While President Joe Biden recently said that “no one is above the law”, in response to guilty verdicts in former President Donald Trump’s hush-money trial, his administration is seemingly committed to shielding Israel from accountability at any cost - even if that means tearing apart the rules-based international order.

Biden has so far not only refused to support the ongoing case brought by South Africa at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), but he has actively rejected the preliminary findings of the World Court determining that Israel is “plausibly” committing genocide.

On 10 June, an appellate court in San Francisco will have the opportunity to demonstrate that indeed no one, including the president of the United States, is above the law.

The Center for Constitutional Rights, representing plaintiffs Defense for Children International - Palestine (DCI-P), Al-Haq, Palestinians in Gaza and Palestinian Americans, will ask a panel of judges to reconsider the district court’s decision to dismiss a lawsuit seeking to stop the US government from transferring more weapons to Israel during an ongoing genocide.

  • @jordanlund
    14 months ago

    Being reported with the tags of “op ed” and “why is this allowed?”

    First, op ed articles aren’t banned.

    Second, even though, IMHO, the author is COMPLETELY uninformed about what constitutes Presidential Immunity and an official act (see my non-mod reply 👇 there somewhere), it’s important to note that there IS a court case pending on this:


    So that when the ruling comes down, and the discussion inevitably turns to if it was right or wrong, nobody is going “Wait, why is this the first time I’m hearing about this?”

    Article from the person filing the suit:


  • themeatbridge
    324 months ago

    What even is this?

    Even if the DCI wins this judgement (which, spoiler, they won’t) it won’t stop the US government from transferring more weapons to Israel. It would merely un-dismiss the case, which they would still lose.

    And even if they won their lawsuit, it would in no way hold Biden accountable, legally, politically, or economically, for anything at all.

    Why is this author trying to draw parallels between Trump’s felony convictions and this relatively inconsequential appeal of a dismissal of a lawsuit that isn’t going anywhere? I understand to the DCI and Palestinians, this is an important cause, but it’s not at all relevant to the presidential race.

    Trying to shoehorn a comparison makes it seem like a right-wing hit piece. Either way, it’s garbage journalism.

    • @disguy_ovahea
      4 months ago

      Also, intelligence from foreign bodies is not recognized in US courts. Unless the evidence is submitted directly in trial or substantiated by the State Department, it is considered hearsay, and inadmissible.

      The entire foundation for their argument is flawed. It absolutely reads like a propaganda piece.

    • @LinkerbaanOP
      -184 months ago

      Biden being proscecuted for Genocide is very relevant to the presidential race. Maybe even more relevant than Trump bribing porn stars.

      • themeatbridge
        174 months ago

        OK, but that’s not what this is. Not even close.

        And Trump wasn’t convicted for bribing a porn star to not tell the embarrassing story of their tryst. He was convicted of engaging in fraud to hide the payments. That’s the sort of casual attitude towards the law that makes him unfit for office.

        I’ll grant you that Biden’s support for Bibi makes it difficult to support him, but Trump is an even stronger supporter of Netanyahu, and would be far worse for the Palestinian people.

        • @LinkerbaanOP
          -174 months ago

          Yes hiding payments for pornstar bribes is significantly worse than being complicit in Genocide.

          • @[email protected]
            154 months ago

            Not remotely what they said.

            You, sir, debate in bad faith and should be shunned for the troll you are. You, sir, may fuck off.

          • themeatbridge
            124 months ago

            You say that like Trump isn’t complicit in genocide.

            • bizarroland
              124 months ago

              1 million Americans.

              Actually, more than 1 million Americans died because Trump took the pandemic playbook written by Obama and threw it out the window and refused to follow any of the protocols.

              We don’t know how many lives it would have saved but it would have saved many more likely than not.

              Israel is committing a religious and greed-based genocide.

              Trump committed one just out of pure spiteful racism.

              • @[email protected]
                74 months ago

                It’s also important to realize that if Trump were currently the president it’s likely we’d be sending even more support to Isreal to enact genocide.

              • @anticolonialist
                -64 months ago

                And how many have died after Biden took the Ron DeSantis approach to COVID control and stopped testing, stopped counting new infections, push herd immunity, and open everything back up?

          • @[email protected]
            4 months ago

            This right here is CLEAR evidence that you’re here in bad faith to support Trump.

            Because the rest of the world knows that trumps crimes amount to FAR more than payments to a porn star, and the mere suggestion that you’d compare this with being “complicit in genocide” shows plainly what your intentions here are.

      • @jordanlundM
        34 months ago

        Biden is not committing genocide. I don’t know how many times I have to tell you this. Israel? Absolutely. Bibi? Without a doubt.

        Biden is not ordering it, not acting on it, and not telling a single soldier to pull that trigger.

        • @LinkerbaanOP
          4 months ago

          I did not say Biden is committing Genocide. I will say that Biden is complicit in Genocide. And being complicit is enough reason to get put on trial.

          As for the presidential immunity, Biden is actively violating Leahy law. Him officially wanting to support israel is one thing but falsifying reports that israel is not committing war crimes does not seem entirely legal to me. But as the saying goes, IANAL.

  • @TheDeepState
    74 months ago

    All genocide supporters must go to jail!

  • @[email protected]
    24 months ago

    The US courts? As in the US supreme court? Then one that’s bought and paid for?

    Take money out politics and our court system or they will continue to do whatever they and the corporations want.

    …I just looked up and read “world court” so my rant is a tangent, vut I still stand by it.

  • @jordanlundM
    4 months ago

    Whoever wrote this is completely ignorant of everything we’ve been talking about since the Trump crimes broke:



    “A sitting president of the United States is granted immunity for Official Acts taken as President.”

    Biden, supporting Israel, is an official action.
    Ergo, whatever Israel chooses to do with that support is NOT on Biden.

    Trump, making porn star payments, or witholding secure documents, or trying to overthrow an election, are NOT official actions.

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    Hey look! It’s the person who constantly gets their posts/comments removed for misinformation and op-ed hit pieces, here to share yet another op-ed hit piece!

    “Remember folks! Be sure not to vote for Biden. And here’s why! But ignore the fact that if you don’t, it’ll be FAR worse for everyone up to- and including Palestine! But don’t back me into a corner and make me have to show the math on this, because if you do, I’ll accuse you of ad hominem!!!”

    By the way, didn’t you accuse the mods of being Zionist genocide supporters and threaten to never post here again?

  • @anticolonialist
    -44 months ago

    The court needs to do something, voters sure as fuck wont hold him accountable

    • @[email protected]
      64 months ago

      Voters will either elect Biden or Trump - which of those options do you think will stop the genocide.

      • @anticolonialist
        -74 months ago

        The those voters are idiots for supporting a system like ours

        • @[email protected]
          54 months ago

          Eh, someone is going to be the president and everyone with the right to participate in the election bears some responsibility for the outcome of the election. If we were living in Russia with literal sham elections you can’t do shit… in America we can’t do much but we can do something.

          Given the choice you own the responsibility of how much worse whoever is elected than the other.

          • @anticolonialist
            -74 months ago

            but we can do something.

            And what is that? Study after study has shown our votes mean nothing and politicians only listen to the donor class.

            • @[email protected]
              44 months ago

              In the long term we can vote for better local and state politicians so we can get generally better people in to the Senate and House.

              In the short term you can ask yourself who would be a less awful president out of Biden and Trump and vote for that person.

              • @anticolonialist
                -84 months ago

                Ive been hearing ‘in the short term’ all my life. It’s always ‘the most important election of our lifetimes.’ In the mean time the DNC keeps shifting the party and the country further to the right, while we lose rights.

                Voting for either right wing fascist is gonna be a hard pass, if they want our votes they need to earn them or continue to lose.

                • @[email protected]
                  54 months ago

                  I see a lot more progressives in the house and senate than I used to. We’re slowly pushing out the blue dog democrats… We’re just not there yet.