Everyone has a dream, /u/JonsJava has achieved theirs.

  • @[email protected]
    429 days ago

    if JonsJava has one million fans i am one of them
    if JonsJava has one fan it is me
    if JonsJava has zero fans its because im dead

    (this is satire its never good to put any person on a pedestal, they do good work tho for which i am thankful)

  • @JonsJava
    326 days ago

    I’ll just leave this here.

    Comments removed:

    Comment: You just admitted to being suckered by someone you think is a troll -or- falsely accused someone of being a troll because you’re desperate to ‘win’ against an anonymous internet stranger. Thanks for the laughs- Bye, Felicia! [Rule 1]

    Comment: >Right. You aren’t worth engaging with. If you believed that you’d just walk away. but you couldn’t help yourself- I’m in your head. Reeks of “need to win” desperation but I love that scent ;) [Rule 1]

    Usually I’d wait for 3 violations, but you were trolling hard in that thread. I only gave a 1-day ban, but wow, I’m flattered that I got a post about me because of it.

    • @stanleytweedleOP
      -226 days ago

      Yeah I get it- you’re comically sensitive and think any form of condescension is uncivil.

      I disagree so ban me from your silly little kingdoms and be done with me.

      • @JonsJava
        226 days ago

        That’s not me, though. I try to keep things civil. If you find it funny to fuck with people, that’s you. If it’s in a community I moderate, I’ll do what my rules say I do. Simple as that. I moderate because people ask for help in moderation, and I try to be fair about it. Some people take it personally, and that’s on them.

        I have nothing against you or your views. I only moderate you when you break community rules. The modlog doesn’t lie.

        • @stanleytweedleOP
          -226 days ago

          Why are you trying to justify yourself to me? Really pathetic, dude. Just ban me.

          • @ThekingoflordaMA
            326 days ago

            So, just to be clear, you don’t want an explanation, you are just here to troll?

            • @stanleytweedleOP
              26 days ago

              If that’s what you think based on what you’re seeing- just ban my account because my post history shows what I do on Lemmy.world. If that’s all ‘trolling’ this place just isn’t for me.

              • @ThekingoflordaMA
                326 days ago

                What are you trying to achieve here? Making us look bad or?

                • @stanleytweedleOP
                  26 days ago

                  It’s a pH test. If I’m too acidic just get rid of me. Otherwise leave me be.

                  nevermind- pretty clear this isn’t the place for me.

          • @tomi000
            122 days ago

            Wow. They are even trying to explain things to you but you clearly never wanted peace from the start. You just came to blame. This is sad and you are right we would be better off with people like you banned

  • @stanleytweedleOP
    29 days ago

    /u/JonsJava is a bit of a petty tyrant in Political Memes but I will say at least they’re not hiding it. They are hiding from it but that’s how you get your agenda done. Potential US Supreme Court nominee if you ask me.

      • @stanleytweedleOP
        -129 days ago

        Who knows. Lemmy mods are unaccountable so they’re just little kings in their little castles, some benevolent, some petty. I’m guessing dude didn’t like that I’m making fun of the ‘Genocide Joe’ crowd but maybe they just didn’t like my username. It’s a Lexx reference but I’m okay with anyone that hates Lexx hating me because I love Lexx.