Yes, she’s the Republican candidate for this position.

  • @rockSlayer
    369 months ago

    If she’s sick of people thinking MN is crazy, she should get out of the public eye. People like her, lindell, and Jensen are why people think our state is crazy.

    • @Pronell
      179 months ago

      Inspired by Michelle Bachmann.

    • @cheese_greater
      9 months ago

      Ngl, Minnesota sort of sounds like a questionably legal sex act lol

  • @meleecrits
    279 months ago

    Tarantulas are extremely fragile creatures. She probably killed that poor thing.

    On the flip side, if it’s a new world tarantula, then they have highly irritating hairs that they’ll spray in the air. Those hairs would be more dangerous than a bite, as a spider has little to no interest in attacking an ape 50x its size.

  • TipRing
    139 months ago

    This makes me unreasonably angry. I used to have a Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula and they are super cool and delicate little things who do not want to hurt you (except mine thought my hand was another female spider and would rear up if I reached into her environment).

    Anyway, Tarantulas are amazing and this woman is a psycho who should also be charged with animal cruelty.

  • @just_another_person
    139 months ago

    Wow…I just went down a rabbit hole on this lady, and she seems like she needs to legitimately be psychologically evaluated.

    • @[email protected]
      89 months ago

      We’re reaching a point where anyone who identifies as a Republican needs serious psychological help.

  • @Boddhisatva
    59 months ago

    Well my days of not taking Minnesota seriously are definitely coming to a middle.