With how disappointing the latest sequels of famous franchises had been during this first half of the 2020s (except resident evil, yay) I expect GTA to fall a bit short as well…

Like, it’s going to be a good game but it won’t blew anyone away. Also probably is going to be the buggiest GTA at launch. That’s the trend in big games now.

  • TheLugal
    349 months ago

    Nothing ever does.

  • @Visstix
    329 months ago

    It’s gonna be a microtransaction shitfest.

  • @Nikls94
    249 months ago

    Lemme say that:

    If I tell you: The Movie Shrek 2 is the best movie ever made, and then you watch it and it was Ok for you, you’ll say it’s bad.

    But if I tell you the movie Shrek 2 is the worse ever, and you watch it then, and you find it OK, you’ll say it’s pretty good.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      Shrek 2 is both the most ambitious and most diappoining movie I’ve ever seen.

      Never in my life has a movie moved me, like the best bowel movement. in the most disgusting bathroom, of the most luxurious dumpster fire, of my finest hour, on the worst day of my life.

  • @[email protected]
    209 months ago

    I honestly think it will not live up to the levels of hype that the community will build itself up to.

    Coupled with my suspicion that the single-player game will be as barebones as possible, with the goal of funnelling as many players into the next iteration of GTA:Online as quickly as possible, to sell more Shark Cards.

    The good news is that in the end I’ll either be proven right, or pleasantly surprised.

  • @[email protected]
    189 months ago

    It’s arguably the most anticipated game of all time so the expectations are enormous and you can see in this very thread that people are already voicing nagativity and assuming the worst despite it hasn’t even released yet or the devs given any reason to doubt them (GTA5 was great, RDR2 was absolutely epic).

    So it will likely not live up to the hype, but I for one will ignore other people’s butthurt, book at least 2 weeks of PTO at work and enjoy the game.

    • @mostNONheinous
      19 months ago

      Yeah my hype is based on 25+ years experience with the games, not what anyone says about if before they’ve touched it. I’m usually the NO Preorder type, but Rockstar is one of maybe 2 companies that get my money up front without question(until they prove otherwise).

  • soli
    119 months ago

    Do people really expect it to be anything other than just more GTA? The bar doesn’t seem to be set that high.

    • HobbitFoot
      69 months ago

      The problem is what the “just more GTA” is.

      If you are going by titles, GTA 6 is expected to have a reasonably deep single player storyline filled with cultural references. This is what everyone is hoping for.

      If you are going by developer output, GTA 6 is expected to be a mainly online Skinner Box with a shiny new engine to replace the decade old current engine. This is not what people are hoping for.

    • CYB3ROP
      29 months ago

      “just GTA” usually meant setting a standard in the sand box - open world genre. Rockstar are the best at doing that.

  • @[email protected]
    109 months ago

    I kind of imagine it will be the same thing every rockstar game has become. Some pretty ok story with every mission just devolving into a shooting gallery.

  • @ShittyBeatlesFCPres
    109 months ago

    Definitely! Get your hopes up as much as possible and pre-order the mega tycoon edition the second they let you.

  • @[email protected]
    79 months ago

    They don’t have a great track record for work/life balance of their employees, but they’ve been pretty consistent about quality. I just hope they took this criticism from a while back to heart. Like Ubisoft, they’ve found a pattern that works, and they keep making games in that cookie-cutter pattern. They’re really going to have to re-invent their gameplay loop if they want to “blow people away”.

  • @[email protected]
    69 months ago

    I doubt it, but when does anything live up to the hype?

    I reckon it’ll be a decent game, but the multiplayer will likely be worse than GTA 5 as they try more things to get our money and fewer things to entertain us.

    • CYB3ROP
      49 months ago

      RDR2 surpassed it’s hype actually. Look it up the comments in the trailers.

  • @SomeGuy69
    9 months ago

    I don’t care about the hype. I won’t get myself hyped either. I already didn’t like the trailer graphics, which looked kind of cartoonish. The gameplay will show, but they got so many billions from the online mode, that I’m not sure if they even bother delivering a good long singleplayer and not just focus mostly on the online play. I only care about the single player, where I’m not harassed by cheaters and shop popups, begging and nagging me to buy worthless online money.

    Now they probably will provide a single player, maybe even a great one, as RDR2 has shown they are still capable after all. I will probably try the online mode but the last GTA was loading simulator and cheater party. And when I looked how grindy it is to get anything I stopped right away.

    • @w2tpmf
      29 months ago

      They’ve dumped $2billion of that back into developing this game. That’s 4x as much as they spent on RDR2 and about 5x as what they spent on GTAV.

      So as far as “I’m not sure they even bothered” goes, well it seems they bothered quit a bit more than they did on those other games which were both epic.

      • @SomeGuy69
        19 months ago

        We don’t know how much of that was for the multiplayer. I’m probably wrong though, and that’s not a bad thing.

  • @[email protected]
    59 months ago

    I don’t know much about GTA, but I have a hard time imagining GTA6 being anything less than a gigantic success. It doesn’t need to be a massive improvement over GTA5, it just needs to be a noticeable upgrade. The only way I can see it failing is if they get too greedy with their live service model, but even then it’s still probably going to sell like 40 million copies in its first year.

    • 22hp4maa
      29 months ago

      Just because there’s a low bar for guaranteed success, doesn’t mean it will actually be good. There’s a lot of hope and expectations to live up to, and a lot of corporate greed opportunities to resist.

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    5 improved on 4 by not making you drive through a toll booth twice during every mission for the first section of the game and then making you take Roman to the pub, but that was a pretty low bar.

  • SeekPie
    59 months ago

    What I’ve heard is that Rockstar’s games have amazing trailers with less-amazing gameplay. I think it’s quite likely that it’ll be the same this time.

    • @mojofrododojo
      19 months ago

      rockstar understands trailers - and games - need great music and it shows.

      but yeah gameplay heh… the truly R* loyal will love it and spend ridiculous sums, the rest of it will play the story when it’s a few years old and the bugs have been patched and it’s on sale.