What life would you prefer leading, an average but quiet and peaceful life? Or a famous life where you have glamour, wealth and luxurious accommodation.

I’m not sure about you but I’d prefer an average life of content and comfort knowing that while money is good, it’s not everything.

Let me know your thoughts!

  • edric
    139 months ago

    Does the fame require me to work and have public appearances (i.e. celebrity/actor/etc.), or can I be just a rich famous person without it? If it’s the latter, I’d take it. Be rich and famous but will fuck off somewhere on a private residence (gated mansion or island) and just live normally like I do now. Then if I want to travel or watch a concert, being rich gets you privileges like VIP entry where you can avoid the hassle of crowds.

  • @ShittyBeatlesFCPres
    9 months ago

    I’m actually George Clooney. (This is my alt.) And if you think you get a lot of texts from politicians begging for money, try being me. I had to turn on my burner phone for my wife my because her bestie said men with two phones cheat. I was like, “I’m not fucking the entire Democratic Party, Amal. If I gave them my real number, my iPhone would buzz every 2 seconds like this Boost Mobile one. We’d have to use walkie-talkies to plan dinner.”

    Quiet and peaceful is underrated.

    • @[email protected]
      29 months ago

      I’d love if in 12 years or so it’s somehow proven that this is actually George’s account. Would be a great “I was there” moment.

      Same for the Margot Robie account

  • @[email protected]
    89 months ago

    Honestly I can’t see why you’d choose average, non-wealthy. If you want quiet and peaceful, you’re sure to get it when wealthy, just pay for a large residence and security on the outskirts, then stay inside. Use disguises/body doubles when going out. Except for a little organizational overhead, which you can also pay people to do for you, you can have everything you want when you’re famous and wealthy.

    • @MrsDoyle
      29 months ago

      – pay for a large residence and security on the outskirts, then stay inside. Use disguises/body doubles when going out.

      So … you can everything you want, except sponteneity? Or privacy, with all those staff hanging around. And there’d still be some douche tracking your private jet.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        Privacy might be hard. Spontaneity is really, really easy when you have a black card, a private jet and possibly an income stream that runs itself.

  • @[email protected]
    49 months ago

    I prefer knowing that my relationships are genuine and no one is sucking up or trying to get anything from me.

  • @[email protected]
    49 months ago

    Quiet and peaceful.

    If I could be rich but nobody knew, then sure.

    Not into flashy things anyways

  • @extremeboredom
    39 months ago

    I’ve worked for and with some famous people. It doesn’t look like fun, I wouldn’t want it for myself. You’re surrounded by enablers who will reinforce your worst character traits. The public gets exhausting to deal with after a while. Sometimes you’re just having a bad day and don’t feel like taking selfies with random strangers instead of going about your day. Public figures can be difficult to get along with in close settings because of all these reasons and more.

    Wouldn’t want to be one, I’ll happily take their money though.

  • @[email protected]
    29 months ago

    I’m perfectly content with my current average life. Fame would only bring more worries and stress, even if it’d also bring more luxury

  • @[email protected]
    29 months ago

    Average, but quiet and peaceful life and it’s not even close. Being famous sounds like a massive chore.

  • @hoshikarakitaridia
    29 months ago

    Famous enough that there’s a steady fan base listening to my music (a thousand people internationally sounds great to me) but nothing more than that. I want that genuine fandom, where people actually enjoy being in a niche and no one stalks you and generally people don’t know you wherever you go.

    Not even for the money, but just to feel appreciated and to know I have a positive impact on people, that’s all I want.

    If it’s only the two extremes? Yeah I’m totally cool with a quiet life.

  • @[email protected]
    29 months ago

    I want the latter. Being famous and rich will give me the power to spend my wealth on causes that I deem worthy. It will also give me the power to infulence people to some extent in order to achieve my goals.

  • CYB3R
    19 months ago

    I just would’ve been born somewhere else and being middle class. That’s it. I’ve been a poor outsider most of my life and nothing is going to change.