I seen it on reddit and thought to share it here.

  • @anticolonialist
    424 months ago

    Which means nothing, $15hr was the right number 20 years ago. By the time shithole companies like Amazon adopted $15 hr it was still an unlivable wage.

    • mad_asshatter
      234 months ago

      I saw a documentary on Prime, about Amazon, with ads for Prime, that says you’re mistaken.

  • mad_asshatter
    274 months ago

    TIL (for the bajillionth time) that a fuckton of people can’t define “leftist”, also.

  • @[email protected]
    244 months ago

    The fight for 15 started in 2012, 12 years ago. Inflation alone puts that above 21 bucks in post pandemic dollars, rising with inflation and rising worker productivity should get us to somewhere close to 27.

    • @jordanlundM
      84 months ago

      Came here for this… $15 was a decade ago.

  • @Boddhisatva
    164 months ago

    Those are just sample of the hits on my “amazon working conditions” google search. I applaud any company that pays a decent wage, but not when that same company is forcing their employees to endure unsafe working conditions.

    And let’s not forget that Bezos, in 2023, made $7.9 million dollars an hour by exploiting these employees. I hope that puts that $15 and hour in perspective. In thirteen minutes, Bezos made more than you will probably earn in your lifetime, subby. Forgive me if I’m less than impressed with his willingness to toss a few crumbs from his plate to the people slaving away for him.

    • @over_clox
      64 months ago

      Did Amazon at least provide the bottles to pee in? /s

      I’d post a laughing emoji, but this is only funny on the most fucked up level. ☹️

  • @LovingHippieCat
    4 months ago

    Your title implies that because amazon argues for a 15 dollar minimum wage, just like us leftists do (actually many of us argue for higher now but for the sake of your post, lets stick with 15), that means its a bad thing. I’m genuinely struggling to understand why you thought to post an about article directly from Amazon with your own bs title. Just because a big corporation advocates for the same thing doesn’t mean those things shouldn’t be advocated for. Amazon is also lobbying for the legalization of weed, does that mean that legalization isn’t a good thing? It’s an incredibly flawed argument and if that’s not what you’re saying I’d love to know what you’re actually trying to communicate with this post.

  • @foggy
    144 months ago

    I’m out here arguing for a $26/hr minimum wage.

    Full time work would afford you $1000/week, pre tax.

    So like $600 to $700.

    This is barely livable.

    • @CaptainSpaceman
      54 months ago

      Yeah $15/hr was the push in 2016, now its 25-30 at least

    • @Dkarma
      -64 months ago

      You can make the min wage 1000$ you’re still making min wage. Raising min wage is a red herring. We need to have good mechanisms for people to make ABOVE min wage.

      • HubertManne
        74 months ago

        we really need a maximum compensation like ben and jerries had. 10x lowest compensated worker at the company.

        • @foggy
          14 months ago

          Honestly, I’d even be okay with 1000x, to start.

          When full time wal mart takes home 30k, the Walton’s can settle for 30 mil/year instead of who the fuck knows what. Google says they make $100 mil per day. Like… I’m with you, but baby steps.

          • HubertManne
            24 months ago

            im willing to go with 100 but honestly its sorta sad to say one person is worth more than 100 of another.