• @Nightwingdragon
    4 months ago

    Any NDA that has stipulations where the subject can’t voluntarily talk to law enforcement should be considered invalid and unenforceable on its face, with a full investigation to uncover exactly why they don’t want you talking to law enforcement. It’s one thing to say on a person-to-person level to not talk to the police when you get pulled over for a traffic stop or something, but at the corporate level, there would be absolutely no reason to put that in an NDA unless someone is trying to cover something up. (And IMO, an NDA that says you can’t talk to law enforcement is like trying to cover up the murder scene with a blanket that reads “Do not remove this blanket. There are no dead bodies under it.”)

    Seriously, if you’re ever asked to sign an NDA that punishes you for cooperating with law enforcement, do two things: Seek legal advice, and quit immediately. That NDA isn’t there to protect you. I don’t care what they’re paying you in return. You’re essentially being asked to be the fall guy when (not if, when) the shit hits the fan.

  • @njm1314
    24 months ago

    That’s one of the smartest things I’ve ever heard of him doing in his life