on the east coast, called “Washington, D.C.”.
But Washington, D.C., is further south from where the person is placed, so I’m guessing not…
I thought it was a u haul lesbian joke
See Also
Lesbian bed death
This has been an informative 5 minutes
I’m an American and also don’t see the humor in it.
I think the joke is your public transport.
No country on Earth has public transportation that would make a cross-continent relationship feasible.
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They’re both in coastal states that aren’t in the southeast, so odds are they’re both blue.
Coming out next fall: RvB: Politics
Just fold the map in half, like in Event Horizon.
Shit worked out fine.
Or a Mad Magazine Fold-In
I wish the East Coast person was in Portland, ME
I had worse one time, met a Quebec girl, she introduced me to a friend, a guy from Martinique. And i’m from France…
Pfft I’m in the us and mine was in Australia. That shit lasted longer than some of our IRL relationships.
Careful with the distance ones. A girl I worked with left her spouse and took her kids to AUS to be with her dream partner; who only forgot to disclose the fact that he was a high level drug dealer. Sometimes you miss out on important details like that, so just be careful.
I’ve been in a long distance relationship for 5 years now, still gong strong!
How do you make it work? I’ve been in a few but after a while the heartache from missing them gets unbearable.
I feel like “making it work” often is working towards a long term goal of living together in the future
It certainly needs a special type of person I think. We are both very independent people for example and we value alone-times.
It helps that we have a common interest that can be shared via the distance: Playing videogames and watching shows like Star Trek together.
Hey there Delilah…
Literally me every time I find someone bearable
These people are mad that it takes a whole day to visit someone in the middle of nowhere. These are clearly children that can’t afford anything or agitators, #DontFeedBears