• Maple Engineer
    9 months ago

    The libertarians believe that they can make a deal with Trump to support him and help him get elected in exchange for disproportionate power in the next government. They are idiots. Trump is a well known pathologocal liar and fraudster who just ignores agreements and contracts if it benefits him. And in reality, he’s just a useful idiot for the christofascists. They telegraphed their plans (every accusation is an admission) when they insisted that the Democrats plan was to get Biden elected then kill him off to make Kamala Harris president. The GOPs plan, therefore, is to get Trump elected then to kill him and whatever simpleton sycophant he chooses as his running mate and to install the christofascist speaker of the house as president. The libertarians in their naive quest for power are going to install a christofascist dictatorship destroying US democracy and plunging the US into civil war and the world into an economic and social crisis on a scale never before seen in human history.

    They are NOT libertarians. They are LINOs.

    • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
      -19 months ago

      Libertarians rejects RFK Jr. and Trump, they both did a speech in the Libertarian convention, though…

      Check out this video of an inteview with Larry Sharpe, a libertarian in NY: https://lemmy.world/post/16569592

      He goes into more details and the confusion people have on how the Libertarian party works.

      • Maple Engineer
        49 months ago

        The US Libertarians have become right wing extremist stooges. They have lost their way. True libertarianism far more closely aligns with socialism than the racist fascists the US lot support.

        • @Eldritch
          28 months ago

          They were always right wing stooges. Joseph Dejacque would have likely seen Rothbard hung, before ever accepting him as Libertarian. Dejacque participated in the French Revolution, and literally fought against the type of people pretending to be Libertarian today. Jill Stein is just another useful tool of the wealthy.

        • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
          -19 months ago

          Thanks for explaing your thinking process on the matter.

          I would still implore you to watch the video if you would like to learn more about Libertarians and how their party works!

          • Maple Engineer
            9 months ago

            I watched the video. It didn’t change anything about what I said. There is a fraction within the libertarian party that believes that it can leverage a pathological liar and lifelong serial fraudster for power but that would only install a christofascist dictatorship as a result. There is a also a faction that believes that it can leverage a clearly mentally ill vaccine denying and conspiracy believing candidate for power that will only have the same effect. The libertarian party isn’t a real political party. It’s a bunch of right wing stooges and malcontents who call themselves libertarians but are anything but. It’s like North Korea calling itself the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. It isn’t democratic and it’s only for very few of the people.

            The US is in very real danger of slipping into the hands of christofascists and devolving into civil war when the vast majority who don’t want that fight back. The libertarians could be agents of good. Instead they are prepared to watch the world burn in thier naive hunger for power.

            • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
              -19 months ago

              Oh, thanks for taking the time to explain!

              In my end, I thought it had great substance, I learned much more about libertarians and how they work, especially if they are like Larry Sharpe.

              I am not for the duopoly and I think that our current system has already shown to be partly ‘christofascist dictatorship’.

              I have more trust in 3rd parties, nowadays.

              We must not forget though, at the end of the day we can help humanity way more when we ‘focus our actions, time, and resources on Direct Action, Mutual Aid, and Community Outreach.’

              • Maple Engineer
                9 months ago

                If you look at the three great systems in play right now, Capitalism, Communism, and Socailism in the case of capitalism the people do all of the work and all of the benefit goes to the oligarchs and plutocrats, in the case of communism the people do all of the work and all of the benefit goes to the government and kleptocrats , and in the case of socialism the people do all of the work and most of the benefit stays with the people. Modern prosperity libertarianism as expressed by the US Libertarian Party with its support of classism is far more aligned with capitalism than it is socialism. I’ve spoken to several US “libertarians” who believe that they should keep what they make and anyone who can’t afford to eat or feed their children or to get an education or healthcare should simply die or depend on the charity of the “libertarians”. They are also fond of the authoritarian police state which they believe should enforce their, “We have ours.” ideals.

                I describe myself as a socialist libertarian which I feel is FAR closer to what libertarianism originally was. I want to work hard and do well, I want the smallest possible government needed to run the aparatus of the state, and I want it to leave me the fuck alone. I don’t need the government to tell me what I can eat or drink, who I can love or fuck, how I should dress, or what my daughter should do with her body. I am also smart enough to understand that the only solution to a social problem is a social solution. You can’t police an end to drug abuse or crime. You need to address the underlying causes of social issues if you want to affect real change.

                Of course, a LOT of people get rich off social problems so they have absolutely no desire to solve them.

                • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
                  -28 months ago

                  Modern prosperity libertarianism as expressed by the US Libertarian Party with its support of classism is far more aligned with capitalism than it is socialism.

                  Yes, I do not agree with them on that classism.

                  I’ve spoken to several US “libertarians” who believe that they should keep what they make and anyone who can’t afford to eat or feed their children or to get an education or healthcare should simply die or depend on the charity of the “libertarians”.

                  should simply die or depend on the charity of the “libertarians:

                  Well, that is the current system we are living in, are we not, our gov’t safety nets can be seen as ‘charity’, and people label it as such, even if I do not agree with them.

                  They are also fond of the authoritarian police state which they believe should enforce their, “We have ours.” ideals.

                  Oh, I have not seen this, usually the ones I speak with are against big gov’t, that is why they are pro-2A, the right to defend themselves, if the occasion may arise.

                  I describe myself as a socialist libertarian which I feel is FAR closer to what libertarianism originally was. I want to work hard and do well, I want the smallest possible government needed to run the aparatus of the state, and I want it to leave me the fuck alone. I don’t need the government to tell me what I can eat or drink, who I can love or fuck, how I should dress, or what my daughter should do with her body. I am also smart enough to understand that the only solution to a social problem is a social solution. You can’t police an end to drug abuse or crime. You need to address the underlying causes of social issues if you want to affect real change.

                  I agree with your outlook of socialist libertarian!

                  Of course, a LOT of people get rich off social problems so they have absolutely no desire to solve them.

                  If you mean that the people elected, to solve such problems, get rich of it; if yes, then I also agree with this.

                  In the US, we have a similar problem, where organizations and politicians are elected to solve homelessness in major United States cities, and in the end we are just left with people acting like they are helping solve the homelessness problem, but they are getting a really cushy salary in that position while homelessness is still rampant.

    • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
      -119 months ago

      Do not forget to be critical of smears and labels brought about by the duopoly and the status quo.

      We must learn to keep talking and discussing with those that do not agree or think like we do.

      I know we in the US are born into falling for the ‘Red Scare’ tactics and propaganda, while only being taught to become more Russophobic and to grow the Anti-Chinese sentiment, so as to push for more never ending wars for profit.

      At the end of the day, we must not forget that we are fighting for the working class, not the owner class.

      • @Buffalox
        79 months ago

        Being a Russian puppet is all about being corrupt, and not giving a shit about the people.

        • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
          -79 months ago

          Again, it is just another ‘red scare’ tactics used and favored by the duopoly and the status quo.

          I would continue learning on why people do not see it the way the status quo want us to.

          These talking points are again, to push for more endless wars for profit, while the working class continues to die in US proxy wars, that we fund.

          50 Billion dollar deal for Ukraine is also being considered, seems to be funded by Russian assets seized and interest being earned.

          Article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/13/world/europe/g7-ukraine-loan-russian-assets.html

          If you would like to see a video and commentary you do not agree or think like, check this out: https://lemmy.world/post/16566320

          [02:30] Mark Sleboda Joins

          It is time stamped to start at interview.

          • @Buffalox
            9 months ago

            How the fuck is Russia/Putin a red scare tactic? There is NOTHING communist about Russia, Russia is a 100% corrupt autocracy.

            • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
              -79 months ago

              I did not mention or talk about ‘communist’ talking points.

              ‘Red Scare’ tactics are smears and propaganda used to continue to make Russia look like a boogeyman we should be really scared of, while our country continues to fund genocides and proxy wars for profit.

              The owner class of the US continue to have great power in brainwashing the working class, but we must continue to talk and discuss with those that do not think or agree with our way of viewing the world.

              Peace is better, than more endless failed regime change wars.

              • @Buffalox
                9 months ago

                ‘Red Scare’

                Red Scare is literally about communism and nothing else.

                The only ones that make Russia look like a boogeyman are Russians, their insane war against a peaceful country, their attempts to undermine other countries, their corruption and intolerance.
                You do not need to attempt to make Russia the boogeyman, they actually have become the boogeyman even more than when they were communist, at least back then we could believe they had some ideals about standing up for the little guy. Communism just didn’t work very well. Now it’s pure evil to only benefit the Russian oligarchy.

                So being a Russian asset, is clerarly making USA worse than it already is, and clearly preventing progress.

                • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
                  -59 months ago

                  Yes, just looking at the definition.

                  Working class people use language differently than what is just defined by corporations and dictionaries.

                  Language tends to change over time, and I am used it as a general word used to smear and make Russia look like the boogeyman.

                  You do know that the US and Russia are controled by the oligarchy, the owner class…

                  Again, these talking points are used so that we can continue funding proxy wars and so the working class is more open to go to war with Russia and China.

                  We must remember to not just read and watch what the status quo wants us to, it is hard but we should continue to talk with people that do not think or agree with our way of seeing the world.

    • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
      -19 months ago

      ‘Kremlin’, this is just US military propaganda for more endless wars that produces great profit for the owner class, while working class people keep dying.

      Yes, we do have a ‘Flawed world’ and many major systematic problems in our nations, but continuing to vote for the ‘flawed’ duopoly and those that run within them, will continue to make it much worse for the working class.

  • @theywilleatthestars
    09 months ago

    So the candidates are: Might win, mismanaged Covid, supports the guy who’s responsible for bombing Palestinian children Might win, mismanaged Covid, supports the guy who’s responsible for bombing Palestinian children even harder, also supports the guy who’s responsible for bombing Ukrainian children. Won’t win, would mismanage Covid, supports the guy who’s responsible for bombing Ukrainian children.

  • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
    -39 months ago

    Every time the world does something to try to still the hand of murder on the part of Israel, Israel doubles down and commits more massacres. This will not stop by itself, it will only stop if we make it stop.

    • @eatthecake
      39 months ago

      Helping Trump sure won’t make it stop.

      • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
        -19 months ago

        Trump does not need any help.

        The republican-lites are doing a really good job at getting him more popular and re-elected, even after being charged and much more.