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And we’ll fuckin do it again if we have to
Thug life 4ever
Wow, that one dude is holding a machete. Hard core. The guy on the right kind of looks like Aaron Judge.
Machete guy knows he can gut you like a fish. Dude did his service… but those eyes say he’s been to hell and back.
Yeah, all of these guys have. From my experience, the ones that can still smile afterwards are the ones who are able to successfully compartmentalize their wartime selves from their ordinary life selves.
And if anyone is having trouble with that, talk it out with a professional.
My Gramps had a real problem with that and he dealt with it by not talking much at all. That is not a good strategy.
cOnSeRvAtIvE vOiCeS aRe BeInG SuPpReSsEd!!!