• kbal
    9510 months ago

    Looks like it’s learned that adding “according to Quora” makes it look more authoritative. Maybe with a few more weeks of training it’ll figure out how to make fake citations of sources that are actually trustworthy.

    • atro_city
      4410 months ago

      Just wait until it starts taking stuff from 4chan, twitch, and twitter. Things are going to be come so much more interesting.

      • sp3ctr4l
        610 months ago

        Google signing a contract with 4chan for data training is actually so stupid I don’t think it’ll ever happen.

        4chan is almost certainly blacklisted from basically everything AI given the sites content and history of intentionally destroying chatbots/earlier 'AI’s.

        • @[email protected]
          610 months ago

          But at the same time they paid reddit millions to train on “authoritative” posts like that one from “fuckSmith” that suggested to add glue to pizza

          • sp3ctr4l
            110 months ago

            Yep and I still barely believe they did so, reddit has a whole lot of stupid.

            Its almost as stupid as Musk buying Twitter.

            Hooray clown world I guess.

    • @danc4498
      810 months ago

      I think it’s also a way of shifting the blame.

  • Aido
    10 months ago

    For some reason I don’t have AI search on my account, but I still get the same answer:

      • @[email protected]
        6610 months ago

        What’s the point in having an AI run the search and present the found answer for you, when you just ran the search yourself and gets the AI finding presented?

        As this point AI helpers are just a layer that hides the details from the original search. It’s useless for this. AI is wonderful for lots of stuff, but this just isn’t it. I used to laugh when people used the Google search box to find Google so they could search in Google, but that is exactly what AI is doing for us now.

        • @[email protected]
          1910 months ago

          Plus the insane power consumption for such a marginally useful feature. Especially given that it’s on by default for everyone using google (as I understand)

          It’s almost like the feature is not ready but they need to show off to their investors anyway. At the cost of user experience and the environment.

          At least with ChatGPT you have to consciously go to their website and use, rather than being the first result of a fucking internet search.

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            Yes, the search engine AI is a very expensive and shitty filter.

            Unfortunately with SEO going nuts these days, it might be necessary to have some kind of spam filter for searching the web just to avoid some of the enshittification created by AI in the first place. Like, the AI goes to Quera and Reddit for answers instead of the marketing links, so at least the answers are less commercial.

            Obviously these “human” sources will eventually or are already shittifyed too, with half the posts there also being marketing in one way or the other.

            I dislike it, but flooding the web with useless crap may be the key to making some better alternative…

        • @[email protected]
          410 months ago

          More eyes on your website, means less on other websites, making your adverts more valuable.

          And when it doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter, because you run the advertising on the other websites too. Bonus: you can penalise rankings for websites that don’t use your advertising network.

        • AFK BRB Chocolate
          210 months ago

          Was having a related conversation with an employee this morning (I manage a software engineering organization). He asked an LLM how to separate the parts of a date in Excel, and got a pretty good explanation of how do it with the text to columns wizard, and also how to use a formula to get each part. He was happy because he felt it would have taken him much longer to figure it out himself.

          I was saying I thought that was a good use of an LLM - it’s going to give a tailored answer - but my worry is that people will do less scrubbing of an answer coming from an AI than one they saw on a forum. I said we should think of it like a tailored Google search.

          For comparison, I googled “Excel formula separate parts of a date” and one of the top results was a forum discussion that had the exact solutions the LLM gave, using the same examples. On the one hand, to get it from the forum you had to wade through all the wrong answers and discussions. On the other hand, that discussion puts the answer given in the context of a bunch of others that are off the mark, and I think make people less likely to assume it’s correct.

          In any case, it’s still just synthesizing from or regurgitating training data.

          • @[email protected]
            210 months ago

            I think LLMs are better for more fluffy stuff, like writing speeches etc.

            Excel solutions are often very specific. A vague question like separating a date can be solved in many ways, using a variety of formulas, the text-to-column wizard, VBA, import queries or even just formatting, all depending on what you really need, what the input is and what locality is used and other things.

            The text-to-column method is great, because it transforms whatever the input is into a date type, making it possible to treat it as and make calculations as an actual date. It’s not always the right solution though, for instance if the input is ambiguous.

            It’s fine that he learned to use this method, but I wonder what he’d ask the LMM in a case where it isn’t the right solution and what it’ll come up with then. He didn’t actually learn to separate a date from the input. He learned to use the text import wizard.

            In my experience it’s preferable to learn these things on a more basic level if only just to be able to search more specifically for the right answer, because there is a specific answer. Having a language model run through a bunch of solutions and presenting the most popular one might just be a waste of time and leading you into a wild goose chase.

            • AFK BRB Chocolate
              210 months ago

              You might have missed where I said it explained both the text to columns wizard and a formula. He used the formula, which is what he was looking for. He’s a top notch software developer, he just doesn’t use Excel much.

              But I agree with your broader point. I keep having to remind people that the “LM” part is for “language model.” It’s not figuring anything out, it’s distilling what an answer should look like. A great example is to ask one for a mathematical proof that isn’t commonly found online - maybe something novel. In all likelihood, it’s going to give you one, and it will probably look like the right kind of stuff, but it will also probably be wrong. It doesn’t know math (it doesn’t know anything), it just has a model of what a response should look like.

              That being said, they’re pretty good for a number of things. One great example is lesson plans. From what I understand, most teachers now give an LLM the coursework and ask it to generate a lesson plan. Apparently they do an excellent job and save many hours of work. Anything that involves summarizing information is good, especially as that constrains the training data.

    • @moriquende
      910 months ago

      So many fruits in the berrum family, can’t believe they even had to google that question…

    • @SlopppyEngineer
      3710 months ago

      “If it’s on the internet it must be true” implemented in a billion dollar project.

      • @[email protected]
        510 months ago

        Not sure what would frighten me more: the fact that this is trainings data or if it was hallucinated

        • @[email protected]
          10 months ago

          Neither, in this case it’s an accurate summary of one of the results, which happens to be a shitpost on Quara. See, LLM search results can work as intended and authoritatively repeat search results with zero critical analysis!

      • @[email protected]
        410 months ago

        Pretty sure AI will start telling us “You should not believe everything you see on the internet as told by Abraham Lincoln”

    • kate
      -110 months ago

      Can’t even rly blame the AI at that point

      • @[email protected]
        1110 months ago

        Sure we can. If it gives you bad information because it can’t differentiate between a joke a good information…well, seems like the blame falls exactly at the feet of the AI.

        • kate
          510 months ago

          Should an LLM try to distinguish satire? Half of lemmy users can’t even do that

          • @[email protected]
            910 months ago

            Do you just take what people say on here as fact? That’s the problem, people are taking LLM results as fact.

          • ancap shark
            110 months ago

            If it’s being used to give the definite answer of a search, so it should. If it can, than it shouldn’t be used for that

    • @Jiggle_Physics
      10 months ago

      It would appear the coconut is the only one they didn’t put the um in though

    • @APassenger
      310 months ago

      Have an angry (and admiring) upvote.

  • @Mrkawfee
    4210 months ago

    There goes my making shit up job.

    • Ekky
      1610 months ago

      Now LLMs are even taking the jobs of professional trolls! What’s gonna be next? The scambots loosing their jobs to LLMs?!

  • Captain Aggravated
    2210 months ago

    I’ll allow that one because it said “According to Quora” so you knew to ignore it.

  • @Treczoks
    1810 months ago

    Looks like AI is lots and lots of “artificial” and close to nothing in the area of “intelligence”.

  • @DarkCloud
    1410 months ago

    “AI” has always been like this… It’s not sentient or rational… It’s not thinking it’s just averaging language… It’s not really AI, it’s a language model.

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      Language models are just one type of AI, so it’s overly reductive to say thay all AI is like this. The computer players in Mario Kart are also AI, for example.

      • @DarkCloud
        10 months ago

        Calculators, books, dna, wildfires and matter too. Expand a definition enough and it becomes less meaningful.

        …and “artificial” as well as “intelligence” weren’t all that well defined to begin with.

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          According to this shit I just made up, 95% of all quotes come from Benjamin Franklin. Using equally loose definitions, my lies are AI.

          See also: Alternative Facts

    1210 months ago

    I for one am enjoying this AI thing at Google. I haven’t had that many laughs from just searching for things.