I’m rocking the Hifiman Sundaras. What about you guys?

    • @Kaboomi
      31 year ago

      I’m using the 770 Pro, replaced the ear cups for the first time since I got them a couple years ago. Makes a world of difference!

    • Psaldorn
      11 year ago

      After replacing the cable with something lightweight they are truly top tier cans. I own 4 pairs now

    • @cevn
      11 year ago

      Woa, same!!

    • candyman337
      11 year ago

      Same, really love the surprising amount of bass they have for an open back

    • Thr3eThirds
      1 year ago

      8 hours, 5 days a week for 5 years. They are still going strong. Have only had to replace the earmuffs. I love my ATH-M50Xs

    • @Carnelian
      21 year ago

      M40X here! Love them, awesome headset for producing as well as listening

  • scytale
    61 year ago

    The classic: AKG K240

    • @Audbol
      11 year ago

      If you like K240’s check out the Superlux HD681, they are a modern clone of k240’s that fix the problems

      • scytale
        11 year ago

        Oh wow I wasn’t aware of this, thanks! Do you know what “problems” it fixed or improved on? The non-detachable cable is a downgrade to me though.

        • @Audbol
          21 year ago

          Detachable cable is the HD668b. As for the improvements, extends the low frequency response to about 16hz vs the k240 which is about 70hz. evens out the inconsistencies in the highs so it doesn’t have that weird gap valley.

  • ChihuahuaOfDoom
    51 year ago

    Honestly I mostly use my Sony WH1000-XM4s but I have a set of HIFIMAN HE400i that I use when I can sit still.

  • @metasin
    51 year ago

    Sundaras unite! Great headphones with a portable amp for listening in bed for sure!

  • @Pap3r
    31 year ago

    For at least the last 20 years my main cans have been a pair of the Sony MDR-V6.

    • SCmSTR
      21 year ago

      As a kid growing up, my grandparents gave my brother (older) and I each some nice headphones. He got Sennheiser 595s, and I don’t know what I got, But I liked them a lot and brought him to school in my backpack one time.

      Don’t put full sized over ear headphones in backpacks. They break.

      My parents bought me a replacement. Sony MDR-V600. I didn’t know how shitty those were for a very long time.

      They are not the same as the Sony MDR-V6, but I honestly don’t know how different since I’ve never heard the V6. There’s a pretty big price difference and the V6s have way better reviews.

      I miss my V600s. I still have them, but their fabrics are in shreds just from age, and there’s no room in the ear cups, at all. The main cable insulation broke open years ago and I’ve since gotten new headphones…

      But man. That Sony sound, even on my shitty old V600s. Kind of makes me want to get a pair of 7506s or V6s.

      Have you had to repair anything on your V6s?

      • @Pap3r
        31 year ago

        I love a good story about headphones that mean something to someone. Thanks for sharing!

        I’ve replaced the ear pads twice and the most recent one have been amazing. Very light on my head and more breathable that the originals and the first replacements I found. I can find out which one I have on them now and link them here if you’d like.

        I also like to tinker a bit and was looking for a soldering project around the same time I kept seeing everyone with their headphones and cool detachable cables. So I bit the bullet and modded my V-6s with the detachable cable mod. Certainly something I didn’t have to do but it came out great and made these cans even more special to me.

        • SCmSTR
          11 year ago

          I am curious. If it wouldn’t be too much hassle, I’d be interested in what you found are superior.

          • @Pap3r
            31 year ago

            BRAINWAVZ Perforated Replacement Earpads for Sony MDR 7506, V6 & CD900ST with Memory Foam Ear Pad & Suitable for Other On Ear Headphones (Black) https://a.co/d/5z8ZVVe

            These are the most recent Earpads I have on my V-6s.

            No signs of of wear at all and I’ve had them about a year and a half.

  • Lunch
    31 year ago

    Good old Sennheiser Game One, but looking for something new soon.

    • SCmSTR
      11 year ago

      Man I remember when those came out. Heck of a headset, even today.

      • Lunch
        21 year ago

        Yeah it’s incredible how they’re so comfy yet so good even today!

  • @xpewpew
    31 year ago

    HD6XX on a Schitt stack for the home, WF-1000XM4s on the go, and Pixel Buds A for choring.

    That doesn’t stop me from going into the drawer of shame to pull out something else from time to time, but that’s my current rotation.

    • SCmSTR
      21 year ago

      6XX on a Schitt stack is like THE entry level audiophile deal of the last several decades. I’ve suggested that to so many people, all of whom still daily drive and are still happy with it.

  • @DrRatso
    31 year ago

    HD 560s by your mate Senny at home, Koss Porta Pros on the move.

  • @Narauko
    21 year ago

    Rotating between the HD800S, LCD-X 2020’s, and Aeon 2 Noire depending on if I am watching videos, gaming, or listening to music. The Noire’s are the newest to me, and have been getting the most head time while I’ve been on a rock/metal and electronica bent lately. Source is Amazon Music into an SMSL SU-8 to Singxer SA-1. I finally hit my perfect trifecta… until the bug gets me again.

    • SCmSTR
      11 year ago

      I, too, have a pair of 800Ss. Even with EQ, have you ever gotten them to have any sort of slam? Or are they truly incapable of that?

      • @Narauko
        21 year ago

        There is a subjective component there, but I just don’t think Senn’s ring drivers are capable of really digging into a true slam. They are just too refined to do it I think. A bass shelf in EQ combined with a warmer signature and powerful amp helps, but they excel with jazz, classical, orchestral, and electro swing where slam doesn’t matter as much. That was one of the driving forces that caused me to try the Aeon 2 Noire, as even the LCD-X was not quite there to me in the slam factor for some songs. That said, no regrets with either of the 3 as they each complement each other well.

        For reference I also have a Focal Elear (using Elex pads) and a Focal Elegia with Dekoni’s Stellia pads since Focal is known for dynamics and slam. Both are very enjoyable and still get some head time, but were not able to scratch that itch for me on slam. I still want to try the Clear OGs one of these days to find out if they are truly the holy grail that can slam as hard as rumor states.

        • SCmSTR
          21 year ago

          Oh dang. My current daily setup is an Elear powered by a Valhalla2. I also mix audio with them sometimes, so I need them to be reference leveled so I’m not fighting my monitors, and so use that one software, SoundID Listen or whatever to get them “professionally” to flat, and then use EqualizerAPO for minor taste and hearing-loss tweaks (I got COVID in Jan 2020 and after recovering, my left ear, and kind of my right, have permanent 2-4db loss UNDER about 3khz. I had to go to an audiologist. I am very sad).

          I’ve never switched out any parts at all, and have also always wondered how much better the successor Focal headphones in the Elear family are. I’ve heard the Utopia a few times, but it just sounded so damped in the highs.

          I know the tech is constantly getting better, but, after Tyll retired (InnerFedelity), I feel like headphone culture kind of cooled off since there was no anchor point. He wasn’t perfect, but he made those reference charts and measurements that were super helpful.

          • @Narauko
            21 year ago

            The Elear is great, but does benefit from using the Clear’s pads which is all the Elex is. Some places are now selling OG Clear pads for half price now too with the Clear MG replacing the OGs. I doubt my Elear will ever leave my collection, but I might add the Clear some day. How do you like the Valhalla? Always had it on my list of potential next amps, but I’ve never had the opportunity to get hands on with any Schiit gear.

            Sorry to hear about your hearing impact, I’m always concerned about that myself. Thankfully I just get winded super easy now, and who needs oxygen when you have Daft Punk anyway. I kind of get where your coming from, Tyll retiring was definitely an inflection point in the hobby. The new guard of YouTube reviewers (like DMS, Joshua Valor, etc), and with Amirm (audiosciencereview) still plugging along makes me think headphones are going to keep heating up again.

            • SCmSTR
              11 year ago

              The Valhalla is kind of a pain in the ass. It’s a class a amp that uses tubes, and has to warm up over quite a bit of time. It sounds fine, and works well with my Elear and hd800s. But, I did buy it used, and both the on/off switch and the high/low gain switch were broken off by the previous owner somehow. So, to turn it off, I have to unplug it, and to turn it on, I have to poke a small metal object into a hole and wiggle it around until something shorts and it holds and stays on. Soooo I just leave it on all the time. Not great for my electricity bill. But, it sounds great haha.

              Maybe someday I’ll get clear pads and see what the hype is all about. But, until then, I’ve kind of lost connection to any reviewers or whatnot, even basically stopped watching Zeos. I’ve never heard of any of those people you mentioned. Would you point to any one of them as a solid reference point with good taste and a lot of technical knowledge? Zeos was never that guy, as he’s always been more of a hype-train. And while that’s great and all… More than one industry/hobby have lost their leaders (thinking about total biscuit as an influencer and critic for gaming that always pushed for responsibility, much like Tyll).